* system requirements now: MacOS 8 or later and ColorSync 2 or later
* support for larger TGAs added (on MacOS X)
* convert event supports now invisible conversions
* JPEGs can now be resized to match a special file size
* EXIF information can now be copied to the comment window
* HTML catalog creation improved
* Liberty IM import added
* PGPF export can now export 8 bit images for old clies, too
* DXT1/DXT3 import improved
* trim with alpha channel works now
* crash with incomplete PNMs fixed
* crash on clipping import fixed
* bug in AppleScript save fixed
* copy and paste bug on Carbon fixed
* IPTC import of JPEGs with incorrect tags fixed
* hang in slideshow fixed
* bug in "Convert" on MacOS X fixed
* option to reload file list before looping a slideshow added
* CMYK warnings will no longer appear during AppleScript commands
* Endless checkbox in movie options window will now work correctly on MacOS X
* bug in ZIP/TIFF import fixed
* text conversion in convert improved
* view at max size and show hide toolwindow options added to AppleScript dictionary
* IPTC export can now export into single files
* possible crash in the browser fixed
* drag and drop of non rectangular selections will now work as exspected in the Carbon version
* copy slices of HTML MAP added to the context menu
* bug in RAW export fixed
* other changes and bug fixes
Changes 4.4
* long filename support in open and save of images added (carbon only)
* move up option after deletion of a selection added
* import bug for grayscale tiffs with alpha channel fixed
* url import from psd files added
* DrawIT PDB import color table problem fixed
* autolevels added
* HPGL import and export bug fixed
* option to save files with original date added
* option to delete original after save as added
* PICT import color detection improved
* flatten alpha channel uses now the current color settings
* JEDMICS C4 import added
* possible crash after editing JPEG comments in the browser fixed
* bug in ppat export fixed
* date time stamp added
* TIFF import wit zip compression added
* TWAIN aquire works now on MacOS X
* PCX export bug on MacOS X fixed
* delete files works now with remote volumes that doesn't have a trash
* keyword separator can now be changed
* grab with space added in grab window
* slideshow bug fixed
* saving 32 bit BMPs (with alpha channel) added
* possible browser crash fixed with option "Open in same window"
* PGPF export works now in convert
* EPSF preview display bug fixed in the browser
* TIFF import improved
* bug in FireViewer export with no compression fixed
* multipage FTS files can now be splitted into single frames with convert
* possible crash during opening corrupt NASA raster metafiles fixed
* possible crash in wmf conversion in convert fixed
* possible crash in catalog creation fixed
* bug in saving large tiffs fixed
* bug in saving large TGAs fixed
* bug during previewing icns files fixed
* bug in resizing images in the layout fixed
* corrupt JPEG notes will now be added to the log file
* scrollbar bug fixed
* display bug in the browser fixed
* other changes
Changes 4.3
* Sony Clie PGPF import and export (with and without compression) added
* New Picture with Clipboard will now support images with alpha channel
* TGA comment saving improved
* b3d import added
* import of active layers of PSD files added
* GraphicConverter will no open and resize windows with looking at the dock
* browser can now display the EXIF information in the preview pane
* the browser correct now type and creator of AVI movies to make them QuickTime viewable
* IPTC import will now ignore invalid double IPTC tags
* comment editing bug of JPEGs with very large EXIF tags (more than 32768 bytes) fixed
* file selection bug in convert on MacOS X fixed
* browser can now display huge and thumbnail icons
* support for menu sharing can now be enabled/disabled (Classic version)
* copy and paste improved
* movie creation bug on the root folder of MacOS X fixed
* some display bugs on MacOS X fixed
* file selection bug in the browser on MacOS X fixed
* possible crash during using the magic tool on MacOS X fixed
* bug in automatic DICOM import fixed
* possible bug in 8 bit tga import fixed
* descending index option added to rename
* internal changes and other bug fixes
* possible crash during savings slices on MacOS X fixed
* possible crash during GIF animation creation on MacOS X fixed
* drag and drop open bug of WBMPs fixed
* idle time of auto convert can now be defined
* open recent bug fixed
* crash in browser during display of 0 byte images fixed
* possible crash during drag and drop fixed
* bug in creation of previews of high resolution images fixed
* internal changes and other bug fixes
Changes 4.2.1
* support for video grabber cards added
* lossless JPEG rotation will now correct the EXIF entries
* JPEG save can now swap the APP markers
* set desktop pattern works now on MacOS X
* ftp upload added to the context menu of the browser
* scroll to click support added on MacOS X
* support for uncompressed NAA/IPTC images added
* support for import of new Windows XP icons added
* zoom supports now up to 1000%
* display of grid with high zooms added (as an option)
* PhotoCD import added to the carbon version
* carbon aquire support added
* convert to quicktime can now read the movie box from the first image
* goto command added to the slideshow
* update bug in the browser fixed
* split color channel command added
* bug in reveal in finder command on MacOS X fixed
* multipage printing bug fixed
* possible crash during editing iptc in the browser fixed
* error message display during applescript execution fixed
* error message during preview generation added (if the disk becomes full)
* possible pict import bug on MacOS X fixed
* possible hang during display of two previews in the browser on MacOS X fixed
* possible crash during opening resource files on MacOS 9 or later fixed
* option to fit the window content always to the window added
* bug in set selection with ratio fixed
* other changes
Changes 4.2
* possible crash during editing the alpha channel fixed
* drawing of recording points added
* open with application selection supports now the .app extension
* cursor navigation in the browser improved
* preview creation of JPEGs in the browser much fastened
* crash during savings slices fixed
* refresh bug in the browser fixed
* possible crash in the slideshow during trying to open an app fixed
* possible crash after zoom in of very small images fixed
* browser can now display two images side by side
* slideshow with find can now be limited to a folder
* import of Canon CRW added
* bug in saving the TIFF date/time tag fixed
* DICOM detection bug fixed
* .pct extension added for PICT files
* support for import of XWD files with bad color table added
* import of SFF format added
* possible crash during application switching on MacOS X fixed
* volume/folder for temporary files (i.e. catalog) can now be set in the preferences
* detail window will no be updated during rotation with line
* detail window will no be updated during moving a selection with the cursor keys
* import of new DrawIt files (grayscale) added
* Diskus conversion will now work in convert, too
* inversion option added to twain import
* high quality scaling can now be selection by AppleScript
* slideshow and convert from folder in the browser added
* bug in numbering of catalogs with a lot of pages fixed
* possible rle bug in CCITT 4 compression fixed
* translation in the SGI export options corrected
* possible crash during working with alpha channels fixed
* TIFF export with alpha channels exports now the tag 338
* movie export can now ignore sub images
* copy and paste bug with texts on MacOS X fixed
* image window bounds can now be changed by AppleScript
* print catalog supports now subfolders
* print catalog can now print the iptc caption
* comment window remembers now the last width and height
* bug in fixed tool position on MacOS X fixed
* bug in resizing the comment window fixed
* refresh bug fixed in the browser
* other bug fixes and changes
Changes 4.1
* JPEG2000 import added (PPC and Carbon only)
* Diskus YUV import and export added
* PNG export bug with tEXt chunk fixed
* import of Nokia .pict files added (export with option .logo possible)
* unsharp mask added
* TIFF import improved
* support for ColorSync profiles during printing added
* cicn export adds now a mask (if available)
* PBM export and import support now the comment
* VPB export improved (16:9 support added)
* aspect ratio in selection can now be swapped with the shift key
* create preview in the file selector works now correctly for all selected files
* hide extension option added (supported with MacOS X 10.1 or later)
* unregister and put on desktop can now be disabled for large central installations
* drag and drop in the browser with command+option key will now create an alias (like in the Finder)
* PCX export uses now the default windows color table for 1 bit images
* DICOM batch conversion can now use the userdefined values for all images
* BMP will now export 1 bit images with the default color ordering
* rename by date/... supports now different languages
* rename dialog in the browser improved
* IPTC batch insertion creates now Photoshop compatible JPEGs
* convert supports now drag and drop of a folder to the dialog
* resolution change changes now the window status correctly
* drag and drop can now drag and drop to the top left by preference
* incomplete JPEG notification can now be disabled
* lock/unlock added to the context menu in the browser
* display of locked status in the browser added
* convert protocol displays now the complete file path
* possible crash during printing of GIF images with a bad color table fixed
* possible crash with text box and MacOS 8.5.x fixed
* printing bug (catalog) with MacOS X fixed
* replace error dialog in the browser supports now deletion of the file
* crash on opening files without read access fixed (carbon)
* calculation bug in html catalog creation fixed
* inversion bug in TWAIN import of 1 bit images fixed
* bug in live feedback of the layout fixed (MacOS X)
* bug in trash new fixed
* bug in trashing multiple files with MacOS X 10.1 fixed
* bug in finger tool and MacOS X fixed
* bug in rotation in slideshow fixed
* bug in selection with aspect ratio fixed
* bug in TIFF alpha channel from transparency creation fixed
* bug in reveal in Finder fixed
* bug in recent items fixed
* bug in PICT segmenting fixed
* bug in catalog printing fixed
* bug in window arrange in the carbon version fixed
* bug in colorsync profile handling fixed
* bug in saving large TGAs fixed
* bug in TIFF 16 bit import fixed
* bug in layout & carbon fixed
* other changes and bug fixes
Changes 4.0.9
* FireViewer PDB 16 bit and type-2 support added (import and export)
* cicn export added
* scrollwheel support under MacOS X added
* html creation supports now IPTC caption
* html catalog creation improved (sharpen, links, dialog)
* slideshow improved (open, print, rotate left + right) added
* speed of drag and drop under MacOS X improved
* PBM import and export improved
* JPEG 6 performance under MacOS X improved
* Carbon version requires now CarbonLib 1.3.1 or later or MacOS X
* live resizing of the image window under MacOS X added
* BMP import improved
* JPEG performance improved
* swf import (with QuickTime) added
* help tags added (Carbon version)
* save as added to the context menu in the browser
* insert IPTC will now work with long captions
* plist resource added to the carbon version
* concat will now clear the free places
* print catalog added to the context menu in the browser
* last tool can now be remembered
* print catalog options improved
* QuickTime single/multiple frame export improved
* lasso will now update the detail window under MacOS X
* redraw bug in the browser fixed
* extension detection improved
* crash in the slideshow fixed
* scrolling bug fixed in the browser
* concat tif applescript command added
* possible freeze after application switch in convert fixed
* bug with drag and drop of folder from the desktop onto GraphicConverter fixed
* bug in changing iptc copyright of multiple files fixed
* undo works now correctly with treshold function
* save on UFS disk works now correctly
* support for a TIFF variant added
* paste bug fixed
* bug in layout fixed
* bug in gamma change fixed
* file size in the browser will now be updated after preview creation
* bug in aquire again fixed with scan wizard
* crash during saving a Storyboard under MacOS X fixed
* crash in saving 2 bit files as ascii fixed
* protected disk detection works now in the Carbon version
* undo for change resolution added
* shortcut conflic for slideshow with search fixed
* bug in keyword reading fixed
* save as files will now be remebered in open recent
* factor option added to the slideshow
* language improved
* bug in EPSF bounding box reading fixed
* bug in dpi detection of ACORN files fixed
* English translation improved
* Preferences button added to the save dialog
* crashed during saving of JPEGs with QuickTime compression fixed
* bug in open Script folder under MacOS X fixed
* performance of lossless JPEG rotation under MacOS X much improved
* bug in slide show with find under MacOS X fixed
* other bug fixes and changes
Changes 4.0.8
* PGPF import added
* LOGO import and export added
* csource import and export added
* DeltaVision import added
* TBCPlus import added
* ScreenShot Hack PDBs V1.5 import added (support for Handera and Sony CLIE)
* Freehand 10 preview import added
* FaxExpress import improved
* Acorn import much improved
* PNG support improved (type 0 export, type 6 import)
* pbm export improved
* DrawIt PDB import added
* Monkey PDB export will now save the comment into the file
* support for import of tiled uncompressed TIFFs added
* support for QuickTime image import improved
* combine option added to the context menu
* detection and error handling of corrupt JPEGs improved
* CMYK support for Photoshop aquire plug-ins added
* mode menu item added to the picture menu
* B&W DCX files will now imported correctly if the color table of the file is corrupt
* perfomance under MacOS X improved
* optional full screen preview added to the effects
* option to set the TIFF photometric interpretation of b&w images added
* option to save the images with the MacOS X standard creator '????' added
* option to import only the first page of multipage TIFFs added
* anti alias of text works now correctly under MacOS X
* smart rotate option before printing added
* combine batch command added
* icon and preview creation will now work with files with less than 4 pixels
* concat in convert will now save the files in the selected file format
* printer driver compatibility of the Carbon version under MacOS 8.6-9.x improved
* detail window improved
* carbon version will now place the plug-in and scripts folder in the Application support folder under MacOS 9.x and in the Library folder under MacOS X
* IPTC AppleScript support improved
* enter key of powerbooks works now correctly in the iptc dialog
* live scrolling added to the preferences
* IPTC writing into JPEGs is now full compatible with newer versions of Photoshop
* loop after setting the grid to 1 or lower fixed
* printfolder applescript command added
* paste at {..,..} applescript command added
* crash under MacOS X after add/remove margins fixed
* crash after opening QTIFs with a wrong color table fixed
* possible crash after quitting GraphicConverter on some MacOS versions fixed
* possible file corruption in the browser after changing IPTC and move/copy fixed
* possible save crash under MacOS X fixed
* crash in slideshow under MacOS X fixed
* redraw bug in the size pop in the window fixed
* make new window added to AppleScript
* wrong numbering in the slideshow after delete/move fixed
* double redraw bug rotation in the browser fixed
* rotation bug (math) under MacOS X fixed
* GIF options dialog fixed in convert
* language bugs fixed
* bug in overlay grid fixed
* bug in level applescript command fixed
* bug in reading the transparent color of GIFs with a wrong color table fixed
* bug in saving large JPEGs fixed
* bug in html catalog creation fixed if the source path is identical to the destination path
* bug in set format from name for identical extensions fixed
* bug in comment saving into TIFFs fixed
* bug in saving very large JPEGs fixed
* bug in GATAN file detection fixed
* bug in random slideshow mode under MacOS X fixed
* bug in FAX CCITT 3 import of TIFFs with rowsperstrip=1 fixed
* bug in create icon applescript command fixed
* bug in change comment applescript command fixed
* bug in level command with batch fixed
* bug in change resolution applescript command fixed
* bug in PICT catalog creation with the carbon version fixed
* other bug fixes and changes
Changes 4.0.7
* MonkeyCard and MonkeyLogo import and export added
* Photoshop import with 16 bit per channel added
* minimize window and show all added to the carbon version
* IPTC dialog improved (return key behavior in the keywords and categories)
* transparency will now displayed under MacOS X
* change resolution without recalculation added to AppleScript
* acquire import will now cancel if the plug-in return a 1
* acquire import will now use the color profile (if the plug-in returns one)
* option to show hidden files/folders in the browser added
* option to set the creation and modification date of converted files to the original date in convert
* rotate will now use the background color for the unsused areas
* workaround for Photoshop import with brightness layer added
* JPG import with buggy EXIF tags will no longer crash
* cosmetic bugs unter MacOS X fixed
* default size of the convert dialog under MacOS X corrected
* icon bug with 256 colors under MacOS 9.1 or earlier fixed (carbon version)
* carbon version improved
* preferences item in the GraphicConverter menu is now active (MacOS X)
* note about TWAIN added
* note about printing added (MacOS 9.1 or earlier)
* possible crash in catalog creation on MacOS X fixed
* possible error -50 after paste fixed
* possible display bug in the scale dialog fixed
* possible inversion in EPSF import fixed
* bug in the browser under MacOS X fixed
* bug in import of JPEG images with a width of more than 1600 pixel fixed
* bugs in the slideshow fixed
* some dialogs under MacOS X corrected
* other bug fixes in the MacOS X version
Changes 4.0.6
* carbon version much improved
* swf export added
* crash on opening JPEGs that look like a PICT fixed
* fill tool supports now the pattern
* color table correction can now be disabled
* iptc information of TIFFs with mixed tags will now be imported correct
* possible crash with MacOS 8.1 or earlier fixed
* creation of 128x128 thumbnail icons added
* lossless mirroring of JPEGs added in the browser
* bug in zoom selection fixed
* other bug fixes
Changes 4.0.5
* psp import added
* moving of selection without content simplified
* possible inversion fixed
* treshold function will convert the image now to 1 bit
* recording of mouse clicks added
* IPTC dialog can now fill the caption writer with the default user
* MAYA import will now import the alpha channel (if available)
* possible error message after Photoshop import with ICC profile fixed
* JPEG quality can now be set with the + and - keys
* AppleScript support improved (brightness, contrast, saturation, hue)
* GATAN import supports now 16 bit unsigned
* direct IPTC support for TIFFs added (import and export)
* PICT import dialog will no longer blink
* split support improved
* PDB export improved
* TIFF support for variant tiled/lzw/prediction added
* LuraDocument import added
* Photoshop EPSF files with ASCII or binary encoding can now be imported without an helper application
* import of IPTC and ICC information from EPSF files with Photoshop header
* import of IPTC from Photoshop files without ANPA resources
* color table of image will now be corrected if it is not Apple like (first color white, last colo black)
* margins dialog improved
* bug in paste window applescript command fixed
* photoshop preview support for interlaced bitmaps added
* shortcut for first scan plug-in added
* compatibilty with Photoshop scanner plug-ins improved
* bugs in html catalog creation fixed
* epsf import with Ghostscript improved
* other changes and bug fixes
Changes 4.0.4
• CMYK to RGB conversion much improved for TIFF, JPEG and Photoshop import
• ColorSync profile import from JPEG and Photoshop files added
• merge option to IPTC change in the browser added
• segmented printing support on more than one page added
• autolevel AppleScript support added
• smart trim option to print added
• VOXEL import improved
• Photoshop plug-in support improved
• plug-in folder can now contain one level of subfolders
• overlay grid function added
• printing options will appear in a new dialog on small displays
• FireViewer PDB creation improved (check the save as options)
• option to print without the date added
• space bar for panning added
• DICOM import improved
• support for ico variant improved
• PLT import improved
• memory requirement for printing reduced
• possible PrvLock error message fixed
• unselect all shortcut added
• PICT import bug fixed
• WMF import bug fixed
• copy will now use the transparent color
• IFF import and export improved
• possible crash in psd import fixed
• resave without icon will remove the custom icon flag
• possible crash with invert selection fixed
• catalog creation can now correct the extensions
• bug in undo of gamma change fixed
• bug in zoom in/out fixed
• bug in inversion of IMG fixed
• bug in undo of alpha channel changes fixed
• bug in set dimension by applescript fixed
• bug in saving GIF animations with custom color tables fixed
• bug in TealPaint export fixed
• bug in savings PNGs on 68K machines fixed
• bug in crop region fixed
• bug in import/export of color tables fixed
• crash during use of Photoshop filters with selections fixed
• other enhancements and changes
Changes 4.0.3
This was a special German release
Changes 4.0.2
• red-eye filter added
• WBIN MacWavelet 2d import and export added
• TealPaint export added
• option to set the bit import offset of 16 bit TIFFs added
• comments will now overlay the images in the slideshow
• comments display in the slideshow will now use the font settings of the preferences
• slideshow supports now tenth of seconds for the timing
• delete in the browser will now move the image to the trash
• option to sort slideshow per folder or for all files added
• option to open last browser after program start added
• option to separate all layers of a Photoshop file into separate files added to convert
• cancel during scanning with Photoshop compatible plug-ins work now
• AppleScript supports now wwwready save feature
• other AppleScript enhancements
• JPG and LWF dialogs will now fit into 640x480 diplays
• redraw bug in the toolbar fixed
• display bug of the splash screen with old macos systems fixed
• context menu for the storyborad improved
• error message during import of 2 bit png files fixed
• update problem in the browser with identical folder names fixed
• new default display option added
• crash during import of rotated HPGL texts fixed
• crash during import of rotated WMF texts fixed
• redraw bug in the preferences fixed
• possible crash in the browser fixed
• bug in 2 bit PSION import fixed
• bug with clicking behind the last button fixed
• bug in display with zoom fixed
• bug in slideshow list with less than 10 images fixed
• bug in resetting colors fixed
• bug in aquire again fixed
• bug in drawings elements outside the window fixed
• other bug fixes and changes
Changes 4.0.1
• FireViewer PDBs import and export improved (support for color, version 3 and large files added)
• import of TealPaint PDBs added
• import of ScreenShot Hack PDBs added
• set origion option added (click on the coordinates and click after this in the image)
• quality of previews improved
• naming to split function added
* support for a BMP variant added
• twain compatibility improved (I hide now the toolbars during the scan operation)
• silent option for open command with AppleScript added
• cursor improved during drawing line and other elements
• option to set compression ratio display added
• invert dimension option to max size batch added
• GraphicConverter hides now the toolbars (if the Window Manager 2.0 is used) during printing to avoid problems with printer drivers that are not compatible to the new Window Manager
• inversion bug with PCX with MacOS 8.1 or earlier fixed
• bug in the filter handling fixed
• bug during saving large PCX and TIFF files fixed
• bug after cancel of rotation fixed
• bug in selection files by typing the name in convert more fixed
• bug in progress bar during plug-in filter fixed
• bug with offset during drawing of very thick lines
• bug with display in the slideshow fixed
• bug with undo after plug-in filters fixed
• bug in split function fixed
• possible crash during display of the splash screen on old systems fixed
• crash during preview of VISE archives fixed
• other bug fixes and changes
Changes 4.0
• import of Z04, Z08, Z16, Z24, Z32 added
• PNG gamma tag import/export added
• import of CUR added
• gamma dialog improved
• TIFF import improved
• AppleScript support improved
• PICT detection improved
• preview display of EPSF files in the browser improved
• slideshow changed (works now in one large window, tool icons - required for carbonizing)
• slideshow supports the shift space key to go one image back
• slice saving optimized
• crash during import of some iff animations fixed
• display bug in the overview window after rotation fixed
• bug in fit to screen option fixed
• support for a TIFF variant added
• crash after opening corrupt JPEGs fixed
• printing bug with large images fixed
• catalog printing bug fixed
• bug in fit to screen display fixed
• handling of bad GIFs improved
• error during saving of dithered xpms fixed
• twain aquire of scans with color tables added
• bug in saving PICTs with alpha channel fixed
• bug in saving the resolution value of JPEGs with QuickTime fixed
• option to delete source images after conversion added
• crash after printing catalogs with more than 100 images per page fixed
• compatibility option to LWF export added
• borders will now visible after rotate (if active)
• bug in folder selection in the browser fixed
• endless loop option added to the movie window
• bug in level command with grayscale images fixed
• bug in add/remove margins of animations fixed
• convert of pict resources will now extract the name and resource id for the name
• html catalog dialog improved
• batch scale supports now the high quality scaling
• bug in concat of large files in convert more fixed
• ctrl click added to preview area in the browser
• detail window is now resizeable (with MacOS 8.5 or later)
• bug in SPC import fixed
• resize progress bar displays now a title
• new folder is now possible in the source folder of the convert dialog
• content of the resource fork can be copied from the source file
• ico creation will now create a mask from the transparency (if available)
• better error messages will appear with low memory
• file format dialog in save as dialog will now display the extensions
• support for export of very large (width) PICTs added
• better detection of corrupt Photoshop files
• lossless JPEG rotation does now preserve the EXIF and IPTC information after the rotation
• possible crash after image rotation with low memory fixed
• bug in import of b&w sgi fixed
• bug in printing of large images fixed
• option to set the printing behavior while printing large images added
• before/after option to lwf export dialog added
• bug in windows ico export fixed
• bug in preview of MPGs in the browser fixed
• multipage TIFFs will now be opened with the display factor of the preferences
• bug in WWW-Ready checkbox fixed
• additional option to print catalog added
