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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <xquery_functions>
- <function name="abs">
- <signature>fn:abs($arg as numeric?) as numeric?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the absolute value of $arg. If $arg is negative returns -$arg
- otherwise returns $arg. If type of $arg is one of the four numeric types xs:float,
- xs:double, xs:decimal or xs:integer the type of the return is the same as the type of
- $arg. If the type of $arg is a type derived from one of the numeric types, the type of
- the return is the base numeric type.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="add-dayTimeDuration-to-date">
- <signature>op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date( $arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as xdt:dayTimeDuration)
- as xs:date</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:date computed by adding $arg2 to the normalized value of
- $arg1.If $arg2 is negative, then the xs:date returned precedes $arg1.The result has the
- same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone, the result has no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime">
- <signature>op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime( $arg1 as xs:dateTime, $arg2 as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration) as xs:dateTime </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:dateTime computed by adding $arg2 to the normalized value
- of $arg1. If $arg2 is negative, then the result xs:dateTime precedes $arg1. The result
- has the same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone, the result has no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="add-dayTimeDuration-to-time">
- <signature>op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time( $arg1 as xs:time, $arg2 as xdt:dayTimeDuration)
- as xs:time </signature>
- <summary>Summary: First, the days component in the canonical lexical representation of $arg2
- is set to zero (0) and the value of the resulting xdt:dayTimeDuration is calculated.
- Alternatively, the value modulus 86,400 is used. This value is added to the normalized
- value of $arg1 and the result returned. Note that the xs:time returned may occur in a
- following or preceding day and may be less than $arg1. The result has the same timezone
- as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone, the result has no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="add-dayTimeDurations">
- <signature>fn:add-dayTimeDurations( $arg1 as xdt:dayTimeDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration) as xdt:dayTimeDuration </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of adding the value of $arg1 to the value of $arg2.
- Backs up the "+" operator on xdt:dayTimeDuration values.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="add-yearMonthDuration-to-date">
- <signature>fn:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date( $arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xs:date </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:date computed by adding $arg2 to the normalized value of
- $arg1. If $arg2 is negative, then the xs:date returned precedes $arg1. The result has
- the same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone, the result has no timezone </summary>
- </function>
- <function name="add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime">
- <signature>fn:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime( $arg1 as xs:dateTime, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xs:dateTime </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:dateTime computed by adding $arg2 to the normalized value
- of $arg1If $arg2 is negative, then the result xs:dateTime precedes $arg1. The result has
- the same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone, the result has no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="add-yearMonthDurations">
- <signature>fn:add-yearMonthDurations( $arg1 as xdt:yearMonthDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xdt:yearMonthDuration </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of adding the value of $arg1 to the value of $arg2.
- Backs up the "+" operator on xdt:yearMonthDuration values.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="adjust-date-to-timezone">
- <signature>fn:adjust-date-to-timezone($arg as xs:date?) as xs:date?</signature>
- <signature>fn:adjust-date-to-timezone( $arg as xs:date?, $timezone as xdt:dayTimeDuration?)
- as xs:date? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Adjusts an xs:date value to a specific timezone, or to no timezone at all.
- If $timezone is the empty sequence, returns an xs:date without a timezone. Otherwise,
- returns an xs:date with a timezone. For purposes of timezone adjustment, an xs:date is
- treated as an xs:dateTime with time 00:00:00.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="adjust-dateTime-to-timezone">
- <signature>fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone($arg as xs:dateTime?) as xs:dateTime?</signature>
- <signature>fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone( $arg as xs:dateTime?, $timezone as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration?) as xs:dateTime? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Adjusts an xs:dateTime value to a specific timezone, or to no timezone at
- all. If $timezone is the empty sequence, returns an xs:dateTime without a timezone.
- Otherwise, returns an xs:dateTime with a timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="adjust-time-to-timezone">
- <signature>fn:adjust-time-to-timezone($arg as xs:time?) as xs:time? </signature>
- <signature>fn:adjust-time-to-timezone( $arg as xs:time?, $timezone as xdt:dayTimeDuration?)
- as xs:time? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Adjusts an xs:time value to a specific timezone, or to no timezone at all.
- If $timezone is the empty sequence, returns an xs:time without a timezone. Otherwise,
- returns an xs:time with a timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="anyURI-equal">
- <signature>op:anyURI-equal($arg1 as xs:anyURI, $arg2 as xs:anyURI) as xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if $arg1 and $arg2 compare equal on a codepoint-by-codepoint
- basis. Otherwise, returns false. This function backs up the "eq" and
- "ne" operators on anyURI.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="avg">
- <signature>fn:avg($arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*) as xdt:anyAtomicType?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the average of the values in the input sequence $arg, that is, the
- sum of the values divided by the number of values.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="base-uri">
- <signature>fn:base-uri($arg as node()?) as xs:anyURI?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of the base-uri property for $arg as defined by the
- accessor function dm:base-uri() for that kind of node.</summary>
- <signature>fn:base-uri() as xs:anyURI?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: This version of the function returns the value of the base-uri property
- from the static context. If the base-uri property is undefined, the empty sequence is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="base64Binary-equal">
- <signature>op:base64Binary-equal( $value1 as xs:base64Binary, $value2 as xs:base64Binary) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if $value1 and $value2 are of the same length, measured in
- binary octets, and contain the same octets in the same order. Otherwise, returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="boolean">
- <signature>fn:boolean($arg as item()*) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Computes the effective boolean value of the sequence $arg</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="boolean-equal">
- <signature>op:boolean-equal($value1 as xs:boolean, $value2 as xs:boolean) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if both arguments are true or if both arguments are false.
