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INI File | 2002-03-14 | 2.2 KB | 79 lines |
- [Install General]
- instStrNetscapeTitle=Netscape Installer
- instBtnGoBack=Go Back
- instBtnContinue=Continue
- instBtnCancel=Cancel
- instBtnDecline=Decline
- instBtnAccept=Accept
- instBtnInstall=Install
- instBtnLicense=License
- instBtnReadMe=Read Me
- instStrInstallLocation=Installation Location
- instBtnSelectLocation=Select Location...
- instStrOnDisk=on disk
- instStrInFolder=in folder
- instStrDescription=Description
- instStrChooseFodler=Please choose the install folder.
- instStrSpaceAvailable=Disk space available:
- instStrSpaceNeeded=Disk space needed:
- instStrKB= K
- instStrExtracting=Extracting installer filesā¦
- instStrInstalling=Installing
- instStrFile=file
- instStrOf= of
- instStrProcessing=Processing
- instBtnProxy=Proxy Settingsā¦
- instStrProxy=Proxy Settings
- instStrHost=Proxy Host:
- instStrPort=Proxy Port:
- instStrUsername=Proxy Username:
- instStrPassword=Proxy Password:
- instBtnOK=OK
- instStrDownload=Download Settings
- instStrSelectSite=Select a download site:
- instStrDownloading=Downloading:
- instStrFrom= From:
- instStrTo= To:
- instStrRate= Status:
- instStrTimeLeft= Time left:
- instStrDownloadKB= %d1 KB of %d2 KB (%.2f KB/sec)
- instBtnDelete=Delete
- instBtnQuit=Quit
- instStrDiskSpace1=Disk space available:
- instStrDiskSpace2=Disk space required:
- instStrDiskSpace3=Press OK to return to the installer, free disk space, and continue. Or press Quit.
- instBtnPause=Pause
- instBtnResume=Resume
- instStrValidating=Validating checksum: %s
- [Install menu]
- instMenuAboutNs=About Netscape Installer...
- instMenuFile=File
- instMenuQuit=Quit
- instMenuQuitHotkey=Q
- instMenuEdit=Edit
- instMenuUndo=Undo
- instMenuUndoHotkey=Z
- instMenuCut=Cut
- instMenuCutHotkey=X
- instMenuCopy=Copy
- instMenuCopyHotkey=C
- instMenuPaste=Paste
- instMenuPasteHotkey=V
- instMenuClear=Clear
- instMenuClearHotkey=B
- [Install message]
- instErr1=Error
- instErr2=Unexpected error!
- instErr3=Installation failed due to error:
- instErrParam=Invalid parameter
- instErrMem=Out of memory
- instErrParseFailed=Parse failed
- instErrLoadLib=Library load failed
- instErrUnknownDlgID=Unknown dialog ID
- instErrSpawn=Thread spawn failed
- instErrMenuHdl=Could not obtain menu handle
- instErrCfgRead=Config file read failed
- instErrDownload=Download failed!