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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <panel title="Official Profile Panel">
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- <container>
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- <!-- Personal Information Panel -->
- <container>
- <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" layout_children="true"/>
- <!-- WITH PORTRAIT -->
- <!-- this version of the table is used if the player portrait is visible -->
- <widget class="table" id="pld1" mode="fill_rows" layout="-1,-1,-1" auto_size_rows="true" stretch_to_fit_rows="true" row_spacing="0">
- <list id="headings">
- <record text="Personal Details" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="3"/>
- </list>
- <list id="column_properties">
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- <record indx="1" alignment="right,centre_y" colour="selection"/>
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- </list>
- <!-- Player Picture -->
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- </widget>
- </widget>
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- <widget class="label" id="pfag" col="1" row="2" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" id="Prrp" col="1" row="3" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" id="Prjo" col="1" row="4" column_span="2" />
- </widget>
- <!-- this version of the table is used if the player portrait is hidden -->
- <widget class="table" id="pld2" mode="fill_rows" layout="-1,-1,-1" auto_size_rows="true" stretch_to_fit_rows="true" row_spacing="0">
- <list id="headings">
- <record text="Personal Details" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="3"/>
- </list>
- <list id="column_properties">
- <record indx="0" alignment="left,centre_y"/>
- <record indx="1" alignment="right,centre_y" colour="selection"/>
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- </list>
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- <widget class="nation_button" id="pfna" col="1" row="0" icon_alignment="right,can_scale" column_span="2" dspf="1"/>
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- <widget class="label" id="pdob" col="1" row="1" column_span="2" />
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- <widget class="label" id="pfag" col="1" row="2" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" text="Reputation" col="0" row="3" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" id="Prrp" col="1" row="3" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" text="Job" col="0" row="4" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" id="Prjo" col="1" row="4" column_span="2" />
- <!-- <widget class="label" id="prep" col="1" row="3" column_span="2" />
- -->
- </widget>
- </container>
- <!-- Stats panel -->
- <container>
- <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0" />
- <widget class="table" id="opst" mode="fill_rows" layout="-6,-1" auto_size_rows="true" stretch_to_fit_rows="true" row_spacing="0">
- <list id="headings">
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- </list>
- <list id="column_properties">
- <record indx="0" alignment="left,centre_y"/>
- <record indx="1" alignment="right,centre_y" colour="selection"/>
- </list>
- <!-- small inset from sides of table -->
- <list id="column_display_properties">
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- <record indx="1" rght="4" sort_disabled="true"/>
- </list>
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- <widget class="label" id="Prgc" col="1" row="0" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" text="Red Cards" col="0" row="1" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" id="Prrc" col="1" row="1" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" text="Yellow Cards" col="0" row="2" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" id="Pryc" col="1" row="2" column_span="2" />
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- <widget class="label" id="Prhp" col="1" row="3" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" text="Away Penalties" col="0" row="4" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" id="Prap" col="1" row="4" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" text="Average Rating" col="0" row="5" column_span="2" />
- <widget class="label" id="Prra" col="1" row="5" column_span="2" />
- </widget>
- </container>
- </container> <!--Main Box-->
- <!-- Past Fixtures Panel -->
- <container>
- <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical, fill" offset="0" gap="0"/>
- <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" layout_children="true"/>
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- <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0"/>
- <list id="headings">
- <record text="Previous Fixtures" alignment="left, centre_y" column_span="3"/>
- <record text="H Pens" alignment="centre" column_span="1"/>
- <record text="A Pens" alignment="centre" column_span="1"/>
- <record text="Yel" alignment="centre" colour="yellow card" column_span="1"/>
- <record text="Red" alignment="centre" colour="red card" column_span="1"/>
- <record text="Rating" alignment="centre" column_span="1"/>
- </list>
- <list id="column_properties">
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- </panel>