Check this option to filter out all images whose size matches these dimensions. “Filter by Image Size” in the View menu must be “on” (checked) for the filter to work.
Check this option to filter out images by all or part of a URL. “Filter by URL” in the View menu must be “on” (checked) for the filter to work.
Use this popup menu to specify which part of the URL you want the new filter to look for.
Use this popup menu to specify whether the URL filter text must exactly match the URL or only be contained within it.
If you wish, you may modify this filter text now. You may also modifiy it later in the Image Filters section of the Preferences dialog.
Click “Cancel” to close this dialog without creating a new filter.
Click “OK” to close the dialog and create the new filter. If you wish, you may later modifiy it in the Image Filters section of the Preferences dialog.