As web administrator of 1984 OnLine, I have heard a lot of thoughts about 1984 and a host of other Macintosh ezines. The response I have had from cover CD users is that when trying to read specific issues or articles, they have to search through many different CDs to find what they want – wasting time and energy. From the internet side of things, comments go along the lines of “Downloads are too big”, “This download is very slow”, “I can’t afford to download this”, which makes me worry. Is 1984 losing readers or are the 1984 readers not getting what they need as easily as possible?
We listen to our readers and I have decided to solve this problem by publishing the 1984 CD. This CD is available to all 1984 readers, world wide for a small fee.
Note: 1984 is a NON-profit ezine and all the proceeds of this CD will go towards the maintenance fees involved with our site and improvements to our services.
On the CD you will find every issue of the ezine, right back to Issue 1[latest issue will depend on order date].
You will also find special offers on Shareware and Freeware. On the current CD we have offers on Food Chain (10% discount), Think Different (Free to 1984 readers), Scorpion BarCode 1.40 (10% discount) and Mac Gloss.
To order the 1984 CD simply, print out this page OR copy the details and send it to the address shown below: IF you are in the UK it is £6 per CD BUT if you order two CD's or multiples there of it’s £5 per CD [hey, saving even more money]
Sorry, we only accept US cash as we cannot cash American cheques. Price includes postage.
Please make UK cheques payable to: “Paul Hughes” .
For More information you can contact me on the following:
Phone: (UK Number) 070 4403 8783
Please send all correspondence to the following address: