100 The bitmaps for conversation practice are missing
101 Not enough memory to continue
102 Skip this word and go on to the next
103 Start a new Round
22000 The Hint file could not be opened
22001 Loading Title. Please Wait.
22002 Repaginating Title. Please Wait.
22003 HintsNow!
22004 An error was detected in the source stream.\nA unicode value of 0x%04X was found close to position 0x%X in the source stream.\nThis cannot be displayed with the font tables available.\nPlease repair in the source file.
22005 Preparing Title for printing. Please Wait.
22007 There is too much data for this window to handle.\nNot all of the data will be able to be viewed.
22008 Key Mapper
35001 Go To Location
35002 Network
35003 Titles
35004 No Connection to the Network has been made
35005 Pronunciation
35006 Exercises
35007 Reading Comprehension
35008 Play Sound
35009 Choose a Conversation
35010 Exit the Application
35011 Word Meaning Window
35012 Root Word Window
35013 Grammar Window
35014 Phrase Meaning Window
35015 Word Group Window
35016 Move the cursor to the next word\nNext Word
35017 Move the cursor to the previous word\nPrev Word
35018 Pronounce the current word\nSpeak
35019 Play the current segment\nSpeak
35020 Move to the next checked word\nNext Check
35021 Move the cursor to the next bookmark\nNext Mark
35022 Move the cursor to the previous checked word\nPrev Check
35023 Move the cursor to the previous bookmark\nPrev Mark
35025 Word Dictation
35026 Word Pronunciation
35027 Sentence Pronunciation
35028 Sentence Dictation
35029 Play Crosswords to increase vocabulary\nCrosswords
35030 Invoke the WordAce!Æ multilingual dictionary\nWordAce!Æ Dictionary
35031 Invoke the WordAce!Æ conjugation engine\nWordAce!Æ Conjugation Engine
35032 GrammarPro!Æ
35033 Copy this list
35034 Select an activity
35035 Print the details
35036 Go to the main window\nMain Window
35037 Zoom the story window
35038 Show all allowed help
35039 Locate a position by segment/word
35040 Brief notes about the Title and Authors
35041 Names and copyright information
35042 View the CheckWord List
35043 Show the sound palette\nSound Palette
35044 Find the next occurance of a word\nSearch
35045 Find the next occurance of a root word\nSearch
35046 Add a new Title\nAdd Title
35047 Select or deselect the current word as a bookmark\nBookmark
35048 Select or deselect the current word as a checked word\nCheckWord
35049 Copy the current word to the clipboard\nCopy Word
35050 Copy the current segment to the clipboard\nCopy Segment
35051 Copy the current note to the clipboard\nCopy Note
35052 Add the current word to the clipboard\nAppend Word
35053 Append the current segment to the clipboard\nAppend Segment
35054 Append the current note to the clipboard\nAppend Note
35055 Perform the previous find instruction\nAgain
35056 Highlight the words in the current segment\nHighlight
35057 Highlight the words in the current phrase\nHighlight
35058 Speak segments from here forward\nSegments
35059 Speak words from here forward\nWords
35060 Stop speaking now\nStop
35061 Move the cursor to the next note\nNext Note
35062 Move the cursor to the previous note\nPrevious Note
35063 Print the current Title
35064 Print the current CheckWord list
35065 Print the notes from the current Title
35066 Return to the Title reading window\nTitle
35067 Introduction to the alphabet
35068 Show or Hide the HintsNow Dialog
35069 Find next/previous occurrence of the same grammar word\nFind Grammar Link...
35070 Save the Title as a text format
35071 Save CheckWords to a text file
35072 Save Notes to a file
35073 View the notes\nNote List
35074 View "Getting Started" help file.
35075 Contents of GrammarPro!
35076 To specify the location of the CD containing the video for that Title.
35077 Stop the video play back.
35078 Video Credit
35079 Find the next CheckWord
35080 Find the previous CheckWord
35081 Sound Location
35082 Reading Title Information
35083 Open the current selection
35084 Opening the Video File
35085 Checking Activity Information
35086 Setting up the Title Screen
35087 Setting up the Title Screen
35088 Not enough memory to continue
35089 You'll speak like a native in no time with Sentence Pronunciation. Listen to the native speaker say a randomly selected sentence, then record your own pronunciation. Try to match the native speaker!\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
35092 See the on-line Help for complete instructions.
35093 Sharpen your spelling and listening skills with Word Dictation! Listen to the native speaker say single words, then try to type what you hear.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
35094 Sentence Dictation teaches you to recognize entire spoken sentences. Listen carefully as the native speaker says a sentence, then try to type that sentence in the space provided.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
