This photo was taken by me in October 1995 when attending a Russian linguistics* conference, arranged by the University of Oslo, at the Gaustablikk** Høyfjellshotel near Gausta (or Gaustatoppen) mountain, Telemark county, Norway. The image included here was taken from a Photo CD, and is of middle resolution (I’ve also included a few low-res images from the same film).
I do not know whether this is of any use to you, but IMHO it’s a nice view, and of an almost Tolkien-esque landscape.
Any non-commercial use is, by the way, authorized by me, the photographer…
Per Christian Jørgensen
* A seminar on Pskov county, Russian Federation, dialects, if any should be interested…
** The last element of the name of the hotel, ‘blikk’, means in itself ‘view’…