When you select a Macintosh font for download, it will be in ‘stuffit’ format [of some sorts], download it to the deasktop. Unstuff.
Inside you will see a suitcase file, which holds the information about your new font. Now, open up your Hard Disk from its icon in the upper-right corner of your desktop and look for the system folder:
Double-click on the system folder. Drag your suitcase icon into the font folder. You now have access to this font in all your programs. You will have to close and restart any current applications if you want them to use the new font.
They're coming
Quake 3: Arena. Madden NFL 2000. Star Wars Episode I: Pod Racer. TRIBES II. Diablo II. Fly! Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen.
Some of the most highly anticipated game titles are not only coming to Macintosh but will be released simultaneously on Macintosh and Windows. Why are all the leading game developers so bullish on Mac?
Because Apple is doing everything it can to make Macintosh the best place to play games. That's why most of the people who attended the E3 game conference in Los Angeles last week had just one comment after stepping in front of a PowerPC G3-equipped Mac: "Whoa."
The best book for font resources could be:
Web Works Typography
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