- Returns false if one of the arguments is true and the other argument is false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="boolean-greater-than">
- <signature>op:boolean-greater-than($arg1 as xs:boolean, $arg2 as xs:boolean) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if $arg1 is true and $arg2 is false. Otherwise, returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="boolean-less-than">
- <signature>op:boolean-less-than($arg1 as xs:boolean, $arg2 as xs:boolean) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if $arg1 is false and $arg2 is true. Otherwise, returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="ceiling">
- <signature>fn:ceiling($arg as numeric?) as numeric?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number with no
- fractional part that is not less than the value of $arg. If type of $arg is one of the
- four numeric types xs:float, xs:double, xs:decimal or xs:integer the type of the return
- is the same as the type of $arg. If the type of $arg is a type derived from one of the
- numeric types, the type of the return is the base numeric type.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="codepoints-to-string">
- <signature>fn:codepoints-to-string($arg as xs:integer*) as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Creates an xs:string from a sequence of code points. Returns the zero-length string
- if $arg is the empty sequence. If any of the code points in $arg is not a legal XML
- character, an error is raised</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="collection">
- <signature>fn:collection($arg as xs:string?) as node()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Takes a xs:string as argument and returns a sequence of nodes obtained by
- interpreting $arg as an xs:anyURI and resolving it according to the mapping specified in
- Available collections. If Available collections provides a mapping from this string to a
- sequence of nodes, the function returns that sequence. If Available collections maps the
- string to an empty sequence, then the function returns an empty sequence. If Available
- collections provides no mapping for the string, an error is raised </summary>
- </function>
- <function name="compare">
- <signature>fn:compare($comparand1 as xs:string?, $comparand2 as xs:string?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <signature>fn:compare( $comparand1 as xs:string?, $comparand2 as xs:string?, $collation as
- xs:string) as xs:integer? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the value of the $comparand1 is
- respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the value of $comparand2, according to
- the rules of the collation that is used.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="concat">
- <signature>fn:concat( $arg1 as xdt:anyAtomicType?, $arg2 as xdt:anyAtomicType?, ... ) as
- xs:string </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Accepts two or more xdt:anyAtomicType arguments and converts them to
- xs:string. Returns the xs:string that is the concatenation of the values of its
- arguments after conversion. If any of the arguments is the empty sequence, the argument
- is treated as the zero-length string.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="concatenate">
- <signature>op:concatenate($seq1 as item()*, $seq2 as item()*) as item()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns a sequence consisting of the items in $seq1 followed by the items
- in $seq2. This function backs up the infix operator ",". If either
- sequence is the empty sequence, the other operand is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="contains">
- <signature>fn:contains($arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <signature>fn:contains( $arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?, $collation as xs:string)
- as xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:boolean indicating whether or not the value of $arg1
- contains (at the beginning, at the end, or anywhere within) at least one sequence of
- collation units that provides a minimal match to the collation units in the value of
- $arg2, according to the collation that is used.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="count">
- <signature>fn:count($arg as item()*) as xs:integer</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the number of items in the value of $arg.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="current-date">
- <signature>fn:current-date() as xs:date </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns xs:date(fn:current-dateTime()). This is a xs:date (with timezone)
- that is current at some time during the evaluation of a query or transformation in which
- fn:current-date() is executed. This function is ·stable·. The precise instant during the
- query or transformation represented by the value of fn:current-date() is ·implementation dependent·.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="current-dateTime">
- <signature>fn:current-dateTime() as xs:dateTime</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:dateTime (with timezone) from the dynamic context.This is a
- xs:dateTime that is current at some time during the evaluation of a query or
- transformation in which fn:current-dateTime() is executed. This function is ·stable·.
- The precise instant during the query or transformation represented by the value of
- fn:current-dateTime() is ·implementation dependent·.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="current-time">
- <signature>fn:current-time() as xs:time</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns xs:time(fn:current-dateTime()). This is axs:time (with timezone)
- that is current at some time during the evaluation of a query or transformation in which
- fn:current-time() is executed. This function is ·stable·. The precise instant during the
- query or transformation represented by the value of fn:current-time() is ·implementation dependent·.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="data">
- <signature>fn:data($arg as item()*) as xdt:anyAtomicType*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: fn:data takes a sequence of items and returns a sequence of atomic values.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="date-equal">
- <signature>op:date-equal($arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as xs:date) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is equal to the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="date-greater-than">
- <signature>op:date-greater-than($arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as xs:date) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is greater than
- the normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="date-less-than">
- <signature>op:date-less-than($arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as xs:date) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is less than the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="deep-equal">
- <signature>fn:deep-equal($parameter1 as item()*, $parameter2 as item()*) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <signature>fn:deep-equal( $parameter1 as item()*, $parameter2 as item()*, $collation as
- string) as xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: The function assesses whether two sequences are deep-equal to each other.
- To be deep-equal, they must contain items that are pairwise deep-equal; and for two
- items to be deep-equal, they must either by atomic values that compare equal, or nodes
- of the same kind, with the same name, whose children are deep-equal. This is defined in
- more detail below. The $collation argument identifies a collation which is used at all
- levels of recursion when strings are compared (but not when names are compared).</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="default-collation">
- <signature>fn:default-collation() as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of the default collation property from the static context.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="distinct-values">
- <signature>fn:distinct-values($arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*) as xdt:anyAtomicType*</signature>
- <signature>fn:distinct-values( $arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*, $collation as xs:string) as
- xdt:anyAtomicType* </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the sequence that results from removing from $arg all but one of a
- set of values that are eq to one other. Values that cannot be compared, i.e. the eq
- operator is not defined for their types, are considered to be distinct. Values of type
- xdt:untypedAtomic are compared as if they were of type xs:string. The order in which the
- sequence of values is returned is ·implementation dependent·.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="divide-dayTimeDuration">
- <signature>op:divide-dayTimeDuration( $arg1 as xdt:dayTimeDuration, $arg2 as xs:double) as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of dividing the value of $arg1 by $arg2.</summary>
- <signature>op:divide-dayTimeDuration( $arg1 as xdt:dayTimeDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration) as xs:decimal </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of dividing the value of $arg1 by $arg2. Since the
- values of both operands are decimals, the semantics of the division is identical to
- op:numeric-divide with xs:decimal operands.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="divide-yearMonthDuration">
- <signature>op:divide-yearMonthDuration( $arg1 as xdt:yearMonthDuration, $arg2 as xs:double)
- as xdt:yearMonthDuration </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of dividing the value of $arg1 by $arg2. The result is
- rounded to the nearest month. For a value v, 0 <= v < 0.5 rounds to 0; 0.5
- <= v < 1.0 rounds to 1.</summary>
- <signature>op:divide-yearMonthDuration( $arg1 as xdt:yearMonthDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xs:decimal </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of dividing the value of $arg1 by $arg2. Since the
- values of both operands are integers, the semantics of the division is identical to
- op:numeric-divide with xs:integer operands.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="doc">
- <signature>fn:doc($uri as xs:string?) as document-node()?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Retrieves a document using an xs:anyURI supplied as an xs:string. If $uri
- is not a valid xs:anyURI, an error is raised [invalid argument to fn:doc]. If it is a
- relative URI Reference, it is resolved relative to the value of the base URI property
- from the static context. The resulting absolute URI Reference is cast to an xs:string.
- If the Available documents provides a mapping from this string to a document node, the
- function returns that document node. If the Available documents maps the string to an
- empty sequence, then the function returns an empty sequence. If the Available documents
- provides no mapping for the string, an error is raised [invalid argument to fn:doc].</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="document-uri">
- <signature>fn:document-uri($arg as node()?) as xs:anyURI?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of the document-uri property for $arg as defined by the
- accessor function.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="empty">
- <signature>fn:empty($arg as item()*) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: If the value of $arg is the empty sequence, the function returns true;
- otherwise, the function returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="ends-with">
- <signature>fn:ends-with($arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <signature>fn:ends-with( $arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?, $collation as xs:string)
- as xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:boolean indicating whether or not the value of $arg1 ends
- with a sequence of collation units that provides a minimal match to the collation units
- of M$arg2 according to the collation that is used.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="error">
- <signature>fn:error() as none</signature>
- <signature>fn:error($error as xs:QName) as none</signature>
- <signature>fn:error($error as xs:QName, $description as xs:string) as none</signature>
- <signature>fn:error( $error as xs:QName, $description as xs:string, $error-object as item()*)</signature>
- <summary>Summary: The fn:error function causes the evaluation of the outermost XQuery or
- transformation to stop. While this function never returns a value, it will cause a URI
- that identifies the error to be returned to the external processing environment.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="escape-uri">
- <signature>fn:escape-uri( $uri-part as xs:string?, $escape-reserved as xs:boolean) as
- xs:string </signature>
- <summary>Summary: This function applies the URI escaping rules defined in section 2 of [RFC
- 2396] as amended by [RFC 2732], with one exception, to the string supplied as $uri-part,
- which typically represents all or part of a URI. The effect of the function is to escape
- a set of identified characters in the string. Each such character is replaced in the
- string by an escape sequence, which is formed by encoding the character as a sequence of
- octets in UTF-8, and then representing each of these octets in the form %HH, where HH is
- the hexadecimal representation of the octet.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="exactly-one">
- <signature>fn:exactly-one($arg as item()*) as item()</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns $arg if it contains exactly one item. Otherwise, raises an error
- [fn:exactly-one called with a sequence containing zero or more than one item]. The type
- of the result depends on the type of $arg.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="except">
- <signature>op:except($parameter1 as node()*, $parameter2 as node()*) as node()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Constructs a sequence containing every node that occurs in the value of
- $parameter1, but not in the value of $parameter2, eliminating duplicate nodes. Nodes are
- returned in document order.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="exists">
- <signature>fn:exists($arg as item()*) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: If the value of $arg is not the empty sequence, the function returns true;
- otherwise, the function returns false</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="expanded-QName">
- <signature>fn:expanded-QName($paramURI as xs:string?, $paramLocal as xs:string) as xs:QName</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:QName with the namespace URI given in $paramURI and the
- local name in $paramLocal. If $paramURI is the empty string or the empty sequence, it
- represents "no namespace". If $paramLocal does not have the correct
- lexical form for xs:NCName an error is raised [invalid lexical value].</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="false">
- <signature>fn:false() as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:boolean value false. Equivalent to xs:boolean("0").</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="floor">
- <signature>fn:floor($arg as numeric?) as numeric?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) number with no
- fractional part that is not greater than the value of $arg. If type of $arg is one of
- the four numeric types xs:float, xs:double, xs:decimal or xs:integer the type of the
- return is the same as the type of $arg. If the type of $arg is a type derived from one
- of the numeric types, the type of the return is the base numeric type</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="gDay-equal">
- <signature>op:gDay-equal($arg1 as xs:gDay, $arg2 as xs:gDay) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is equal to the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="gMonth-equal">
- <signature>op:gMonth-equal($arg1 as xs:gMonth, $arg2 as xs:gMonth) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is equal to the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="gMonthDay-equal">
- <signature>op:gMonthDay-equal($arg1 as xs:gMonthDay, $arg2 as xs:gMonthDay) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is equal to the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="gYear-equal">
- <signature>op:gYear-equal($arg1 as xs:gYear, $arg2 as xs:gYear) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is equal to the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="gYearMonth-equal">
- <signature>op:gYearMonth-equal( $arg1 as xs:gYearMonth, $arg2 as xs:gYearMonth) as
- xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is equal to the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="hexBinary-equal">
- <signature>op:hexBinary-equal( $value1 as xs:hexBinary, $value2 as xs:hexBinary) as
- xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if $value1 and $value2 are of the same length, measured in
- binary octets, and contain the same octets in the same order. Otherwise, returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="hours-from-dateTime">
- <signature>fn:hours-from-dateTime($arg as xs:dateTime?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer between 0 and 23, both inclusive, representing the
- hours component in the localized value of $arg. If $arg is the empty sequence, returns
- the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="hours-from-duration">
- <signature>fn:hours-from-duration($arg as xdt:dayTimeDuration?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer representing the hours component in the canonical
- lexical representation of the value of $arg. The result may be negative. If $arg is the
- empty sequence, returns the empty sequence</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="hours-from-time">
- <signature>fn:hours-from-time($arg as xs:time?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer between 0 and 23, both inclusive, representing the
- value of the hours component in the localized value of $arg. If $arg is the empty
- sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="id">
- <signature>fn:id($arg as xs:string*) as element()*</signature>
- <signature>fn:id($arg as xs:string*, $node as node()) as element()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the sequence of element nodes with xs:ID values matching the
- values of one or more of the xs:IDREF values supplied in $arg</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="idref">
- <signature>fn:idref($arg as xs:string*) as node()*</signature>
- <signature>fn:idref($arg as xs:string*, $node as node()) as node()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the nodes that have xs:IDREF values that reference one or more of
- the xs:ID values specified in $arg. This function allows reverse navigation from IDs to xs:IDREFs.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="implicit-timezone">
- <signature>fn:implicit-timezone() as xdt:dayTimeDuration?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of the implicit timezone property from the evaluation
- context. Returns the empty sequence if the implicit timezone is undefined.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="in-scope-prefixes">
- <signature>fn:in-scope-prefixes($element as element()) as xs:string*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the prefixes of the in-scope namespaces for $element. For
- namespaces that have a prefix, it returns the prefix as an xs:NCName. For the default
- namespace, which has no prefix, it returns the zero-length string.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="index-of">
- <signature>fn:index-of( $seqParam as xdt:anyAtomicType*, $srchParam as xdt:anyAtomicType) as
- xs:integer* </signature>
- <signature>fn:index-of( $seqParam as xdt:anyAtomicType*, $srchParam as xdt:anyAtomicType,
- $collation as xs:string) as xs:integer* </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns a sequence of positive integers giving the positions within the
- sequence $seqParam of items that are equal to $srchParam.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="insert-before">
- <signature>fn:insert-before( $target as item()*, $position as xs:integer, $inserts as
- item()*) as item()* </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns a new sequence constructed from the value of $target with the
- value of $inserts inserted at the position specified by the value of $position. (The
- value of $target is not affected by the sequence construction.) If $target is the empty
- sequence, $inserts is returned. If $inserts is the empty sequence, $target is returned.
- The value returned by the function consists of all items of $target whose index is less
- than $position, followed by all items of $inserts, followed by the remaining elements of
- $target, in that sequence. If $position is less than one (1), the first position, the
- effective value of $position is one (1). If $position is greater than the number of
- items in $target, then the effective value of $position is equal to the number of items
- in $target plus 1.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="intersect">
- <signature>op:intersect($parameter1 as node()*, $parameter2 as node()*) as node()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Constructs a sequence containing every node that occurs in the values of
- both $parameter1 and $parameter2, eliminating duplicate nodes. Nodes are returned in
- document order. If either operand is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="is-same-node">
- <signature>op:is-same-node($parameter1 as node(), $parameter2 as node()) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: If the node identified by the value of $parameter1 is the same node as the
- node identified by the value of $parameter2 (that is, the two nodes have the same
- identity), then the function returns true; otherwise, the function returns false. This
- function backs up the "is" operator on nodes.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="lang">
- <signature>fn:lang($testlang as xs:string?) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <signature>fn:lang($testlang as xs:string?, $node as node()) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: This function tests whether the language of $node, or the context node if
- the second argument is omitted, as specified by xml:lang attributes is the same as, or
- is a sublanguage of, the language specified by $testlang. The language of the argument
- node, or the context node if the second argument is omitted, is determined by the value
- of the xml:lang attribute on the node, or, if the node has no such attribute, by the
- value of the xml:lang attribute on the nearest ancestor of the node that has an xml:lang
- attribute. If there is no such ancestor, then the function returns false</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="last">
- <signature>fn:last() as xs:integer</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer indicating the number of items in the sequence of
- items currently being processed. If the context item is undefined, an error is raised
- [undefined context item].</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="local-name">
- <signature>fn:local-name() as xs:string</signature>
- <signature>fn:local-name($arg as node()?) as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the local part of the name of $arg as an xs:string that will
- either be the zero-length string or will have the lexical form of an xs:NCName.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="local-name-from-QName">
- <signature>fn:local-name-from-QName($arg as xs:QName?) as xs:NCNAME?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:NCNAME representing the local part of $arg. If $arg is the
- empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="lower-case">
- <signature>fn:lower-case($arg as xs:string?) as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Summary, returns the value of $srcval after translating every character to its
- lower-case correspondent. Every character that does not have an lower-case correspondent
- is included in the returned value in its original form. If the value of
- $arg is the empty sequence, the zero-length string is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="matches">
- <signature>fn:matches($input as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <signature>fn:matches( $input as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string, $flags as xs:string) as
- xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: The function returns true if $input matches the regular expression
- supplied as $pattern as influenced by the value of $flags, if present; otherwise, it
- returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="max">
- <signature>fn:max($arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*) as xdt:anyAtomicType?</signature>
- <signature>fn:max($arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*, $collation as string) as xdt:anyAtomicType?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Selects an item from the input sequence $arg whose value is greater than
- or equal to the value of every other item in the input sequence. If there are two or
- more such items, then the specific item whose value is returned is ·implementation dependent·.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="min">
- <signature>fn:min($arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*) as xdt:anyAtomicType?</signature>
- <signature>fn:min($arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*, $collation as string) as xdt:anyAtomicType?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: selects an item from the input sequence $arg whose value is less than or
- equal to the value of every other item in the input sequence. If there are two or more
- such items, then the specific item whose value is returned is ·implementation dependent·.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="minutes-from-dateTime">
- <signature>fn:minutes-from-dateTime($arg as xs:dateTime?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer value between 0 and 59, both inclusive, representing
- the minute component in the localized value of $arg. If $arg is the empty sequence,
- returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="minutes-from-duration">
- <signature>fn:minutes-from-duration($arg as xdt:dayTimeDuration?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer representing the minutes component in the canonical
- lexical representation of the value of $arg. The result may be negative. If $arg is the
- empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="minutes-from-time">
- <signature>fn:minutes-from-time($arg as xs:time?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer value between 0 to 59, both inclusive, representing
- the value of the minutes component in the localized value of $arg. If $arg is the empty
- sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="month-from-date">
- <signature>fn:month-from-date($arg as xs:date?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 12, both inclusive, representing the
- month component in the localized value of $arg. If $arg is the empty sequence, returns
- the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="month-from-dateTime">
- <signature>fn:month-from-dateTime($arg as xs:dateTime?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 12, both inclusive, representing the
- month component in the localized value of $arg. If $arg is the empty sequence, returns
- the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="months-from-duration">
- <signature>fn:months-from-duration($arg as xdt:yearMonthDuration?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer representing the months component in the canonical
- lexical representation of the value of $arg. The result may be negative. If $arg is the
- empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="multiply-dayTimeDuration">
- <signature>op:multiply-dayTimeDuration( $arg1 as xdt:dayTimeDuration, $arg2 as xs:double) as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of multiplying the value of $arg1 by $arg2.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="multiply-yearMonthDuration">
- <signature>op:multiply-yearMonthDuration( $arg1 as xdt:yearMonthDuration, $arg2 as
- xs:double) as xdt:yearMonthDuration </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of multiplying the value of $arg1 by $arg2. The result
- is rounded to the nearest month. For a value v, 0 <= v < 0.5 rounds to 0;
- 0.5 <= v < 1.0 rounds to 1.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="name">
- <signature>fn:name() as xs:string</signature>
- <signature>fn:name($arg as node()?) as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the name of a node, as an xs:string that is either the zero-length
- string, or has the lexical form of an xs:QName.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="namespace-uri">
- <signature>fn:namespace-uri() as xs:anyURI</signature>
- <signature>fn:namespace-uri($arg as node()?) as xs:anyURI</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the namespace URI of the QName of $arg as a xs:string.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="namespace-uri-for-prefix">
- <signature>fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix( $prefix as xs:string, $element as element()) as
- xs:anyURI? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the namespace URI of one of the in-scope namespaces for $element,
- identified by its namespace prefix.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="namespace-uri-from-QName">
- <signature>fn:namespace-uri-from-QName($arg as xs:QName?) as xs:anyURI?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the namespace URI for $arg as an xs:string. If $arg is the empty
- sequence, the empty sequence is returned. If $arg is in no namespace, the zero-length
- string is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="nilled">
- <signature> fn:nilled($arg as node()) as xs:boolean? </signature>