35096 Word Dictation
35097 Sentence Dictation
35098 Word Pronunciation
35099 Sentence Pronunciation
35100 From
35101 To
35102 Check
35104 Segment
35105 Composite of all five graphs
35106 Comparing Articulation
35107 Comparing Loudness
35108 Comparing Pitch
35109 Comparing Timing
35110 Comparing Voicing
35111 Next
35116 Pronunciation Exercises for
35117 Word
35118 Sentence Dictation for
35119 Word Pronunciation for
35120 Sentence Pronunciation for
35121 Verify Word
35122 Enter the Word You Hear
35123 Enter the Sentence You Hear
35124 Correct!
35125 Can't find grammar basic or GrammarPro! file for linking.
35126 Location in the Title Segment-Word
35127 Note
35128 Grammar
35129 Phrase Meaning
35130 Sound Palette
35131 Text
35132 Bkgd
35133 Warning
35134 Help
35135 No Current Root
35136 Speak
35137 Playback
35138 Unable to load %s
35139 All
35140 We can't display this choice properly.\nAdjust color to palette?
35141 Grammar Basics
35142 The software requires 256 colors displaying mode.
35143 WordAce!
35144 Since some titles use bold and italic font characteristics we cannot allow user selection of these aspects of the font.
35145 %s is currently running LanguagePro
35146 The Administrator is currently running LanguagePro
35147 Done
35148 Are you sure you want to delete this list? All the words in this list will be lost!
35149 This name is not registered
35150 Clear
35151 Slower
35152 Faster
35153 An Error Loading the SlowSound Slider
35154 This is a Class List\nPlease Copy it to a Personal List
35155 Install New Title
35156 New List
35157 Enter List Name
35158 Rename List
35159 Enter the New List Name
35160 Segment Range
35161 Cancel
35162 Practice
35163 Pronunciation Exercises for
35164 Are you sure you want to delete all of the words from this list?
35165 Remove a Title
35166 The specified Segment Range is out of bounds.\nSegment %d to Segment %d is not useable.\n\nThis session will use the entire Title.\nFrom segment %d to segment %d.
35167 Return to the Pronunciation Selection Screen
35168 Go to the Next Word
35169 Go to the Next Sentence
35170 Check the Answer
35171 View the Help File
35172 Import List Name
35173 Russian
35174 Polish
35175 Arabic
35176 Do an Activity
35177 Choose a Pronunciation Exercise
35178 Infinitive:
35179 There are not enough words within the range to use the activity. Please pick a new Segment Range.
35180 Text Attributes for the Reference Windows
35181 Text Attributes for the Title Window
35182 Font Name
35183 Text Size
35184 Vocabulary
35185 Graphics
35186 Colors
35187 Choose a reference help file
35188 Text Properties
35189 Sounds
35190 View the Catalog
35191 Compare the Current Native Speech with Your Recording - Right click to see graphs
35192 This List Already Exists - Please Enter a New Name
35193 Enter the Name of this New List
35195 Browse to Open aTitle
35196 Open Title
35197 Ole Controls failed to Initialize.\nPlease install Version 6 again.
35198 There was an error removing %s\nPlease delete %s manually
35199 The application will now exit
35200 Change keyboard language
35201 No
35202 There are illegal characters in this name
35203 Couldn't find word
35204 Illustration Credit
35205 No Credits Available
35206 The Default List Cannot be Deleted
35207 CheckWords Viewer
35208 View Notes
35209 The Default List Cannot be Renamed\nIt Should be Copied
35210 Not All of the Words will be imported\nOnly the Words From This Title
35211 No Words were Imported
35212 the Title Without Multimedia
35213 the Title Without Sound
35214 the Title Without Video
35215 the Title
35216 Confirm the deletion of your High Scores List
35491 You are already logged into the LanguagePro Server.\n\nPlease wait five minutes and try again.
35492 Titles
35493 Titles
35494 Your Web browser (if you have one) could not be launched.
35495 The URL was not found in the settings file.
35496 That link is not active
35497 Congratulations!\nYou've completed %d rounds of this activity.\nClick OK to return to the Activity Selection screen
35498 Number of Rounds
35499 Ten Rounds
35500 Twenty Rounds
35501 Unlimited
35502 Word Pronunciation is a fun way to build speaking skills and vocabulary. Listen to the native speaker say randomly selected words, then record your pronunciation. Play the sound and look at the graphs to see how well you did!\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
35503 Word Pronunciation is a great way to build speaking skills and vocabulary! Listen to the native speaker say a word, then pronounce it yourself. With foreign language context and paraphrases, you'll improve your language understanding while you improve pronunciation. Try to get all the words correct!\n
35504 Show / Hide Word
35505 Show / Hide Word Meaning
35506 Show / Hide Segment
35507 Show / Hide Segment Meaning
35508 Show / Hide Word
35509 Show / Hide Word Meaning
35510 Show / Hide Segment
35511 Show / Hide Segment Meaning
35512 Word Meaning
35513 Word Meaning
35514 Segment Meaning
35515 Segment Meaning
35516 Show / Hide Correct Word
35517 %s Preferences
35519 The Languages of the World Title
35520 Languages of the World Preferences
35521 About %s
35522 If you installed the multimedia for this Title on your hard drive, click Browse and locate the multimedia files.
35523 There are Not Enough Appropriate Words\nTry a Larger Segment Range
35524 You have used all the words available for this exercise.\nPlease restart this exercise.
35525 You have used all the segments available for this exercise.\nPlease restart this exercise.
35526 Vocabulary Master
35527 Vocabulary of the World
35528 Please Wait for the Video to Stop
35529 The Server at %s was not found\n\nMake sure your computer can connect to the intranet where your server exists,\nThen click "Retry Logon" to verify your site location and proxy information.
