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- ConversationFile 2
- 14
- 271
- Meeting and Greeting, Dialog 1
- Young-Sook is speaking with a store clerk.
- 1
- 2
- Young-Sook
- 49
- Store Clerk
- 50
- 7
- 26
- 26
- 1
- Greet the clerk.
- 27
- 27
- 1
- Ask whether the clerk speaks English.
- 28
- 28
- 2
- Apologize to the customer.
- 29
- 29
- 2
- Explain that you do not speak English.
- 30
- 30
- 1
- Inform the clerk that you only speak a little Korean.
- 31
- 31
- 2
- Let her know that's all right.
- 32
- 32
- 2
- Tell her that you understand.
- Meeting and Greeting, Dialog 2
- Hanna and Chan-Yong have a short conversation.
- 1
- 2
- Hanna
- 51
- Chan-Yong
- 52
- 6
- 33
- 33
- 1
- Say, "Good afternoon."
- 34
- 34
- 2
- Say, "Good afternoon."
- 35
- 35
- 2
- Ask if she's met your friend Kim, Chul-Soo.
- 36
- 36
- 1
- Say, "No," and add that you haven't had the pleasure yet.
- 37
- 37
- 2
- Introduce Chul-Soo to Lee, Young-Ho.
- 38
- 38
- 1
- Say that you are very glad to meet him.
- At the Hotel, Dialog 1
- Mee-Young is checking into her hotel room.
- 1
- 2
- Mee-Young
- 58
- Front Desk Attendant
- 54
- 9
- 58
- 58
- 1
- Say "Good day."
- 59
- 59
- 1
- Ask if there's a single room available.
- 60
- 60
- 2
- Say, "Good day."
- 61
- 61
- 2
- Ask how long she will be staying.
- 62
- 62
- 1
- Explain that you would like to stay for two weeks.
- 63
- 63
- 2
- Say that you have a very nice single room.
- 64
- 64
- 1
- Ask what the rate is.
- 65
- 65
- 2
- Tell her it's 80,000 Won per day.
- 66
- 66
- 1
- Say that you'll take it.
- At the Hotel, Dialog 2
- Park, Won-Chul is checking into his hotel with a reservation.
- 1
- 2
- Park Won-Chul
- 55
- Front Desk Attendant
- 56
- 9
- 67
- 67
- 1
- Say, "Hello."
- 68
- 68
- 1
- Introduce yourself to the front desk attendant.
- 69
- 69
- 1
- Say that you believe she has a reservation for you.
- 70
- 70
- 2
- Ask when he made the reservation.
- 71
- 71
- 1
- Explain that you reserved the room yesterday over the phone.
- 72
- 72
- 2
- Say, "Oh yes," and tell him that you have it.
- 73
- 73
- 2
- Explain that it's a double room with a bath.
- 74
- 74
- 1
- Confirm that that's correct.
- 75
- 75
- 1
- Specify that it's for ten days.
- Going to the Bank, Dialog 1
- Jung, Chul-Soo is exchanging money at the bank.
- 1
- 2
- Jung, Chul-Soo
- 57
- Teller
- 58
- 7
- 91
- 91
- 1
- Say, "Good morning."
- 92
- 92
- 1
- Say that you would like to change some American dollars into Korean Won.
- 93
- 93
- 2
- Say, "Yes, of course."
- 94
- 94
- 2
- Ask how much he would like to exchange.
- 95
- 95
- 1
- Explain that you have $150 American dollars.
- 96
- 96
- 1
- Ask what the exchange rate is.
- 97
- 97
- 2
- Explain that one dollar is worth 1200 Won.
- Going to the Bank, Dialog 2
- Jang, Soo-Mee is talking to the bank teller.
- 1
- 2
- Jang, Soo-Mee
- 59
- Teller
- 60
- 6
- 98
- 98
- 1
- Say, "Good morning."
- 99
- 99
- 1
- Ask the teller to help you.
- 100
- 100
- 2
- Ask how you can help her.
- 101
- 101
- 1
- Explain that you have lost your Travelers Checks.
- 102
- 102
- 2
- Ask her if she thinks they were stolen.
- 103
- 103
- 1
- Explain that you don't think they were stolen, rather that you lost them while you were shopping this morning.
- Buying Tickets, Dialog 1
- Song, Young-Hee is booking tickets to Pusan.
- 1
- 2
- Song, Young-Hee
- 61
- Ticket Agent
- 62
- 7
- 122
- 122
- 1
- Say that you would like to buy a ticket for the next flight to Pusan.
