To turn display of starlanes on and off, click this button.
To show or hide starships, click this button.
To show or hide the names of items in the starmap, click this button.
To turn on and off the starmap's grid, click this button.
To zoom in on the starmap, click this button.
To zoom out from the starmap, click this button.
Selected Item Name
To rename the selected item, click this text.
Star System Information
When selected, shows information on the current star system in the panel below.
Used to change the effort put into growth of infrastructure, building starships, and research of new technologies.
Ships in Star System
When selected, shows a list of the starships at the current system.
Double-clicking on a star will select this button.
Ship Navigation
When selected, you will see the current course for the choosen starship.
Used to change a ship's course.
Add Destination
To add a waypoint to the course for this starship, click this button.
Set Destination
To alter the selected waypoint in the starship's course list above, click this button.
Call In
When selected, this ship will bring itself to your attention at the start of the next turn.
When selected, this ship will repeat the course above indefinately, instead of calling in upon arrival at the last waypoint.
To remove the selected waypoint from the ship's course list above, click this button.
Delete All
To delete all the waypoints in the starship's course, click this button.
To store the current course in ship memory and retrieve the stored course if there is one, click this button.
Shows the waypoints along this starship's course. The ship's current destination waypoint is shown in bold.
To select a waypoint, click on it.
To look at the starship selected in the list above, click this button.
You can also double-click on a ship in the list to look at it.
Shows the ships that are currently at this star system. Ships with a course plotted are shown in bold, those that will call in are in yellow.
Double-click on a ship in the list to look at it.
Use this lock to prevent the slider to the left from changing while you are moving others.
Infrastructure Growth
Sets the amount of effort you will put into developing your production capacity and supporting your population. The light blue bar is the system's population.
Sets the amount of effort you will put into building new starships. The dark blue bar shows the system's ship-building capacity.
It may take several turns for the star system to adjust to your changes.
Technological Research
Use this slider to set the amount of effort you want to put into researching new technologies. The dark blue bar shows the research capacity of the system.
Manual Control Mode
Selected because you must make changes to your star system manually by moving the sliders above.
To set all unlocked sliders equal, click this button.
To show and hide help balloons, click here.
End Turn
Posts your changes for this turn to the host, and waits for the host to process the moves for this turn.
Same as selecting End Turn from the Game menu.
Display Tech Levels
When selected, the brightness of the objects in the starmap will vary with their tech level. Objects with higher tech levels will be brighter.
Display Defensive Strength
When selected, the brightness of the objects in the starmap will vary with their defensive strength. Objects with higher defensive strength will be brighter.
Display Eminent Danger
When selected, the brightness of the objects in the starmap will vary with the threat of attack they face. Objects in greater danger will be brighter.
Display Growth Effort
When selected, the brightness of the objects in the starmap will vary with the effort they are putting into growth of infrastucture. Objects putting more effort into growth will be brighter.
Display Shipbuilding Effort
When selected, the brightness of the objects in the starmap will vary with the effort they are putting into building new starships. Objects putting more effort into shipbuilding will be brighter.
Display Tech Research Effort
When selected, the brightness of the objects in the starmap will vary with the effort they are putting into research of new technologies. Objects putting more effort into research will be brighter.
Display Production Levels
When selected, the brightness of the objects in the starmap represents their production capacity. Objects with a greater production capacity will be brighter.
To zoom the starmap to fit into the available space, click this button.
New Starships' Destination
To have all new starships built at this star automatically head to a particular destination of your choosing, click this button.
Patrol Mode
Patroling starships are better able to defend star systems than ships that are simply docked in the system.
Hunt Mode
Starships on Hunt mode will automatically attack any enemy ships that come within range of them.
Display Ownership Only
When selected, all objects in the starmap will be drawn with the same brightness. Ownership of the objects will be shown by their color.
Event Report
This window lists all of the events that occured last turn. Double-click on an event to replay it, or single click to select the affected object.