Mail Forward:Version: 7.6.1-9.2 for Mac OS X (30-day demo)Made by: System Support Products, Inc ( )System requirements:Mac OS X 10.1.1 or later, Jaguar, Panther, TigerRegular price: $19.95Description: Mail Forward allows you to forward mail from AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, MSN, and Yahoo web mail accounts to any e-mail address. Standard POP e-mail accounts can also be forwarded.
Mail can be forwarded for up to 20 separate accounts. For each account, a forwarding address can be specified or a default destination can be used.
Mail Forward works by accessing your web mail or POP mailbox and forwarding each piece of mail through your SMTP mail server. Mail that is successfully forwarded can be deleted from the mailbox, or can be left on the server. The forwarding mailbox address is used as the return address for the forwarded mail, so if the mail is undeliverable it will be returned to the forwarding account.
A built-in scheduling feature allows mail to be forwarded automatically at a specified time interval.
Mail Forward also includes a basic scripting capability that allows you to use AppleScript to automate the forwarding of e-mail.