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- ; manifest.init;
- ; WARNING - Do not edit this file. It will likely be overwritten if you do so.
- VendorID = "Netscape"
- ProductID = "MozillaTrunk"
- PlatformID = "MacOS"
- BuildID = "2002082611"
- ManifestVersion = 1
- ApplicationName = "MozillaTrunk"
- TriggerOnUnknownTermination = 1
- DisableDontAsk = 1
- MaxTriggerCount = 1
- DisableUI = 0
- DisableWizard = 0
- EnableUserCreated = 1
- EnableSaveAs = 1
- KeyVetoDisabled = 0
- ServerCount = 2
- ServerAddress0 = 1, "http://talkback.netscape.com/spiral-bin/Collector.dll"
- ServerAddress1 = 1, "http://talkback5.netscape.com/spiral-bin/Collector.dll"
- NubCollectors = CFMInfo, MacLowmems, StackDump, RedZone, Drivers, HeapCheck, OpenFiles, Registers, ValidRegs, PC, CodeNearPC, ResourceMap, Processes, Drives, Volume, ScreenGDevices, Trigger, TriggerTime
- CFMInfo = 0x90000001, "SMac Code Fragment Info"
- MacLowmems = 0x9000000d, "SMacintosh Low Memory", 0, 64
- StackDump = 0x90000003, "SDump of Macintosh Stack", 2048
- RedZone = 0x9000000e, "SMac Red Zone"
- Drivers = 0x90000006, "SMac Driver Information"
- HeapCheck = 0x9000000c, "SMac Heap Check"
- OpenFiles = 0x90000007, "SMac Open Files"
- Registers = 0x90000000, "SPowerPC crash registers"
- ValidRegs = 0x9000000f, "SMac Valid Registers"
- PC = 0x90000002, "SPC at time of crash"
- CodeNearPC = 0x9000000b, "SMac Memory near PC", 0, 32
- ResourceMap = 0x90000009, "SMac Resource Map"
- Processes = 0x9000000a, "SMac Process List"
- Drives = 0x90000008, "SMac Drive Information"
- Volume = 0x90000005, "SMac Volume Information"
- ScreenGDevices = 0x90000004, "SMacintosh Screen GDevices"
- Trigger = 0x80000000, "STrigger Event"
- TriggerTime = 0x80000001, "SNub trigger event time"
- TransceiverCollectors = ControlPanels, Extensions, RAMSize, LogicalMemSize, VMAttrs, MachineType, MacVendor, CPUType, ClockSpeed, LowMemSize, SysUpdateVers, SysVers, Platform, ManifestVersionColl, DeploymentIDColl, VendorIDColl, ProductIDColl, PlatformIDColl, BuildIDColl
- ControlPanels = 0x10000002, "SMac Control Panels", "{Control Panels}:", 0, 0
- Extensions = 0x10000002, "SMac Extensions", "{Extensions}:", 0x494E4954, 0
- RAMSize = 0x10000000, "SMacOS RAM installed", "ram "
- LogicalMemSize = 0x10000000, "SMacOS logical memory size", "lram"
- VMAttrs = 0x10000000, "SMacOS VM attributes", "vm "
- MachineType = 0x10000000, "SMacOS machine type", "mach"
- MacVendor = 0x10000000, "SMacintosh hardware vendor", "hrad"
- CPUType = 0x10000000, "SMacOS CPU type", "cput"
- ClockSpeed = 0x10000000, "SMacintosh processor speed", "pclk"
- LowMemSize = 0x10000000, "SMacOS low memory size", "lmem"
- SysUpdateVers = 0x10000000, "SMacOS System Update ver", "sysu"
- SysVers = 0x10000000, "SMacOS System ver", "sysv"
- Platform = 3, "SPlatform Identifier", 0x10000000
- ManifestVersionColl = 1, "SManifest ver transceiver init"
- DeploymentIDColl = 2, "SDeployment ID", 1
- VendorIDColl = 2, "SVendor ID", 2
- ProductIDColl = 2, "SProduct ID", 3
- PlatformIDColl = 2, "SPlatform ID", 4
- BuildIDColl = 2, "SBuild ID", 5
- TraceConfig = 128, 0, 20
- AssertConfig = 0, 20, 0
- TraceParamTrackCount = 32
- AssertParamTrackCount = 32
- MaxBoxAge = 172800
- RandomFilter = 100, 100
- APIErrorConfig = 0, 20
- FullCircleURL0 = 1, 1, "http://www.fullcirclesoftware.com/"