World Wide Web Support Site:
UltraFind is a powerful file retrieval and information management utility which puts the MacOS file system at your fingertips. It treats your Mac or network as an information-rich file and text searchable database.
Highly flexible, it provides options for finding every conceivable type of Macintosh file and features an extremely fast text search which includes it's own built-in Thesaurus, allowing you to not only find documents containing words you are looking for, but also any documents with related words.
Whether you're looking for the latest version of a document, searching abstracts, articles or email messages, filtering technical papers, searching for fonts on the network, images, artwork or programs, UltraFind can locate the exact information you need in seconds and give you immediate access to it.
It supports AppleScript and Drag&Drop, displays detailed file information, and performs single or batch file functions such as open, copy, move, trash, make alias, reveal, re-label, back up, and will even read a document's contents with it's built-in Data Reader. You can customise it with powerful repetitive search Routines and, if your Mac is on a network, UltraFind will also search PC servers, IBM mainframes, VMS and UNIX hosts (including Sun sparc stations and Crays), all from your desktop.
We suggest you either put UltraFind into your Apple Menu, or drag it out onto your desktop and leave it in a corner of your screen. Leave it, or an alias of it, on your desktop so you can conveniently drop files onto it's icon (to read text in files, etc.) UltraFind contains it's own Command-Key which allows you to call it up from within any application by pressing <Command-Option-F>. To enable the Command Key, select "Command-Key" from the File Menu and click "Enable".
A Single User License costs 25 UK Pounds or 38 US Dollars and is payable by credit card or check, by email fax or post. The License price includes free support and free upgrades to future 2.x releases. For more information and details of Site Licenses select "Ordering Information" from UltraFind's "Register" menu.
UltraDesign Technology Ltd.
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