35531 Settings for %s are stored on this computer,\nbut the password entered was incorrect.\nPlease click "Retry Logon" and check the Name and Password you entered
35532 Exit\nLanguagePro
35533 Run LanguagePro\nOffline
35534 Register\nInformation
35535 Retry\nLogon
35536 %s is not registered on the server at\n%s\n\nDo you want to register as a new LanguagePro user?
35537 %s is registered with a different password.\n\nPlease retype your password and user name.
35538 The number of users configured on the server exceeds the license limit.\nContact your Administrator for assistance.
35539 The creation of new users by login requests is disabled.\nContact your Administrator for assistance.
35540 The user name %s is already used. \nPlease choose another Logon Name for LanguagePro.
35541 User login is disabled on this server. \nContact your Administrator for assistance.
35542 Languages of the World cannot find the multimedia files for this Title. Those files may be on CD or installed on your hard drive.\n\n
35543 If you did not install the multimedia files for this Title onto your hard drive, you must put the correct CD in the drive to hear sound and see video. If your Languages of the World program has more than one CD, use the one marked with the name of this Title. For an add-on Title, use that Title's CD. When the CD has had time to load, enter the correct drive letter for your CD drive, then click Retry the CD.\n\n
35545 Words in Comments and Activity Suggestions\nMay Not Be Used in CheckWords
35546 Next (Site Info)
35547 Previous (Name Info)
35548 View and Modify Information for LanguagePro Location
35549 View and Modify Information for Your Name and Password
35581 Grammar Basics is a built-in grammar reference that comes with Languages of the World.
35582 This file explains the concepts and terminology used in the Grammar window and provides additional examples.
35583 Grammar Basics contains general information on parts of speech, the alphabet, sentence structure, gender, conjugations, and more.
35584 WordAce! is extensive translation dictionary and verb conjugator which gives instant definitions and conjugations of thousands of words.
35585 WordAce! can be run on its own, or link to Languages of the World so that you can explore the conjugations or alternate translations of any word in a Title.
35586 Add two great games for building vocabulary and mastering verb tenses, and you'll understand why WordAce! is the indispensable language reference set.
35587 GrammarPro! is a comprehensive grammar reference, allowing you to learn grammar concepts step by step.
35588 It includes detailed topics on verb conjugation, noun declension, adjectives, sentence structure, language history, the alphabet, and much more.
35589 GrammarPro! even links directly to Languages of the World so you can explore the grammar of any word which catches your eye. Plus, built-in quizzes help you practice what you've learned.
35593 The Alphabet Reference is a special tool designed to teach you the letters of the language you are learning.
35594 This program shows the entire alphabet for that language, in order. Simply click on any letter hear how it sounds and see it used in sample words.
35595 The Japanese Alphabet Reference presents two kinds of Japanese characters - Hiragana and Katakana, which together make up the Kana syllabary.
35596 Simply click on any character hear how it sounds and see it used in sample words.
35597 The Chinese Sounds and Symbols Reference will introduce you to some common Chinese characters and to the basic tones and sounds heard in Chinese.
35598 The yellow characters represent the different tones in Chinese, in tone order with the neutral tone last. The blue and red characters represent all the consonant sounds in Chinese, followed by "u".
35599 The red characters show where "u" is pronounced differently after certain consonant sounds. Simply click on any character hear how it sounds and learn more about it.
35600 A "Title" is a story or other text in the language you are learning that forms the core of your learning experience.
35601 All of the activities, translations, and sound are based on the Title text.
35602 A Title may consist of a selection from a novel, a magazine article, a single short story, a collection of short stories, a language tutorial, a conversation piece, or more.
35603 Title Text
35604 Show / Hide the Title Text
35605 Please Enter Your Name and Password.
35606 Please Enter the Location of Your LanguagePro Server.
35607 Please enter your LanguagePro user name and password below.\n\n
35608 If you are not yet registered as a LanguagePro user, please click the "New Registration box" before you click "Log On" to register with the system.\n
35609 Please Enter Your Name.
35610 Please Enter Your Password.
35611 The LanguagePro Server powers the LanguagePro learning environment. You must log on to LanguagePro from this machine at least once to activate the system.\n\n
35612 Please enter the IP address of the LanguagePro server you wish to use below. This information is available on the Installation page of the LanguagePro web site or from your LanguagePro Administrator.\n\n
35613 If necessary, you can also enter the name of your proxy server. Proxy server information may or may not be required.\n\n
35614 If you are unsure of what information to use on this screen, contact your Administrator for assistance.\n
35615 The LanguagePro server was not found at the address you entered.\n\n
35616 Please check that you have entered the address correctly, as it was provided by your Administrator.\n\n
35617 Also, make sure that your Internet connection is active.\n\n
35618 If this situation persists, contact your Administrator for assistance.\n
35619 The LanguagePro Server Was Not Found.
35624 This User Name Is Not Recognized.
35625 The LanguagePro server recognized the user name you provided, but the password you entered was incorrect.\n\n
35626 Please retype your password, then click Log On again.\n
35627 Incorrect Password
35628 There are no remaining licenses on this server for users with the language pair you chose. \n\n
35629 Please contact your Administrator for assistance.\n
35630 The Number of Licenses for this Language Pair Has Been Exceeded.
35631 You are already logged on to LanguagePro and cannot log on again until that connection expires.\n\n
35632 Please wait a few minutes then try to log on again, or contact your Administrator for assistance.\n
35633 You are Already Logged On to LanguagePro.
35634 Your system has been configured so that only the Administrator can register new users.\n\n
35635 Please contact your Administrator for assistance.\n
35636 New Users Must Be Registered by an Administrator.
35637 Each LanguagePro user must have a unique user name and password. The name you have chosen is already in use by another LanguagePro user.\n\n
35638 Please choose a different name or contact your Administrator for assistance.\n
35639 This Name Is Already Used.
35640 The ability to log on to LanguagePro has been disabled on this server.\n\n
35641 This situation may be temporary.\n\n
35642 Please contact your Administrator for assistance.\n
35643 LanguagePro Logons Have Been Disabled.
35645 LanguagePro is running off-line.\n\n
35646 You are not connected to the LanguagePro server and will not have access to any sound, video or user files stored on the server.\n\n
35647 Your session data will be stored off-line and synchronized with the server data next time you log on to the LanguagePro server.
35648 Please Enter the LanguagePro Server's IP Address.
35649 There Are No User Settings on this Computer.
35650 LanguagePro could not find the user settings necessary for you to use LanguagePro offline on this computer. \n\n
35651 Before you can use this program offline, you must log on to LanguagePro from this computer at least once, so that the local version of LanguagePro can save your user settings.\n
35652 Choose a Local Title
35653 Choose a Network Title
35654 References
35655 Sound, video, and illustrations will not be available for this Title
35656 \nbecause the current user, %s, is not registered for the language of this Title.\n
35657 To have access to the multimedia files for this Title, \nyou must log on as a user who is registered for the appropriate language.
35658 Vocabulary Master is an easy-to-use flash card program which provides a fun, engaging, and effective environment for learning vocabulary words.
35659 Any time you come across an interesting foreign word - in a Transparent Language program, a dictionary, a school book, or anywhere at all - just add it to your Vocabulary Master lists and you'll know it in no time.
35700 Word lists can even be imported from Languages of the World for additional practice.
35702 The LanguagePro server did not recognize the name you entered. \n\n
35703 If you are not yet a registered user of this system, click the New Registration box and click "Log On" again.\n\n
35704 If you are a registered user, you may have typed your name incorrectly. Please check the spelling of your name bellow and make any necessary corrections, then click "Log On" again.\n\n
35705 If you are a registered user and your name is spelled correctly, you may be connecting to the wrong LanguagePro server.
35706 Click "Site Information" below to verify the server address before attempting to log on again.\n
35707 Welcome To LanguagePro
35708 Select a Language Pair
35709 Your Registered Language
35710 The Languages You\nAre Registered for
35711 Please Select Your Language
35712 Please Select Your Languages
35713 In order to continue LanguagePro you must select at least one language.\n\nIf you press OK the program will exit.
35714 Select A Language
35715 Points:
35716 About Your Score
35717 Bonus:
35718 Add or Remove Languages
35719 User Profile
35720 Registered Languages
35721 The program cannot find the grammar files for the following language(s) on this computer: %s.
35722 To get the grammar files, you will need to use the LanguagePro web site to download and install the appropriate version(s) of the LanguagePro desktop client.
35723 Various grammar features will not be available for those languages until you have completed that installation.
35724 You are registering for language pair, but the version of the program which you are using is not designed for speakers of that language.
35725 If you would prefer a version of the program designed for speakers of that language, use the LanguagePro web site to download and install the appropriate version of the LanguagePro desktop client.
35726 In that version of the LanguagePro desktop client, the program's menus, text, and on-line Help will all be in the appropriate language.
35780 Copying the Word Sound Please Wait
35781 Copying the Segment Sound Please Wait
35782 Copying the Video Please Wait
35783 Watch video or see full-size illustrations along with the text of the Title you are studying.\nThese multimedia elements will enrich your experience with the language.
35784 Review the text of the Title you are studying, along with translations, grammar information, and sound for every word and Segment.\nYou can practice reading comprehension, hone listening skills, increase grammar knowledge, build personal vocabulary lists, and more.
35785 Choose from an assortment of exciting activities to enhance your language learning.
35786 Choose exercises to help you improve your pronunciation.\nPractice as much as you need to hone your pronunciation skills.