- 123
- 123
- 2
- Ask whether she would like coach or first class.
- 124
- 124
- 1
- Politely ask for coach.
- 125
- 125
- 1
- Ask if you could have a window seat.
- 126
- 126
- 2
- Apologize to the customer.
- 127
- 127
- 2
- Explain that there are no window seats available, but offer to give her an aisle seat.
- 128
- 128
- 1
- Thank the ticket agent.
- Buying Tickets, Dialog 2
- Park, In-Sook is booking tickets to Pusan.
- 1
- 2
- Park, In-Sook
- 63
- Ticket seller
- 64
- 4
- 129
- 129
- 1
- Say that you would like two tickets to Pusan.
- 130
- 130
- 2
- Ask if she would like coach or a sleeping car.
- 131
- 131
- 1
- Politely ask for a sleeping car.
- 132
- 132
- 2
- Tell her that the train leaves the station promptly at 5:00.
- Asking for Directions and Time, Dialog 1
- Cho, Byong-Tae is lost and asks for directions.
- 1
- 2
- Cho, Byong-Tae
- 65
- Woman
- 66
- 5
- 158
- 158
- 1
- Say, "Excuse me."
- 159
- 159
- 1
- Explain that you are lost.
- 160
- 160
- 2
- Ask him where he wants to go.
- 161
- 161
- 1
- Explain that you are looking for Gang Nam Station.
- 162
- 162
- 2
- Tell him to take a right at the next intersection.
- Asking for Directions and Time, Dialog 2
- Tae-Soo asks for the time.
- 1
- 2
- Tae-Soo
- 67
- Hanna
- 51
- 5
- 163
- 163
- 1
- Ask what time it is.
- 164
- 164
- 2
- Tell him that it's noon.
- 165
- 165
- 1
- Astonished, ask, "Really?"
- 166
- 166
- 1
- Explain that you thought it was around 11:30.
- 167
- 167
- 2
- Tell him his watch is slow.
- Asking for Directions and Time, Dialog 3
- Bora and Chan-Young are talking about the movies.
- 1
- 2
- Bora
- 68
- Chang-Young
- 52
- 4
- 168
- 168
- 1
- Ask what time the movie begins.
- 169
- 169
- 2
- Tell her it begins around 8:30.
- 170
- 170
- 1
- Say that you shouldn't be there too late. Suggest that you leave around 7:45.
- 171
- 171
- 2
- Say that you think 7:30 would be better.
- Restaurants, Dialog 1
- Kang son-saing-nim is ordering dinner.
- 1
- 2
- Waitress
- 69
- Mr. Kang
- 70
- 7
- 194
- 194
- 1
- Ask the gentleman if you can help him.
- 195
- 195
- 2
- Tell the waitress you see "bi-bim-bap." Ask what it is.
- 196
- 196
- 1
- Explain that it's a vegetable and rice dish.
- 197
- 197
- 2
- Say, "Good."
- 198
- 198
- 2
- Say that you'd like to have that.
- 199
- 199
- 1
- Ask if he'd like a drink.
- 200
- 200
- 2
- Say, "Yes," and politely specify that you would like a water.
- Restaurants, Dialog 2
- Mr. Chun is ordering dinner.
- 1
- 2
- Mr. Chun
- 71
- Waitress
- 69
- 6
- 201
- 201
- 1
- Ask the waitress what she recommends.
- 202
- 202
- 2
- Tell him that the special tonight is mussels, fresh from the sea.
- 203
- 203
- 1
- Tell her that sounds good.
- 204
- 204
- 1
- Ask how they are prepared.
- 205
- 205
- 2
- Tell him that they are prepared in white wine or fried.
- 206
- 207
- 1
- Politely ask for fried, with lots of lemon.
- Restaurants, Dialog 3
- Kim, Soo-Kyong is asking for a restaurant recommendation.
- 1
- 2
- Kim, Soo-Kyong
- 72
- Man
- 73
- 6
- 208
- 208
- 1
- Politely attract the gentleman's attention.
- 209
- 209
- 2
- Say, "Yes."
- 210
- 210
- 1
- Ask the gentleman if he can recommend a good restaurant in the area.
- 211
- 211
- 2
- Tell her to try the "Woo Rae Oak."
- 212
- 212
- 1
- Ask where that is.
- 213
- 213
- 2
- Tell her to continue on this street, turn right at the light, then walk two blocks and that she will see it on her right.