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<!-- training players panel --> <panel> <boolean id="save_current_state" value="true"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0"/> <!-- main area --> <container class="group_box" id="main"> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right, extend" offset="0"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" layout_children="true" inset="0"/> <container class="titled_box" id="plti" title="Players" alignment="left"> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom, extend" offset="0"/> <!-- buttons area --> <container class="group_box" embed_in_frame="true"> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" gap="8" embed_in_frame="true"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,right" inset="0" layout_children="true" embed_in_frame="true"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,right" embed_in_frame="true" inset="3"/> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" embed_in_frame="true"/> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="horizontal,fill" gap="8" embed_in_frame="true"/> <!-- view menu --> <widget class="embedded_popup_button" id="plvi" text="View" sele="plcv" auto_size="horizontal" fixed="true" tkex="true" embed_in_frame="true"> <boolean id="save_default_state" value="true"/> <list id="items"> <record id="trai"> <string id="name" value="Training"/> <!-- Define attributes/properties to view in this view type on the panel. Any properties not defined here will be hidden for this view. --> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="PTst"/> <!-- strength training --> <flags id="PTqu"/> <!-- quickness training --> <flags id="PTgk"/> <!-- goalkeeping training --> <flags id="PTtc"/> <!-- tactics training --> <flags id="PTbc"/> <!-- ball control training --> <flags id="PTdf"/> <!-- defending training --> <flags id="PTat"/> <!-- attacking training --> <flags id="PTsh"/> <!-- shooting training --> <flags id="PTsp"/> <!-- set pieces training --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> <record id="post"> <string id="name" value="Position Training"/> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="Ppos"/> <!-- current position --> <flags id="PTnp"/> <!-- new position for training --> <flags id="PTpp"/> <!-- new position progress --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> <record id="geni"> <string id="name" value="General Info"/> <!-- Define attributes/properties to view in this view type on the panel. Any properties not defined here will be hidden for this view. --> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="Ppos"/> <!-- position --> <flags id="Pccs"/> <!-- squad status --> <flags id="Page"/> <!-- person age --> <flags id="Pmor"/> <!-- player morale --> <flags id="Pcon"/> <!-- player condition --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> <record id="----" /> <record id="phat"> <string id="name" value="Physical"/> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="Pacc"/> <!-- (p) acceleration --> <flags id="Pagi"/> <!-- (p) agility --> <flags id="Pbal"/> <!-- (p) balance --> <flags id="Pjum"/> <!-- (p) jumping --> <flags id="Pnft"/> <!-- (p) natural fitness --> <flags id="Ppac"/> <!-- (p) pace --> <flags id="Psta"/> <!-- (p) stamina --> <flags id="Pstr"/> <!-- (p) strength --> <flags id="Pwkr"/> <!-- (m) work rate --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> <record id="meat"> <string id="name" value="Mental"/> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="Pagg"/> <!-- (m) aggression --> <flags id="Pant"/> <!-- (m) anticipation --> <flags id="Pbra"/> <!-- (m) bravery --> <flags id="Pcmp"/> <!-- (m) composure --> <flags id="Pcnt"/> <!-- (m) concentration --> <flags id="Pdec"/> <!-- (m) decisions --> <flags id="Pdet"/> <!-- (m) determination --> <flags id="Pinf"/> <!-- (m) influence --> <flags id="Ptwr"/> <!-- (m) teamwork --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> <record id="teat"> <string id="name" value="Technical"/> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="Pcre"/> <!-- (m) creativity --> <flags id="Pcor"/> <!-- (t) corner taking --> <flags id="Pfla"/> <!-- (m) flair --> <flags id="Pfrk"/> <!-- (t) free kick taking --> <flags id="Phea"/> <!-- (t) heading --> <flags id="Plth"/> <!-- (t) long throws --> <flags id="Ppsn"/> <!-- (m) positioning --> <flags id="Potb"/> <!-- (m) off the ball --> <flags id="Ppen"/> <!-- (t) penalty taking --> <flags id="Ptec"/> <!-- (t) technique --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> <record id="----" /> <record id="goat"> <string id="name" value="Goalkeeping"/> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="Paab"/> <!-- aerial ability --> <flags id="Pcoa"/> <!-- command of area --> <flags id="Pcom"/> <!-- communication --> <flags id="Pecc"/> <!-- eccentricity --> <flags id="Phan"/> <!-- handling --> <flags id="Pkic"/> <!-- kicking --> <flags id="Pooo"/> <!-- one on ones --> <flags id="Pref"/> <!-- reflexes --> <flags id="Prou"/> <!-- rushing out --> <flags id="Pttp"/> <!-- tendency to punch --> <flags id="Pthr"/> <!-- throwing --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> <record id="deat"> <string id="name" value="Defensive"/> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="Pacc"/> <!-- acceleration --> <flags id="Pant"/> <!-- anticipation --> <flags id="Phea"/> <!-- heading --> <flags id="Pjum"/> <!-- jumping --> <flags id="Pmar"/> <!-- marking --> <flags id="Ppac"/> <!-- pace --> <flags id="Ppsn"/> <!-- positioning --> <flags id="Psta"/> <!-- stamina --> <flags id="Pstr"/> <!-- strength --> <flags id="Ptac"/> <!-- tackling --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> <record id="atat"> <string id="name" value="Attacking"/> <record id="view"> <flags id="Ptss"/> <!-- training schedule --> <flags id="Pnfo"/> <!-- player status/info --> <flags id="Pnam"/> <!-- person name --> <flags id="Pcif"/> <!-- person contract type F/T or P/T --> <flags id="Pcre"/> <!-- creativity --> <flags id="Pcro"/> <!-- crossing --> <flags id="Pdri"/> <!-- dribbling --> <flags id="Pfrk"/> <!-- free kicks --> <flags id="Pfin"/> <!-- finishing --> <flags id="Pfrs"/> <!-- first touch --> <flags id="Pfla"/> <!-- flair --> <flags id="Plsh"/> <!-- long shots --> <flags id="Potb"/> <!-- off the ball --> <flags id="Ppas"/> <!-- passing --> </record> <record id="table_properties"> <integer id="block_count" value="1" /> </record> </record> </list> <flags id="slct" value="trai" /> </widget> <!-- filter menu --> <widget class="embedded_action_button" id="shfl" clke="shfl" text="Show Filters" auto_size="all" embed_in_frame="true" save_current_state="true"/> </container> <!-- person table --> <widget class="person_list_table" id="pltb" sele="pslc" auto_size_rows="true" mode="fill_rows, printable, keyboard, auto_hide_columns"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0"/> </widget> <!-- assign all to schedule popup --> <widget class="popup_button" id="asal" fixed="true" select_event="asal" auto_size="horizontal"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="0"/> <string id="text" value="Assign All[COMMENT - training schedule panel; popup button text; assign all players to a schedule]"/> <string id="hint" value="Assign all of the players shown to one training schedule[COMMENT - training schedule panel; popup button hint; assign all players to a schedule]"/> </widget> </container> <!-- filter editing panel --> <widget class="filter_panel" id="fltp" width="200"> <!-- buttons area --> <container class="group_box" id="btnf" embed_in_frame="true"> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" embed_in_frame="true"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0" layout_children="true" embed_in_frame="true"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top,right" embed_in_frame="true" inset="3"/> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" embed_in_frame="true"/> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="horizontal,fill" embed_in_frame="true"/> <!-- filter menu --> <widget class="embedded_action_button" id="hdfl" clke="hdfl" text="Hide Filters" auto_size="all" embed_in_frame="true" save_current_state="true"/> </container> <boolean id="hidn" value="true" /> </widget> </container> </panel>