home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <panel>
- <!-- row styles using pictures (disabled) -->
- <comment>
- <!-- Starting XI Styles -->
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- <!-- Subs Styles -->
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- </comment>
- <!-- row styles using XML directly (enabled) -->
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- <colour id="ccpt" red="255" green="255" blue="255" />
- <colour id="cins" red="255" green="255" blue="255" />
- <!-- main titled box with table -->
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- <record text="Details" id="vdet">
- <boolean id="tick" value="true"/>
- </record>
- <record text="Morale" id="vmor" />
- <record text="Position" id="vpos" />
- <record text="Goals" id="vgls" />
- <record id="----" />
- <record text="Mentality" id="vmnt" />
- <record text="Creative Freedom" id="vcre" />
- <record text="Passing Style" id="vpas" />
- <record text="Closing Down" id="vprs" />
- <!--
- <record text="Pressure Referee[COMMENT: tactics_screen; tactical slider; get your players to put pressure on the referee]" id="vppr" />
- -->
- <record text="Tackling" id="vtkl" />
- <record text="Forward Runs" id="vfor" />
- <record text="Run With Ball" id="vrwb" />
- <record text="Long Shots" id="vlns" />
- <record text="Try Through Ball" id="vttb" />
- <record text="Cross Ball" id="vcrb" />
- <record text="Cross From" id="vcrf" />
- <record text="Cross Aim" id="vcra" />
- <record text="Marking" id="vmrk" />
- <record text="Free Role" id="vfrr" />
- <record text="Hold Up Ball" id="vhup" />
- <record id="----" />
- <record text="Defending Free Kicks" id="vdfk" />
- <record text="Attacking Free Kicks" id="vafk" />
- <record text="Defending Corners" id="vdco" />
- <record text="Attacking Corners" id="vaco" />
- <record text="Attacking Throw Ins (L)" id="vatl" />
- <record text="Attacking Throw Ins (R)" id="vatr" />
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- layout="45,35,-1,25,100,45,30"
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- <flags id="algn" value="centre" />
- </record>
- <record>
- <string value="" />
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- </record>
- <record>
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- <flags id="algn" value="left,centre_y" />
- </record>
- <record>
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- <flags id="algn" value="centre" />
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- <flags id="algn" value="centre" />
- </record>
- <record>
- <string value="Cond[COMMENT - short for condition]" />
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- <record>
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- <flags id="algn" value="centre" />
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- </record>
- <record indx="5">
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- </record>
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- <!-- shirt column -->
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