Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | menu | document OCR: Wow! It's Here ... HOW DO I GET INTO MY CD? - your July 1996 CD-ROM is here! All new programs, for Mac, DOS and Win- Windows DOS Macintosh dows. What do you get on this CD? Check this out! These are just a few of Windows v3.X Users You can access all the programs from Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive. this month's Feature Programs. 1. From Program Manager pull down Windows File Manager, from the DOS the File menu and select the prompt or from Software of the Month 1. Double-click on the CD icon. DOS RUN command. Club's® menu program. Magic Crayon v4.0 2. Double-click on the information icon. MoRay v2.0.1 To use SOMC's menu program: This runs an interactive document Pyramid v1.01 2. In the RUN command box type which provides you with program World Arts History Trivia D:STARTWIN (please rep ...