- <summary> Summary: Returns an xs:boolean indicating whether the argument node is
- "nilled". If the argument is not an element node, returns the empty
- sequence. </summary>
- </function>
- <function name="node-after">
- <signature>op:node-after($parameter1 as node(), $parameter2 as node()) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: If the node identified by the value of $parameter1 occurs in document
- order after the node identified by the value of $parameter2, this function returns true;
- otherwise, it returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="node-before">
- <signature>op:node-before($parameter1 as node(), $parameter2 as node()) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: If the node identified by the value of $parameter1 occurs in document
- order before the node identified by the value of $parameter2, this function returns
- true; otherwise, it returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="node-name">
- <signature> fn:node-name($arg as node()?) as xs:QName? </signature>
- <summary> Summary: Returns an expanded-QName for node kinds that can have names. For other
- kinds of nodes it returns the empty sequence. If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty
- sequence is returned. </summary>
- </function>
- <function name="normalize-space">
- <signature>fn:normalize-space() as xs:string</signature>
- <signature>fn:normalize-space($arg as xs:string?) as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of $arg with whitespace normalized by stripping leading
- and trailing whitespace and replacing sequences of one or more than one whitespace
- character with a single space, #x20.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="normalize-unicode">
- <signature>fn:normalize-unicode($arg as xs:string?) as xs:string</signature>
- <signature>fn:normalize-unicode( $arg as xs:string?, $normalizationForm as xs:string) as
- xs:string </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of $arg normalized according to the normalization
- criteria for a normalization form identified by the value of $normalizationForm. The
- effective value of the $normalizationForm is computed by removing leading and trailing
- blanks, if present, and converting to upper case.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="not">
- <signature>fn:not($arg as item()*) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: $arg is first reduced to an effective boolean value by applying the
- fn:boolean() function. Returns true if the effective boolean value is false, and false
- if the effective boolean value is true.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="NOTATION-equal">
- <signature>op:NOTATION-equal($arg1 as xs:NOTATION, $arg2 as xs:NOTATION) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if $arg1 and $arg2 compare equal on a codepoint-by-codepoint
- basis. Else returns false. This function backs up the "eq" and
- "ne" operators on xs:NOTATION values.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="number">
- <signature>fn:number() as xs:double</signature>
- <signature>fn:number($arg as xdt:anyAtomicType?) as xs:double</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value indicated by $arg or, if $arg is not specified, the
- context item after atomization, converted to an xs:double. If $arg or the context item
- cannot be converted to an xs:double, the xs:double value NaN is returned. If the context
- item is undefined an error is raised: [undefined context item].</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-add">
- <signature>op:numeric-add($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as numeric</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Backs up the "+" operator and returns the arithmetic sum
- of its operands: ($arg1 + $arg2).</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-divide">
- <signature>op:numeric-divide($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as numeric</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Backs up the "div" operator and returns the arithmetic
- quotient of its operands: ($arg1 div $arg2). As a special case, if the types of both
- $arg1 and $arg2 are xs:integer, then the return type is xs:decimal.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-equal">
- <signature>op:numeric-equal($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the value of $arg1 is equal to the value of
- $arg2. For xs:float and xs:double values, positive zero and negative zero compare equal.
- NaN does not equal itself.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-greater-than">
- <signature>op:numeric-greater-than($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if $arg1 is greater than $arg2. For xs:float and
- xs:double values, positive infinity is greater than all other non-NaN values; negative
- infinity is less than all other non-NaN values. If $arg1 or $arg2 is NaN, the function
- returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-integer-divide">
- <signature>op:numeric-integer-divide( $arg1 as xs:numeric, $arg2 as xs:numeric) as
- xs:integer </signature>
- <summary>Summary: This function backs up the "idiv" operator and performs
- an integer division: that is, it divides the first argument by the second, and returns
- the integer obtained by truncating the fractional part of the result. The division is
- performed so that the sign of the fractional part is the same as the sign of the
- dividend. If the dividend, $arg1, is not evenly divided by the divisor, $arg2, then the
- quotient is the xs:integer value obtained, ignoring (truncating) any remainder that
- results from the division (that is, no rounding is performed). Thus, the semantics
- "$a idiv $b" are equivalent to "($a div $b) cast as
- xs:integer" except for error situations. If the divisor is zero, then an error
- is raised [division by zero].</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-less-than">
- <signature>op:numeric-less-than($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if $arg1 is less than $arg2. For xs:float and
- xs:double values, positive infinity is greater than all other non-NaN values; negative
- infinity is less than all other non-NaN values. If $arg1 or $arg2 is NaN, the function
- returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-mod">
- <signature>op:numeric-mod($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as numeric</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Backs up the "mod" operator. Informally, this function
- returns the remainder resulting from dividing $arg1, the dividend, by $arg2, the
- divisor. The operation a mod b for operands that are xs:integer or xs:decimal, or types
- derived from them, produces a result such that (a idiv b)*b+(a mod b) is equal to a and
- the magnitude of the result is always less than the magnitude of b. This identity holds
- even in the special case that the dividend is the negative integer of largest possible
- magnitude for its type and the divisor is -1 (the remainder is 0). It follows from this
- rule that the sign of the result is the sign of the dividend. For xs:integer and
- xs:decimal operands, if $arg2 is zero, then an error is raised [division by zero].</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-multiply">
- <signature>op:numeric-multiply($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as numeric</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Backs up the "*" operator and returns the arithmetic
- product of its operands: ($arg1 * $arg2).</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-subtract">
- <signature>op:numeric-subtract($arg1 as numeric, $arg2 as numeric) as numeric</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Backs up the "-" operator and returns the arithmetic
- difference of its operands: ($arg1 - $arg2).</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-unary-minus">
- <signature>op:numeric-unary-minus($arg as numeric) as numeric</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Backs up the unary "-" operator and returns its operand
- with the sign reversed: (- $arg). If $arg is positive, its negative is returned; if it
- is negative, its positive is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="numeric-unary-plus">
- <signature>op:numeric-unary-plus($arg as numeric) as numeric</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Backs up the unary "+" operator and returns its operand
- with the sign unchanged: (+ $arg). Semantically, this operation performs no operation.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="one-or-more">
- <signature>fn:one-or-more($arg as item()*) as item()+</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns $arg if it contains one or more items. Otherwise, raises an error
- [fn:one-or-more called with a sequence containing no items]. The type of the result
- depends on the type of $arg.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="position">
- <signature>fn:position() as xs:integer</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer indicating the position of the context item within
- the sequence of items currently being processed. If the context item is undefined, an
- error is raised [undefined context item].</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="QName-equal">
- <signature>op:QName-equal($arg1 as xs:QName, $arg2 as xs:QName) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if the namespace URIs of $arg1 and $arg2 are equal and the
- local names of $arg1 and $arg2 are identical on a codepoint-by-codepoint basis.
