<xs:documentation>The required test attribute is an assertion test evaluated in the current context.
If the test evaluates positive, the report succeeds.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="role" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:documentation>A name describing the function of the assertion or context node in the pattern. If the assertion has a subject attribute, then the role labels the arc between the context node and any nodes which match the path expression given by the subject attribute.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string">
The unique identifier with the schema for the assert element.
<xs:documentation>The optional diagnostics attribute is a reference to further diagnostic information.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:anyURI">
<xs:documentation>The location of a graphics file containing some visible representation of the severity, significance or other grouping of the associated element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
The unique identifier with the schema for the diagnostic element.
<xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:anyURI">
<xs:documentation>The location of a graphics file containing some visible representation of the severity, significance or other grouping of the associated element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
The required path attribute gives the path from the current context to the field to be used as a key.
<xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:anyURI">
<xs:documentation>The location of a graphics file containing some visible representation of the severity, significance or other grouping of the associated element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="name">
Provides the names of nodes from the instance document to allow clearer assertions and diagnostics.<br/>
An implementation which does not report natural-language assertions is not required to make use of this element.
The required prefix attribute is an XML name with no colon character.
<xs:element name="p">
A paragraph of natural language text containing maintainer and user information about the parent element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this element.
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="sch:dir"/>
<xs:element ref="sch:emph"/>
<xs:element ref="sch:span"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string">
The unique identifier with the schema for the p element.
<xs:attribute name="class" type="xs:string">
The schema can nominate paragraphs that should be rendered in a distinct way, keyed with the class attribute.
<xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:anyURI">
<xs:documentation>The location of a graphics file containing some visible representation of the severity, significance or other grouping of the associated element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
The URI of external information of interest to maintainers and users of the schema.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
The id attribute provides a unique name for the pattern and is required for abstract patterns.
<xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:anyURI">
<xs:documentation>The location of a graphics file containing some visible representation of the severity, significance or other grouping of the associated element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="phase">
A grouping of patterns, to name and declare variations in schemas, for example, to support progressive
validation. The implementation determines which phase to use for validating documents, for example by user command.<br/>
Two names, #ALL and #DEFAULT, have special meanings. The name #ALL is reserved and available for use by
implementations to denote that all patterns are active. The name #DEFAULT is reserved and available for
use by implementations to denote that the name given in in the defaultPhase attribute on the schema element
should be used. If no defaultPhase is specified, then all patterns are active.
The names #ALL and #DEFAULT shall not be used in a Schematron schema. They are for use when invoking or
configuring schema validation, for example as a command-line parameter.
The icon, see and fpi attributes allow rich interfaces and documentation.
The required id attribute is the name of the phase.
<xs:attribute name="fpi" type="xs:string">
A formal public identifier for the schema, phase or other element.<br/>
An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute
<xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:anyURI">
<xs:documentation>The location of a graphics file containing some visible representation of the severity, significance or other grouping of the associated element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="report">
An assertion made about the context nodes. The data content is a natural-language assertion.
The natural-language assertion shall be a positive statement of a found pattern or a negative
statement of a constraint.
NOTE:<br/> The natural-language assertion may contain information about actual values in addition to
expected values and may contain diagnostic information. Users should note, however,that the diagnostic
element is provided for such information to encourage clear statement of the natural-language assertion.
The icon, see and fpi attributes allow rich interfaces and documentation.<br/>
The flag attribute allows more detailed outcomes.<br/>
The role and subject attributes allow explicit identification of some part of a pattern.<br/>
The required test attribute is an assertion test evaluated in the current context.
If the test evaluates positive, the report succeeds.
<xs:attribute name="role" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:documentation>A name describing the function of the assertion or context node in the pattern. If the assertion has a subject attribute, then the role labels the arc between the context node and any nodes which match the path expression given by the subject attribute.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string">
The unique identifier with the schema for the report element.
The optional diagnostics attribute is a reference to further diagnostic information.
<xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:anyURI">
<xs:documentation>The location of a graphics file containing some visible representation of the severity, significance or other grouping of the associated element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
When the rule element has the attribute abstract with a value true, then the rule is an abstract rule.
<xs:attribute name="role" type="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:documentation>A name describing the function of the assertion or context node in the pattern. If the assertion has a subject attribute, then the role labels the arc between the context node and any nodes which match the path expression given by the subject attribute.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string">
The unique identifier with the schema for the rule element.
The defaultPhase attribute may be used to indicate the phase to use in the absence of explicit user-supplied information.
<xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:anyURI">
<xs:documentation>The location of a graphics file containing some visible representation of the severity, significance or other grouping of the associated element.
<br/>An implementation is not required to make use of this attribute.</xs:documentation>