Text ta' See is a small text searching program which allows one to search inside text files for up to eight different words/phrases at a time. Once search is complete Text ta' See will display the found set of files in descending order as to how many of the search strings each file matched. Once a particular file is chosen Text ta' See will display the full path and other pertinent data about the file such as; creation date, last modification date, size and creator. Text ta' See will also show snippets of text offset like »this« or the entire document in a separate window with the search strings displayed in bold red type. One can further narrow the search by re-searching the found set for another group of words/phrases.
New features in version 2.0;
• Doc viewer opens entire document in separate window with search strings displayed in bold red text.
• Text viewer shows a 50 character snippet with search strings offset like »this«.
• Integrated instructions steps user through use of application.
• Background search mode allows user to work on other tasks during long searches.
• Reveal feature brings file and parent folder to the desktop.
• Processing gauge assures program is still working during searches of large files.
• Memory requirements cut in half from vers. 1.
• Redesigned user interface.
• Stablility greatly improved.
To use Text ta' See simply unstuff and go to work. The program is pretty intuitive, however a small manual is included.
Text ta' See is shareware. $15 USD per single user.
Please send comments or bug reports to kdvail@exploremaine.com and please visit my site at: