MacDirectory is one of the web's most popular Macintosh sites. MacDirectory offers searchable practical information on all aspects of Macintosh tools. Over 600,000 Macintosh users visit the MacDirectory web site each year. Over 1.2 million Macintosh solutions are available (information is updated several times daily).
MacDirectory Online stats:
Ô£ø Over 1.2 million Macintosh solutions
Ô£ø 600,000 users each year
Ô£ø Received 5 awards for design/content
Ô£ø Updated daily (4 times)
About MacDirectory Print Editions
First published in 1993 MacDirectory print editions are designed specifically to meet the needs of one audience: Macintosh users who buy and use Macintosh computer products and services.
MacDirectory Award winning publication, is distributed to a tightly focused audience (89% registered non-paid subscribers) who are decision makers. These subscribers are obtained from BPA Audited direct personal requests.
In partnership with Apple Computer, MacDirectory is also distributed to everyone who attends an Apple-sponsored event including all major industry trade shows and seminars (MacWorld Expo, Seybold, Internet World, Comdex).
General Information
MacDirectory is published quarterly and reaches over 50,000 qualified subscribers.