35787 Take part in a real foreign language dialog.\nThis challenging exercise teaches you what to say in a conversation as well as how to pronounce it.
35788 Select a Title
35789 Select a Languages of the World Reference
35790 View the Grammar Annotation for Each Word
35791 View Your CheckWord List
35792 View the Notes You Have Made
35793 Minimize the Video
35794 Restore the Video
35795 Zoom the Title
35796 Restore the Title
35800 January
35801 February
35802 March
35803 April
35804 May
35805 June
35806 July
35807 August
35808 September
35809 October
35810 November
35811 December
35812 The Title was installed successfully.
35813 Title Name:
35814 Title Files:
35816 Titles
35817 Reference Tools
35818 Getting Started
35819 Theater
35820 Reading
35821 Activities
35822 Pronunciation
35823 Conversation
35824 Select a Title
35825 Click here for more information on the Theater Screen.
35826 Click here for more information on the Reading Screen.
35827 Click here for more information on the Activities Screen.
35828 Click here for more information on choosing a pronunciation exercise.
35829 Click here for more information on choosing a Conversation Practice dialog.
35830 Click here for more information on playing Crosswords.
35831 Click here for more information on playing Vocabulous!.
35832 Click here for more information on playing Plug-n-Play.
35833 Click here for more information on playing Verb Quest.
35834 Click here for more information on playing Graffiti.
35835 Click here for more information on playing Unscramble.
35836 Click here for more information on playing Word Dictation.
35837 Click here for more information on playing Sentence Dictation.
35838 Click here for more information on using Listen and Speak.
35839 Click here for more information on using Word Pronunciation.
35840 Click here for more information on using Sentence Pronunciation.
35841 Click here for more information on the Conversation Practice Screen.
35859 Click here for more information on the Opening Screen.
35861 Click here for more information on the Reference Tools Screen.
35863 Please Select a Title
35864 Please Select a Reference
35865 Don't show this introduction automatically again.
35866 Slow Sound Speed
35867 Grammar
35868 Begin the Selected Activity
35869 Show Previous Scores for the Selected Activity
35870 Play Your Voice
35871 Record Your Voice
35872 Pronounce the word
35873 Pronounce the Sentence
35874 Play Sentence
35875 Play Native
35876 Continue
35877 SlowSound
35878 Check Spelling
35879 Play Word
35880 &Zoom Video
35881 &Zoom Title
35882 Listen && Speak
35883 Words
35884 Sentences
35885 seconds left
35886 Would you like to copy the multimedia files to your local drive?\n\n
35887 This will allow the program to run faster and will require %d megabytes of disk space.
35888 \n\nYou currently have %d megabytes available on your "%s" drive.
35889 Loading the New Title List
36000 On the Theater Screen, you can watch video or see large illustrations along with the text you are studying.\n\n
36001 Watch the video to familiarize yourself with the Title when you first start studying.
36002 Use the translations on the screen to help you understand the story,
36003 or enlarge the video window and rely on your listening skills.\n\n
36004 In an Illustrated Title, enjoy the large illustrations as you listen to the Title read by native speakers.
36010 Use the Reading Screen to study the Title in more detail.\n\n
36011 On the Reading Screen, you can practice your reading comprehension, hone your listening skills,
36012 increase your grammar knowledge, build personal vocabulary lists, make notes about all you learn, and more.\n\n
36013 Use the many tools on this screen to help you focus on the elements of your new language
36014 that are important to you.
36020 On the Activities Screen, you can choose from an assortment of exciting activities to enhance your language learning. \n\n
36021 Crosswords and Vocabulous! build vocabulary;
36022 Plug-n-Play, Unscramble, and Graffiti teach syntax skills, and Verb Quest concentrates on grammar.
36023 Word Dictation and Sentence Dictation focus on listening comprehension and spelling skills.\n\n
36024 Explore all the activities when you've worked with a Title for a while and you're ready to try something different.
36030 On the Choose a Pronunciation Exercise Screen, you can choose from three different exercises that will help you improve your speaking ability. \n\n
36031 Practice as much as you like by recording and comparing your pronunciation to the pronunciation of Languages of the World's native speakers.\n\n
36032 Use these exercises whenever you are ready to focus on pronunciation. They'll soon have you speaking like a native.
36040 On the Choose a Conversation Screen, you can select a dialog to use in Conversation Practice.
36041 This exercise teaches you what to say in a foreign language conversation.\n\n
36042 Select a dialog from the list, then select a part from the "Select Your Part" menu.
36043 When you are ready to begin, click the "Start" button.\n\n
36044 Use Conversation Practice when you are ready for an in-depth comprehension and pronunciation challenge.
36050 Crosswords provides a fun and exciting way to improve your vocabulary and spelling skills.\n\n
36051 Fill in the puzzle with words from the Title, based on the clues in the Segment window.
36052 Type one letter in each square, and don't forget to add accents if necessary.
36060 Vocabulous! is a fun way to master vocabulary and spelling.\n\n
36061 Type in the word that is missing from the Segment on the screen, including any necessary accents,
36062 then click the "Guess" button to check your answer.
36063 For help, you can play the sound or look at the translations and grammar information in the windows.
36070 Plug-n-Play is a challenging activity to build your syntax skills.\n\n
36071 You will see a section of text with blank spaces for missing words.
36072 Click on the words in the list beside the text and drag them into the correct blanks in the text.\n\n
36073 Correctly placed words will turn green in the text and disappear from the list,
36074 while incorrectly placed words will stay in the list and turn red.
36080 Verb Quest is an entertaining way to learn about verbs.\n\n
36081 Verbs are critical to any language, and this activity will help you to recognize them in their many forms.
36082 Verb Quest presents you with a Segment from the Title, and you will be asked to find all the verbs.\n\n
36083 Verbs will turn green when you click on them, while other parts of speech will turn red.
36084 This activity is a super way to review grammar, syntax, and verb conjugations.
36090 In Graffiti, you must unscramble an entire sentence, letter by letter.\n\n
36091 The letters below the grid make up the sentence that is translated at the bottom of the screen.
36092 Click on any character drag it up to the correct space in the column above it.\n\n
36093 Correctly placed characters will turn black, while incorrect characters will turn red.
36094 Continue placing characters until you have completed the section of text.
36100 In Unscramble, you build syntax skills by putting words in their correct order.\n\n
36101 The activity presents a Segment from the Title with all the words mixed up.
36102 Click on incorrectly placed words (shown in red) and drag them to their proper positions.
36103 You'll know you've got it right when the words turn black.\n\n
36104 Pay attention to what types of words go where, and you can learn about sentence structure and grammar!
36110 Word Dictation focuses on your ability to recognize individual spoken words.\n\n
36111 Listen to a word pronounced by a native speaker, then try to type that word.
36112 Click the "Check Spelling" button whenever you want to verify your answer.
36113 You can also look in the Correct Word window anytime you want to see the answer.\n\n
36114 Click the "Continue" button when you want another word.
36120 Sentence Dictation teaches you to recognize entire spoken sentences.\n\n
36121 Listen carefully as the native speaker says a sentence, then try to type that sentence in the space provided.
36122 Click the "Check Spelling" button whenever you want to verify your answer.
36123 You can also look in the Segment window anytime you want to see the answer.\n\n
36124 Click the "Continue" button when you want another sentence.
36130 Listen and Speak lets you explore the pronunciation of any word or sentence in the Title.\n\n
36131 Scroll through the text until you find a word or sentence you want to pronounce.
36132 Listen to the native speaker, then click the "Record Your Voice" button
36133 and hold that button down while you speak into the microphone.\n\n
36134 Use your ears and eyes to judge how well you did by playing back your recording and by looking at the graphs.
36140 Word Pronunciation focuses on saying individual words.\n\n
36141 You'll hear the native speaker say a randomly selected word,
36142 then have a chance to record your own pronunciation.
36143 To do so, click the "Record Your Voice" button and hold that button down while you speak into the microphone.\n\n
36144 Use your ears and eyes to judge how well you did by playing back your recording and by looking at the graphs.
36145 When you're ready for a new word, click the "Continue" button.
36150 Sentence Pronunciation focuses on saying full sentences.\n\n
36151 You'll hear the native speaker say a randomly selected sentence,
36152 then have a chance to record your pronunciation. To do so,
36153 click the "Record Your Voice" button and hold that button down while you speak into the microphone.\n\n
36154 Use your ears and eyes to judge how well you did by playing back your recording and by looking at the graphs.
36155 When you're ready for a new sentence, click the "Continue" button.
36160 Conversation Practice teaches you what to say in a conversation as well as how to pronounce it.\n\n
36161 Listen to the native speakers say their lines until it is your character's turn to speak.
36162 Use the information on the screen to determine what to say,
36163 then record your pronunciation by clicking on the "Record" button
36164 and holding that button down while you speak your line into the microphone.
36165 When you are satisfied with your response, click the "Continue" button to go on in the conversation.
36170 Welcome to Languages of the World.
36171 The Opening Screen is the place where you can choose a Title with which to learn.\n\n
36172 A Title is a text in the language you are learning. Titles may consist of selections from videos,
36173 short stories, articles, or other foreign language material.\n\n
36174 Click on the name of any Title to see a description of that Title.
36175 To begin learning, select a Title, then click the "Open the Selected Title" button.
36176 Feel free to start with any Title!
36180 The Reference Tools Screen is where you can open reference programs that work with Languages of the World.\n\n
36181 You may have various references for the alphabet, grammar, or other things,
36182 depending on which programs you have installed.