- Otherwise, returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="remove">
- <signature>fn:remove($target as item()*, $position as xs:integer) as item()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns a new sequence constructed from the value of $target with the item
- at the position specified by the value of $position removed.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="replace">
- <signature>fn:replace( $input as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string, $replacement as
- xs:string) as xs:string </signature>
- <signature>fn:replace( $input as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string, $replacement as
- xs:string, $flags as xs:string) as xs:string </signature>
- <summary>Summary: The function returns the xs:string that is obtained by replacing each
- non-overlapping substring of $input that matches the given $pattern with an occurrence
- of the $replacement string.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="resolve-QName">
- <signature>fn:resolve-QName($qname as xs:string?, $element as element()) as xs:QName?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:QName value (that is, an expanded QName) by taking an
- xs:string that has the lexical form of an xs:QName (a string in the form
- "prefix:local-name" or "local-name") and resolving
- it using the in-scope namespaces for a given element. If $qname does not have the
- correct lexical form for xs:QName an error is raised [invalid lexical value]. If $qname
- is the empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="resolve-uri">
- <signature>fn:resolve-uri($relative as xs:string?) as xs:anyURI?</signature>
- <signature>fn:resolve-uri($relative as xs:string?, $base as xs:string) as xs:anyURI?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: If $relative is a relative URI reference, the first form of this function
- resolves it against the value of the base-uri property from the static context. If
- $relative is an absolute URI reference , it is returned unchanged. If the base-uri
- property is not initialized in the static context an error is raised [base uri not
- defined in the static context]. The second form of this function expects $base to be an
- absolute URI and $relative to be an absolute or a relative URI reference as defined in
- [RFC 2396]. If $relative is a relative URI reference, it is resolved against the
- base-uri, $base, and the resulting absolute URI reference is returned. If $relative is
- an absolute URI reference, it is returned unchanged. If $base is not an absolute URI, an
- error is raised [base uri argument to fn:resolve-uri is not an absolute uri]. If
- $relative or $base is not a valid xs:anyURI an error is raised [invalid argument to
- fn:resolve-uri()]. If $relative is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="reverse">
- <signature>fn:reverse($arg as item()*) as item()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Reverses the order of items in a sequence. If $arg is the empty sequence,
- the empty sequence is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="root">
- <signature>fn:root() as node()</signature>
- <signature>fn:root($arg as node()?) as node()?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the root of the tree to which $arg belongs. This will usually, but
- not necessarily, be a document node. If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence
- is returned. If $arg is a document node, $arg is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="round">
- <signature>fn:round($arg as numeric?) as numeric?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the number with no fractional part that is closest to the
- argument. If there are two such numbers, then the one that is closest to positive
- infinity is returned. More formally, fn:round(x) produces the same result as
- fn:floor(x+0.5). If type of $arg is one of the four numeric types xs:float, xs:double,
- xs:decimal or xs:integer the type of the return is the same as the type of $arg. If the
- type of $arg is a type derived from one of the numeric types, the type of the return is
- the base numeric type. For xs:float and xs:double arguments, if the argument is positive
- zero (+0), then positive zero (+0) is returned. If the argument is negative zero (-0),
- then negative zero (-0) is returned. If the argument is less than zero (0), but greater
- than or equal to -0.5, then negative zero (-0) is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="fn:round-half-to-even">
- <signature>fn:round-half-to-even($arg as numeric?) as numeric?</signature>
- <signature>fn:round-half-to-even($arg as numeric?, $precision as xs:integer) as numeric?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: The value returned is the nearest (that is, numerically closest) numeric
- to $arg that is a multiple of ten to the power of minus $precision. If two such values
- are equally near (e.g. if the fractional part in $arg is exactly .500...), returns the
- one whose least significant digit is even. If type of $arg is one of the four numeric
- types xs:float, xs:double, xs:decimal or xs:integer the type of the return is the same
- as the type of $arg. If the type of $arg is a type derived from one of the numeric
- types, the type of the return is the base numeric type. The first signature of this
- function produces the same result as the second signature with $precision=0. For
- arguments of type xs:float and xs:double, if the argument is positive zero (+0), then
- positive zero (+0) is returned. If the argument is negative zero (-0), then negative
- zero (-0) is returned. If the argument is less than zero (0), but greater than or equal
- to -0.5, then negative zero (-0) is returned. If $arg is of type xs:float or xs:double,
- rounding occurs on the value of the mantissa computed with exponent = 0.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="seconds-from-dateTime">
- <signature>fn:seconds-from-dateTime($arg as xs:dateTime?) as xs:decimal?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:decimal value between 0 and 60.999..., both inclusive
- representing the seconds and fractional seconds in the localized value of $arg. Note
- that the value can be greater than 60 seconds to accommodate occasional leap seconds
- used to keep human time synchronized with the rotation of the planet. If $arg is the
- empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="seconds-from-duration">
- <signature>fn:seconds-from-duration($arg as xdt:dayTimeDuration?) as xs:decimal?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:decimal representing the seconds component in the canonical
- lexical representation of the value of $arg. The result may be negative. If $arg is the
- empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="seconds-from-time">
- <signature>fn:seconds-from-time($arg as xs:time?) as xs:decimal?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:decimal value between 0 and 60.999..., both inclusive,
- representing the seconds and fractional seconds in the localized value of $arg. Note
- that the value can be greater than 60 seconds to accommodate occasional leap seconds
- used to keep human time synchronized with the rotation of the planet. If $arg is the
- empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="starts-with">
- <signature>fn:starts-with($arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <signature>fn:starts-with( $arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?, $collation as
- xs:string) as xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:boolean indicating whether or not the value of $arg1 starts
- with a sequence of collation units that provides a minimal match to the collation units
- of $arg2 according to the collation that is used.If the value of $arg1 or $arg2 is the
- empty sequence, it is interpreted as the zero-length string. If the value of $arg2 is
- the zero-length string, then the function returns true. If the value of $arg1 is the
- zero-length string and the value of $arg2 is not the zero-length string, then the
- function returns false.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="string">
- <signature>fn:string() as xs:string</signature>
- <signature>fn:string($arg as item()?) as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of $arg represented as a xs:string. If no argument is
- supplied, this function returns the string value of the context item (.).</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="string-join">
- <signature>fn:string-join($arg1 as xs:string*, $arg2 as xs:string) as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns a xs:string created by concatenating the members of the $arg1
- sequence using $arg2 as a separator. If the value of $arg2 is the zero-length string,
- then the members of $arg1 are concatenated without a separator. If the value of $arg1 is
- the empty sequence, the zero-length string is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="string-length">
- <signature>fn:string-length() as xs:integer</signature>
- <signature>fn:string-length($arg as xs:string?) as xs:integer</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer equal to the length in characters of the value of
