Wintel costs up to 4 times as much to service, according to me. (I believe me, and no-one else. Trust anyone in the computer industry at your peril) My firm ( uses hundreds of Powerbooks, and just about every desktop Apple have ever made, going back to the 512. If we had the same number of Wintel laptops we'd have to spend twice as much on hardware and 3 times as much on service. That's about 4 times as much isn't it? Perhaps your FD could explain. (There's a 'paste function' menu item in the new Claris update with some functions I'd love to know how to use but the whole thing is way above my head...Our FD does it.) No contest really. In niche markets, if you use a Mac you've got a chance, if you use Wintel you have to struggle that much harder.. If you've only got one or two units then it doesn't matter what OS you use, but as soon as you spend big bucks on more than 5 people then you're effectively denying yourself an extra person if you use Wintel. Maybe not in your branch, but that's true for what we do, so I bet other people share that opinion.
Part Four - How using a Mac saves money?
Think relevant.
Q During the processes described above, what type of practical assistance or advice is available from Apple?
A Nothing. FOFYM - Find out for yourself, mate. [unless on their site]
Q Why is using a Mac cheaper than Wintel?
Q Try again. What is the Mac's in-built advantage?
Q Do we see roadshows from Apple offering to help small businesses solve real-life on-line, on-site problems?
A Hahahahahaha!!!
Q Is there anyone you can talk to from Apple about all this?
A No [they can't spare the time to speak to 1984 about these issues]
Q Why not?
A Apple personnel are far too busy talking to each other and going on courses to bother with awkward scumbags like customers.
Q Do Apple do anything to help inexperienced potential buyers, such as teachers, ex-civil servants, soon-to-be-made-redundant office staff, working-from-home partners of self-employed people, pensioners, adult literacy groups, members or secretaries of sports clubs, prisoners, librarians, young offenders, victims-of-Windows changeover buyers, authors, poets, songwriters, budding film-makers?
A No. Don't be silly. Look. Apple make things. They don't sell them.
Q Well what about help for handicapped buyers? Surely?
A No. Zilch. That program was cancelled in 1986.
Q What about young people leaving University?
A Get real. I mean, really! What a question! Students!!!! Are you mad?
Q Schoolchildren?
A Don't be completely stupid. What do children know about computers?
Q I thought there was a new scheme?
A There is. You can read about it in MacWorld. That's as far as it goes, so far.
Q Foreign aid charities? Greenpeace? Anti-bypass campaigners?
A Oh please…this is getting ridiculous. All right. One final question.