36183 Click on the name of any reference to see a description of that reference.
36184 To open a reference, select the reference, then click the "Open the Selected Reference" button.
36186 No Words were Imported\nThe Title of the list much match the open Title
36187 Please Select an Activity
36188 Please Select a Pronunciation Exercise
36190 \n\nPlease Exit Other Applications\n
36191 The Word Sound File may be needed by other Languages of the World titles.\n
36192 \nWill Not be Deleted
37000 Done
37001 Free Word
37002 Continue
37004 Answer
37005 Retry
37006 Video Unscramble
37007 Click and drag segments to their proper position.
37008 Click and drag segments to their proper position.
37009 Word
37010 The original sentence is shown below.
37013 Sorry, your time is up and this activity is over. Try again - you'll get better with practice!
37014 The bitmaps failed to load.
37015 Segment
37016 This is a hint.
37017 Return to the Title Screen
37018 Return to the Activity Selection Screen
37019 Automatically place the next segment
37020 Does this work?
37021 Free Letter
37022 Skip
37023 Verify Word
37024 New Session
37025 Add Word
37026 Auto Play
37027 Off
37028 Crosswords
37029 Normal
37030 Remove
37032 Next
37033 Solve
37034 Sorry, that word is misplaced.
37035 The original sentence is show below.
37036 Drag the words on the right to their correct positions.
37037 Plug-n-Play
37039 Go To
37040 Unscramble
37041 Drag words to their correct order. Correct words are in black.
37043 Word Meaning
37044 Root Word
37045 Grammar
37046 Phrase Meaning
37047 Guess
37048 Word Group
37049 What's Missing?
37050 Try Again!
37051 Words correct: %d
37052 Go For %d!
37053 Sorry!
37054 Vocabulous!Æ
37056 Listening Comprehension
37057 Look at the picture and select the best choice.
37058 Review
37060 Play Again
37062 Hide
37063 View the Help file for Crosswords
37064 Turn On / Off SlowSound
37065 Speak the current segment
37066 Speak the current word
37067 Hear the segment automatically
37068 Hear the word automatically
37069 Turn off automatic sound
37070 Play the video for this segment
37071 See the required word
37072 Place one letter correctly
37073 Return to playing
37074 See the answer
37075 Start another session
37076 Add this word to your CheckWord list
37077 Remove this word from your CheckWord list
37078 View the Help file for Crosswords
37079 View the Help file for Video Unscramble
37080 View the Help file for Vocabulous!Æ
37081 View the Help file for Plug-n-Play
37082 View the Help file for Unscramble
37083 View the Help file for Segment Unscramble
37084 Rescramble these Segments
37085 Play the entire selection
37086 Show / Hide the Segment Text
37089 Show / Hide the Root Word
37090 Show / Hide the Grammar Window
37091 Show / Hide the Phrase Meaning
37092 Show the title text - hold down the space bar to toggle
37094 Hide the text window
37095 Submit this word as my answer
37096 Go on to the next word
37097 Resubmit the corrected word
37099 Skip this word and go on to the next
37101 Start a new Round
37102 Quit the activity - go to this segment in the title
37103 Automatically place the next word
37106 Speed
37107 Fast
37108 Average
37109 Slow
37110 Word Length
37111 Long
37112 Short
37113 All
37114 Segment Unscramble
37115 Congratulations!
37116 Time
37117 Score
37118 Value
37120 Words
37121 Stop playing
37122 Stop
37123 Solving the puzzle
37124 Could not create an Activity
37125 The words shown in red are still out of position.
37126 Segment Text
37127 Go To
37128 Correct!!!
37129 Help --
37130 %d - %d
37131 Free letter
37134 %d letter(s) correct
37135 Play All
37137 Play All
37138 Free Clip
37139 Free
37140 Clip
37147 Build text - and your language skills - with Plug-n-Play. Use your knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure to drag words into holes in the text on the screen.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37153 Vocabulous! is a fun way to master vocabulary and spelling. Try to type the word which is missing from the Segment on the screen. For help, use the sound, translations, and grammar information.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37161 Video Unscramble is another great way to practice your new language skills. Reconstruct a passage from the Title by dragging the video segments into their proper order. Use the Segment text or paraphrase for extra help if you need them. Or, click on a video frame to watch the segment play, and improve your listening comprehension skills.\nSee the on-line Help for complete details.
37162 Crosswords is a fun and exciting way to improve your vocabulary and spelling skills. Fill in the puzzle with words from the Title, based on the clues in the Segment window.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37163 Crosswords is a fun and challenging way to try out your vocabulary and spelling skills. Try to find the missing word from the displayed segment and fill in the Crossword puzzle. Look at the Segment Paraphrase for extra help.\nSee the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37164 Use Unscramble to build syntax skills by putting words in their correct order. Click and drag words into their proper positions in the sentence, using the translation as a guide.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37165 Build syntax skills by putting words in their correct order with Unscramble. Click and drag words into their proper location in the sentence using the English paraphrase as a guide. Feel free to click "Free Word" if you need a little extra help.\nSee the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37166 Translation
37167 Paraphrase
37168 Show the translated text - hold down the space bar to toggle
37169 Show the paraphrase - hold down the space bar to toggle
37171 Segment Unscramble is another great way to practice your new language skills. Reconstruct a passage from the Title by dragging the segments into their proper order. Use the Segment text or paraphrase for extra help if you need them. Or, click on a frame to hear the native speaker sound, and improve your listening comprehension skills.\nSee the on-line Help for complete details.