- $arg. If the value of $arg is the empty sequence, the xs:integer 0 is returned. If no
- argument is supplied, $arg defaults to the string value (calculated using fn:string())
- of the context item (.). If no argument is supplied and the context item is undefined an
- error is raised: [undefined context item].</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="string-to-codepoints">
- <signature>fn:string-to-codepoints($arg as xs:string?) as xs:integer*</signature>
- <summary>Returns the sequence of code points that constitute an xs:string. If $arg is a
- zero-length string or the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subsequence">
- <signature>fn:subsequence($sourceSeq as item()*, $startingLoc as xs:double) as item()*</signature>
- <signature>fn:subsequence( $sourceSeq as item()*, $startingLoc as xs:double, $length as
- xs:double) as item()* </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the contiguous sequence of items in the value of $sourceSeq
- beginning at the position indicated by the value of $startingLoc and continuing for the
- number of items indicated by the value of $length. If $sourceSeq is the empty sequence,
- the empty sequence is returned. If $startingLoc is zero or negative, the subsequence
- includes items from the beginning of the $sourceSeq. If $length is not specified, the
- subsequence includes items to the end of $sourceSeq. If $length is greater than the
- number of items in the value of $sourceSeq following $startingLoc, the subsequence
- includes items to the end of $sourceSeq. The first item of a sequence is located at
- position 1, not position 0.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="substring">
- <signature>fn:substring( $sourceString as xs:string?, $startingLoc as xs:double) as
- xs:string </signature>
- <signature>fn:substring( $sourceString as xs:string?, $startingLoc as xs:double, $length as
- xs:double) as xs:string </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the portion of the value of $sourceString beginning at the
- position indicated by the value of $startingLoc and continuing for the number of
- characters indicated by the value of $length. The characters returned do not extend
- beyond $sourceString. If $startingLoc is zero or negative, only those characters in
- positions greater than zero are returned. If the value of $sourceString is the empty
- sequence, the zero-length string is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="substring-after">
- <signature>fn:substring-after($arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?) as xs:string</signature>
- <signature>fn:substring-after( $arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?, $collation as
- xs:string) as xs:string </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the substring of the value of $arg1 that follows in the value of
- $arg1 the first occurrence of a sequence of collation units that provides a minimal
- match to the collation units of $arg2 according to the collation that is used.If the
- value of $arg1 or $arg2 is the empty sequence, it is interpreted as the zero-length
- string. If the value of $arg2 is the zero-length string, then the function returns the
- value of $arg1. If the value of $arg1 does not contain a string that is equal to the
- value of $arg2, then the function returns the zero-length string.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="substring-before">
- <signature>fn:substring-before($arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?) as xs:string</signature>
- <signature>fn:substring-before( $arg1 as xs:string?, $arg2 as xs:string?, $collation as
- xs:string) as xs:string </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the substring of the value of $arg1 that precedes in the value of
- $arg1 the first occurrence of a sequence of collation units that provides a minimal
- match to the collation units of $arg2 according to the collation that is used.If the
- value of $arg1 or $arg2 is the empty sequence, it is interpreted as the zero-length
- string. If the value of $arg2 is the zero-length string, then the function returns the
- zero-length string. If the value of $arg1 does not contain a string that is equal to the
- value of $arg2, then the function returns the zero-length string.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration">
- <signature>fn:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration( $arg1 as xs:date?, $arg2 as xs:date?)
- as xdt:dayTimeDuration? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xdt:dayTimeDuration that corresponds to the difference between
- the normalized value of $arg1 and the normalized value of $arg2. The semantics of this
- function are identical to op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration( $arg1 cast as
- xs:dateTime, $arg2 cast as xs:dateTime). If either argument is the empty sequence, the
- empty sequence is returned. If the normalized value of $arg1 precedes in time the
- normalized value of $arg2, then the returned value is a negative duration.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-dates-yielding-yearMonthDuration">
- <signature>fn:subtract-dates-yielding-yearMonthDuration( $arg1 as xs:date?, $arg2 as
- xs:date?) as xdt:yearMonthDuration? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xdt:yearMonthDuration that corresponds to the difference
- between the normalized value of $arg1 and the normalized value of $arg2. The semantics
- of this function are identical to op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration(
- $arg1 cast as xs:dateTime, $arg2 cast as xs:dateTime). If either argument is the empty
- sequence, the empty sequence is returned. If the normalized value of $arg1 precedes in
- time the normalized value of $arg2, then the returned value is a negative duration.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration">
- <signature>fn:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration( $arg1 as xs:dateTime?, $arg2 as
- xs:dateTime?) as xdt:dayTimeDuration? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xdt:dayTimeDuration that corresponds to the difference between
- the normalized value of $arg1 and the normalized value of $arg2. If either argument is
- the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned. If the normalized value of $arg1
- precedes in time the normalized value of $arg2, then the returned value is a negative duration.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration">
- <signature>fn:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration( $arg1 as xs:dateTime?, $arg2 as
- xs:dateTime?) as xdt:yearMonthDuration? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xdt:yearMonthDuration that corresponds to the difference
- between the normalized value of $arg1 and the normalized value of $arg2. In general, the
- difference between two xs:dateTime values will be a duration that contains years and
- months as well as days, hours, etc. This function returns the result rounded to contain
- only years and months. The calculation is as follows: first the duration is calculated
- as the value of an xdt:dayTimeDuration in seconds. Then, starting from $arg2 and
- counting towards $arg1, the maximum number of actual whole months in the duration is
- calculated rounding towards zero. If there are a remaining number of days, they are
- discarded. If either argument is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned. If
- the normalized value of $arg1 precedes in time the normalized value of $arg2, the
- returned value is a negative duration.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date">
- <signature>subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date( $arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration) as xs:date </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:date computed by negating $arg2 and adding the result to
- the normalized value of $arg1. If $arg2 is negative, then the xs:date returned precedes
- $arg1. The result has the same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone, the result has
- no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime">
- <signature>op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime( $arg1 as xs:dateTime, $arg2 as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration) as xs:dateTime </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:dateTime computed by negating $arg2 and adding the result
- to the normalized value of $arg1. The result has the same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has
- no timezone, the result has no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time">
- <signature>op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time( $arg1 as xs:time, $arg2 as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration) as xs:time </signature>
- <summary>Summary: The result is calculated by first setting the day component in the
- canonical lexical representation of $arg2 to zero (0) and calculating the value of the
- resulting xdt:dayTimeDuration. Alternatively, the value of $arg2 modulus 86,400 is used.
- This value is subtracted from the normalized value of $arg1 and the result is returned.
- Note that the xs:time returned may occur in a preceding or following day and may be
- greater than $arg1. The result has the same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone,
- the result has no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-dayTimeDurations">
- <signature>op:subtract-dayTimeDurations( $arg1 as xdt:dayTimeDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:dayTimeDuration) as xdt:dayTimeDuration </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of subtracting the value of $arg2 from the value of
- $arg2. Backs up the "-" operator on xdt:dayTimeDuration values.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-times">
- <signature>fn:subtract-times($arg1 as xs:time, $arg2 as xs:time) as xdt:dayTimeDuration</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xdt:dayTimeDuration that corresponds to the difference between
- the normalized value of $arg1 and the normalized value of $arg2. If the normalized value
- of $arg1 precedes in time the normalized value of $arg2, then the returned value is a
- negative duration.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date">
- <signature>op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date( $arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xs:date </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:date computed by negating $arg2 and adding the result to
- the normalized value of $arg1. If $arg2 is negative, then the xs:date returned precedes
- $arg1. The result has the same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone, the result has
- no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime">
- <signature>op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime( $arg1 as xs:dateTime, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xs:dateTime </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:dateTime computed by negating $arg2 and adding the result
- to the normalized value of $arg1. If $arg2 is negative, then the xs:dateTime returned
- follows $arg1. The result has the same timezone as arg1. If arg1 has no timezone, the
- result has no timezone.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="subtract-yearMonthDurations">
- <signature>op:subtract-yearMonthDurations( $arg1 as xdt:yearMonthDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xdt:yearMonthDuration </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the result of subtracting the value of $arg2 from the value of
- $arg2. Backs up the "-" operator on xdt:yearMonthDuration values.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="sum">
- <signature>fn:sum($arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*) as xdt:anyAtomicType</signature>
- <signature>fn:sum( $arg as xdt:anyAtomicType*, $zero as xdt:anyAtomicType?) as
- xdt:anyAtomicType? </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns a value obtained by adding together the values in $arg. If the
- single-argument form of the function is used, then the value returned for an empty
- sequence is the xs:integer value 0. If the two-argument form is used, then the value
- returned for an empty sequence is the value of the $zero argument. Any values of type
- xdt:untypedAtomic in $arg are cast to xs:double. The resulting sequence is referred to
- below as the converted sequence. If the converted sequence is empty, then the
- single-argument form of the function returns the xs:integer value 0; the two-argument
- form returns the value of the argument $zero. If the converted sequence contains the
- value NaN, NaN is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="time-equal">
- <signature>op:time-equal($arg1 as xs:time, $arg2 as xs:time) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is equal to the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="time-greater-than">
- <signature>op:time-greater-than($arg1 as xs:time, $arg2 as xs:time) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is greater than
- the normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="time-less-than">
- <signature>op:time-less-than($arg1 as xs:time, $arg2 as xs:time) as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if the normalized value of $arg1 is less than the
- normalized value of $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="timezone-from-date">
- <signature>fn:timezone-from-date($arg as xs:date?) as xdt:dayTimeDuration?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the timezone component of $arg if any. If $arg has a timezone
- component, then the result is an xdt:dayTimeDuration that indicates deviation from UTC;
- its value may range from +14:00 to -14:00 hours, both inclusive. Otherwise, the result
- is the empty sequence. If $arg is the empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="timezone-from-dateTime">
- <signature>fn:timezone-from-dateTime($arg as xs:dateTime?) as xdt:dayTimeDuration?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the timezone component of $arg if any. If $arg has a timezone
- component, then the result is an xdt:dayTimeDuration that indicates deviation from UTC;
- its value may range from +14:00 to -14:00 hours, both inclusive. Otherwise, the result
- is the empty sequence. If $arg is the empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="timezone-from-time">
- <signature>fn:timezone-from-time($arg as xs:time?) as xdt:dayTimeDuration?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the timezone component of $arg if any. If $arg has a timezone
- component, then the result is an xdt:dayTimeDuration that indicates deviation from UTC;
- its value may range from +14:00 to -14:00 hours, both inclusive. Otherwise, the result
- is the empty sequence. If $arg is the empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="to">
- <signature>op:to($firstval as xs:integer, $lastval as xs:integer) as xs:integer*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the sequence containing every xs:integer whose value is between
- the value of $firstval (inclusive) and the value of $lastval (inclusive), in monotonic
- order. If the value of the first operand is greater than the value of the second, the
- empty sequence is returned. If the values of the two operands are equal, a sequence
- containing a single xs:integer equal to the value is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="tokenize">
- <signature>fn:tokenize($input as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string) as xs:string+</signature>
- <signature>fn:tokenize( $input as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string, $flags as xs:string) as
- xs:string+ </signature>
- <summary>Summary: This function breaks the $input string into a sequence of strings,
- treating any substring that matches $pattern as a separator. The separators themselves
- are not returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="trace">
- <signature>fn:trace($value as item()*, $label as xs:string) as item()*</signature>
- <summary>This function is intended to be used in debugging queries by providing a trace of
- their execution.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="translate">
- <signature>fn:translate( $arg as xs:string?, $mapString as xs:string, $transString as
- xs:string) as xs:string </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of $arg modified so that every character in the value of
- $arg that occurs at some position N in the value of $mapString has been replaced by the
- character that occurs at position N in the value of $transString. If the value of $arg
- is the empty sequence, the zero-length string is returned</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="true">
- <signature>fn:true() as xs:boolean</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the xs:boolean value true. Equivalent to xs:boolean("1").</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="union">
- <signature>op:union($parameter1 as node()*, $parameter2 as node()*) as node()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Constructs a sequence containing every node that occurs in the values of
- either $parameter1 or $parameter2, eliminating duplicate nodes. Nodes are returned in
- document order. Two nodes are equal if they are op:is-same-node().</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="unordered">
- <signature>fn:unordered($sourceSeq as item()*) as item()*</signature>
- <summary>Summary: This function takes a sequence, or more typically, an expression, that
- evaluates to a sequence, as input and returns an arbitrary ·implementation dependent·
- permutation of the input sequence. Query optimizers may be able to do a better job if
- the order of the output sequence is not specified. For example, if you want to retrieve
- all the prices from a purchase order, and if there is an index on prices, it may be
- possible to compute an unordered result more efficiently.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="upper-case">
- <signature>fn:upper-case($arg as xs:string?) as xs:string</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns the value of $srcval after translating every character to its
- upper-case correspondent. Every character that does not have an upper-case correspondent
- is included in the returned value in its original form. If the value of $arg is the
- empty sequence, the zero-length string is returned.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="year-from-date">
- <signature>fn:year-from-date($arg as xs:date?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer representing the year in the localized value of
- $arg. The value may be negative. If $arg is the empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="year-from-dateTime">
- <signature>fn:year-from-dateTime($arg as xs:dateTime?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer representing the year component in the localized
- value of $arg. The result may be negative. If $arg is the empty sequence, returns the
- empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="yearMonthDuration-equal">
- <signature>op:yearMonthDuration-equal( $arg1 as xdt:yearMonthDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if $arg1 is equal to $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="yearMonthDuration-greater-than">
- <signature>op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than( $arg1 as xdt:yearMonthDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if $arg1 is greater than $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="yearMonthDuration-less-than">
- <signature>op:yearMonthDuration-less-than( $arg1 as xdt:yearMonthDuration, $arg2 as
- xdt:yearMonthDuration) as xs:boolean </signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns true if and only if $arg1 is less than $arg2. Returns false otherwise.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="years-from-duration">
- <signature>fn:years-from-duration($arg as xdt:yearMonthDuration?) as xs:integer?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns an xs:integer representing the years component in the canonical
- lexical representation of the value of $arg. The result may be negative. If $arg is the
- empty sequence, returns the empty sequence.</summary>
- </function>
- <function name="zero-or-one">
- <signature>fn:zero-or-one($arg as item()*) as item()?</signature>
- <summary>Summary: Returns $arg if it contains zero or one items. Otherwise, raises an error
- [fn:zero-or-one called with a sequence containing more than one item]. The type of the
- result depends on the type of $arg.</summary>
- </function>
- </xquery_functions>