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- ===========
- - activation.jar
- Used for sending emails, and SOAP messages. Used from the editor.
- - avalon-framework.jar - v. 4.1.3
- Logging for FOP. Used from the editor.
- - azcheck.jar -v. 1.1
- Spell checking.Used from the editor.
- - batik.jar - v. 1.5 beta4
- Used by the FOP, Used from the editor.
- -commons-httpclient.jar - v. 2.0.1
- Used from Webdabv. Used from the editor.
- -commons-logging.jar - v. 1.0.2
- Used from FOP, Webdav Used from the editor.
- -dicts.jar
- Dictionaries for azcheck.Used from the editor.
- -dom.jar
- Contains the DOM Level 3, required by Saxon 8.Used from the editor.
- -eclipseHelp.zip
- The help for the eclipse plugin. Used from the editor.
- - fop.jar - v. 0.20.5
- FOP - Formatting Objects. Used from the editor.
- -jaxp-api.jar
- JAXP for DOM Level 3.Used from the editor.
- - jdepend-2.9.jar -v 2.9
- Analyses dependecies between java packages. Used from the IDE only.
- - jfcunit.jar -v. 2.06
- JFC testing. Used only from IDE.
- -jh.jar - v. 2.0_02
- Java help jar.Used from the editor.
- - jhall.jar, jhbasic.jar, jsearch.jar -v. 2.0_02
- Java help tools. Indexer. Used to produce the java help files. Not distributesd.
- - junit.jar -v.
- JUnit testing. Used only from IDE, build targets.
- - jing.jar - v. 20030619
- The jing parser.Used from the editor.
- - log4j.jar - v. 1.2.7
- Logger, used from the editor, testcases, etc..Used from the editor.
- - mail.jar -v. 1.2
- Mail implementation, Used only from automatic license gen, not the editor.
- - mailapi.jar
- Needed by the WSDL message factory.Used from the editor.
- - mysql.jar -v. 2.0.3
- JDBC driver, distributed with Oxygen and used by tests, automatic license gen.Used from the editor.
- - nekohtml.jar -v.0.9.4
- HTML parser for importing html as xml.Used from the editor.
- - poi-2.5.1-final-20040804.jar -v 2.5.1
- Importer for MS Excel files as XML, used from the editor.Used from the editor.
- - qname.jar
- Taken from WSDL4J, used for SOAP/WSDL editing.Used from the editor.
- - resolver.jar -v. 1.1
- xml-commons Resolver code, used from the editor to resolve ext. entities using catalogs.Used from the editor.
- - saaj-api.jar -v. 1.2
- Used for SOAP messages.Used from the editor.
- - saaj-impl.jar -v. 1.2
- Used for SOAP messages.Used from the editor.
- - saxon8*.jar -v. 8.4
- Saxon XSLT transformer.Used from the editor.
- - saxon.jar -v. 6.5.3
- Saxon XSLT transformer. Used from the editor.
- - saxon-jdom.jar -v. 6.5.3
- Saxon XSLT transformer. Used from the IDE for some testcase creating NodeInfo over DOM.
- - smil.zip
- Added a class required by batik. Used from the editor.
- - trang.jar -v. 20030619
- Convertor form DTD to XML Schema, Relax NG. Used from the editor.
- - wsdl4j.jar -v. 1.4
- Parser for WSDL files. Used from the editor.
- - xalanOxygen.jar -v. 2.5.1
- Xalan XSL Transformer. Used from the editor.
- - xercesImpl.jar -v. 2.6.2
- Xerces XML Parser. Used from the editor.
- - xml-apis.jar
- DOM and SAX interfaces. Used from the editor.
- - xmlsec.jar -v. 1.2.0
- Used for signing XML documents.Used from the editor.
- - xstream-1.1.jar -v. 1.1
- Serializes objects to XML. Used from the editor.