37172 Show / Hide the Segment Meaning
37173 Show / Hide the Word Meaning
37174 Show / Hide the Segment Meaning
37175 Show / Hide the Word Meaning
37176 Could not create an activity\nThe segment range may not be big enough
37192 Word Connect
37193 VocabMasterDll
37200 Grammar Hunt
37205 Check
37206 Listen
37207 Hint
37208 Done
37210 Bonus: %d
37211 Penalties: %d
37212 Your points so far: %d out of %d.
37213 You have completed %d%% of this session.
37215 This Round
37216 Your points for this session: %d out of %d.
37217 Click Here to Continue
37218 Your Languages of the World score for this session of %s
37221 Points: %d out of %d
37222 Base: %d
37264 Graffiti
37265 Answer
37266 Listen
37267 Restart
37268 Done
37269 Hint
37273 Restart
37274 LangNowBitmaps\VerbQuest.bmp
37275 LangNowBitmaps\VerbQuest.bmp
37276 LangNowBitmaps\VerbQuest.bmp
37277 LangNowBitmaps\VerbQuest.bmp
37278 LangNowBitmaps\Vocabulous.bmp
37279 LangNowBitmaps\Vocabulous.bmp
37280 LangNowBitmaps\Vocabulous.bmp
37281 LangNowBitmaps\Vocabulous.bmp
37282 LangNowBitmaps\Unscramble.bmp
37283 LangNowBitmaps\Unscramble.bmp
37284 LangNowBitmaps\Unscramble.bmp
37285 LangNowBitmaps\Unscramble.bmp
37286 LangNowBitmaps\PlugnPlay.bmp
37287 LangNowBitmaps\PlugnPlay.bmp
37288 LangNowBitmaps\PlugnPlay.bmp
37289 LangNowBitmaps\PlugnPlay.bmp
37290 LangNowBitmaps\PhraseIt.bmp
37291 LangNowBitmaps\PhraseIt.bmp
37292 LangNowBitmaps\PhraseIt.bmp
37293 LangNowBitmaps\PhraseIt.bmp
37294 LangNowBitmaps\Crosswords.bmp
37295 LangNowBitmaps\Crosswords.bmp
37296 LangNowBitmaps\Crosswords.bmp
37297 LangNowBitmaps\Crosswords.bmp
37298 LangNowBitmaps\SentenceDictation.bmp
37299 LangNowBitmaps\SentenceDictation.bmp
37300 LangNowBitmaps\SentenceDictation.bmp
37301 LangNowBitmaps\SentenceDictation.bmp
37302 LangNowBitmaps\WordDictation.bmp
37303 LangNowBitmaps\WordDictation.bmp
37304 LangNowBitmaps\WordDictation.bmp
37305 LangNowBitmaps\WordDictation.bmp
37306 Verb Quest
37307 Click on a letter, then click on a square to place the letter.
37308 Click on the verbs in this sentence.
37309 Show one correct word
37310 Prev
37311 Next
37312 GoToSeg
37313 Save
37314 Go back one segment
37315 Go forward one segment
37316 Go to specific segment
37317 Save list of playable segments
37318 Verb Quest is an entertaining way to review grammar, syntax, and verb conjugations. Try to click on all the verbs in the Segment on the screen.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37319 In Graffiti, you must unscramble an entire sentence, letter by letter. By doing so, you'll increase your skills at spelling and syntax, as well as reviewing vocabulary.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37320 View the Help file for Graffiti
37321 View the Help file for Verb Quest
37860 About Titles
37861 Your score will be recorded so you can see your progress over time. \n\n
37862 On the following screen choose "High Scores" to view the best scores for this activity.
37863 Choose "My Scores" to see your most recent scores.
37864 Please Update This Program
37865 The LanguagePro Server has been updated.\n\nPlease go to the LanguagePro web site and download a new version of this program to use with the new server.\n\nIf you have questions, contact your Administrator.
37874 Scores
37879 Click on the name of an activity in the list on the left to see a description of that activity, then click the "Start" button to begin the selected activity.\n\nSee the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37880 Click on the name of a pronunciation exercise in the list on the left to see a description of that exercise, then click the "Start" button to begin the selected exercise.\n\nSee the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37881 Choose a Pronunciation Exercise
37882 Listen and Speak is a great way to practice pronunciation in context. This exercise lets you explore the text of the entire Title, pronouncing any word or sentence that you choose. You can compare your pronunciation to the native speaker's by listening to the sound and looking at the graphs.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.
37883 Open the Selected Title
37884 Open the Selected Reference
37885 The Title was removed successfully.
37886 Title Name:
37887 Title Files:
37888 Listen and Speak is a great way to practice pronunciation in context. This exercise lets you explore the text of the entire Title, pronouncing any word or sentence that you choose. You can compare your pronunciation to the native speaker's by listening to the sound and looking at the graphs.\n\nClick "Start" to begin, and see the on-line Help for complete instructions.