• border option to html catalog creation added
• quality in JPEG save as option is now editable
• bug in import of raster metafile fixed
• fax decoding will now check for a correct content if the suffix is .fax
• support for import of wrong exported tiff previews added
• option to write resources with the index of the original file name added
• support for rotation of large images added
• lowsrc option will now check for length of the filename
• printing of multpage files that are preencoded added
• bug in import of TIFFs with corrupt packbits compression fixed
• range for sharpen edges improved
• option for lossy/lossless rotation added in the browser
• icon for default colors added to toolbar
• bug in import of alpha channel fixed
• preview creation of images with transparency improved
• trim and trim selection are now separate functions
• bug in comment window with MacOS 8.1 or before fixed
• import of new First Publisher art format added
• JPEG preview compression added (as an option)
• JPEG save as dialog has now a before/after part
• GC remembers now the settings of the footer in the browser
• plug-in folder will be default to the GraphicConverter plug-in folder if the path is not correct
• trim and trim selection are now separate functions
• import of cri images added
• IFF images with color cycles will no be imported as a GIF animation
• bug in QL4 import fixed
• export of CUR added
• add/remove margins works now with GIF animations
• spelling/translations corrections
• export of Apple File Icon added
• get/set of JPEG options added to AppleScript
• delete of slideshow folders added
• swap in batch rotation fixed
• error reporting with corrupt TIFFs improved
• saving of comments to PNG files added
• GraphicConverter remember now the browser window position
• many internal changes and other bug fixes
Changes 3.9.1
• CVP import added
• support for Frontier shared menus added
• support for LZW compressed TIFFs with Fillorder 2 added
• bug in alpha channel to image fixed
• bug in lwf conversion with convert more fixed
• bug in split with count 1 fixed
• bug in rename fixed
• bug in remove margins with negative numbers fixed
• bug in TWAIN support fixed
• bug in multiple selections with intersection fixed
• bug in invert selection fixed
Changes 3.9
• LWF (LuraWave (R)) import and export added
• open and display of QuickTime movies added
• saving of QuickTime movies to single frame images added
• SNX import added
• Fuji BAS import added
• Fuji BAS IMG import added (you have to open the associated inf file)
• magic pen added
• support for import of CCITT 3 TIFFs with a lot of zero codes added
• support for import of TIFFs with 16 bit color & grayscale added
• support for opening clp files from NT based systems added
• copy as x-face command added
• applescript support improved
• invert selection command added
• multiple selections are now possible with the shift key
• optional frame added to catalog creation
• slideshow will now accept a folder alias
• level and brightness function will change now the image data of grayscale images
• web ready command added to save dialog (for saving without resource)
• catalog creation improved
• option to ignore WMF frames added
• basic colorsync support added
• print folder will set the folder name as the spool file name
• temporary preview creation will now work with very large folders
• extension ignore list added for slideshow and browser
• black & white images with wrong color table will now be corrected
• arrange option bottom right added
• zoom has now the option to open a frame
• Print Folder menu item added
• notification after CMYK to RGB conversion added
• more move to folder added to slideshow
• display quality after blow up in slideshow improved
• preview display bug during context menu selection in the browser fixed
• option to use the option key as in the finder added to the browser
• temporary previews in the browser are now JPEG compressed (to keep the temp file smaller)
• installation script for TWAIN support added (please test this)
• optional aspect ratio to selection tool added
• bug in slideshow fixed
• bug in TIFF import fixed
• bug in fit to screen fixed
• bug in fill operation with few colors fixed
• bug with index change in convert more fixed
• bug during display of an image in full screen mode fixed
• bug in non proportional scaling during batch fixed
• bug in segmenting multipgae TIFFs fixed
• bug with add and remove alpha channel fixed
• bug with support of old filter plug-ins fixed
• bug with text matrix filters fixed
• bug in convert more with more than 1000 files fixed
• bug in opening of black&white PCX/DCX files with wrong color table fixed