Extensis PhotoTools 1.1 for Macintosh is a collection of eight powerful productivity and everyday effects tools for Adobe Photoshop 3.0.4 and higher. PhotoTools includes a powerful WYSIWYG text formatting module for creating and modifying type at the character level, and four modules for automating the creation of commonly used special effects. PhotoTools also includes customizable toolbars with a new SmartBar feature, Photoshop 3.0 and 4.0 Tips & Tricks by Deke McClelland, and Intellihance Lite — an RGB only version of Extensis' intelligent image enhancement tool.
If you're not familiar with Extensis, we have been building software that extends the productivity of all major graphics arts applications for over three years. Our other award winning products include:
* PageTools 2.0 for PageMaker
* QX-Tools 2.0 for Quark XPress
* Intellihance 2.0 for Photoshop
* DrawTools 1.0 for Illustrator and FreeHand
* CyberPress 1.0 for Quark XPress
* Fetch 1.5 (Formerly Adobe Fetch)
We offer full functioning demos of all our products at our website; please visit us soon at www.extensis.com and download our productivity enhancing software.
PhotoTools is designed to work with any Macintosh 68040-25 MHz or faster, or PowerPC processor. Mac™ OS version 7.5.x or later.
Contacting Extensis
To reach us for technical support or general questions please use one of the following methods:
Ph: 503-274-7030
Fax: 503-274-0530
America OnLine: Extensis
CompuServe: 70242,33
Internet: support@extensis.com
Web: www.extensis.com
Extensis Corporation
1800 SW First Ave, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97201
Installing and registering PhotoTools
The following folders and files are installed into the Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins folder.
PhotoTools™ folder
Intellihance™ Lite
PhotoBars Categories folder
PhotoBars Toolbars folder
Launch Adobe Photoshop. During the launch, you will be requested to serialize and register the software. Please enter the serial number located on the back of your PhotoTools manual. If you do not have a serial number, you can choose to run PhotoTools in demo mode; demo mode allows full functionality for 30 days.
Please register using one of the built-in electronic registration methods. If you do not have a modem, fax/modem, or printer, you may fill out the registration card in the back of the manual.
Microtek Scanners
Microtek scanners may interfere with the built-in electronic registration process. If you are using a Microtek scanner, please turn it off before attempting to register PhotoTools. You may turn the scanner back on once the registration process is complete.
PhotoTools and RAM requirements
For optimal performance of both PhotoTools and Photoshop, please follow these guidelines:
- Turn off MacOS Virtual Memory (located in the Control Panels>Memory).
- Do not use RAM doubler or other virtual memory schemes that may interfere with Photoshop's own virtual memory techniques.
- If working on smaller files (<1 mb), insure that you have the "Suggested size" of RAM allocated to Photoshop in the Photoshop Memory Requirements dialog (click once on Photoshop program icon, choose "Get Info" from the finder File menu).
- If working on files larger than 1 mb, allocate 3 to 4 times the file size additional memory to the Photoshop suggested RAM amount.
PhotoTools and other Photoshop plug-in compliant applications
In many ways, PhotoTools is a breakthrough product. Several of its components behave more like "palettes" or mini-applications than typical plug-in filters. Because of this, PhotoTools functionality in other plug-in compliant applications has been tested and work as follows:
Note: To gain the above functionality, you can run a custom installation to install a sub set of the components for your target application.
Functional changes in PhotoTools 1.1
With the "Preview Work Area Only" checkbox option on, PhotoEffects now ignores transparent areas of the image, greatly enhancing the overall performance of previews.
- When using PhotoBars under Photoshop 4.0, you will note that all Photoshop palette buttons function properly
- If you are running a version of Photoshop that is older than version 3.0.4, PhotoTools will inform you of that fact. Please note that PhotoTools has been deemed compatible with only Photoshop 3.0.4 or later.
- PhotoBars functions properly in ALL Photoshop screen modes; especially in the center window control mode.
- PhotoBars no longer displays in other applications if Photoshop 4.0 is running an Actions Palette function in the background.
Other important PhotoTools functionality notes
- Please note that the Freeware version of PhotoNavigator is not compatible with Photoshop 4.0. If you are running PhotoNavigator in Photoshop 4.0, please remove this plug-in and use Photoshop 4's built in Navigator palette.
- In Photoshop 4.0, PhotoText automatically returns text to a new layer. If the option key is depressed while clicking the "apply" button, text will be returned unselected to the active layer or background.
- PhotoText tracking and kerning amounts and their keyboard shortcuts are different than described on page 12 of the manual. The correct amounts are:
increase 1/20 em = cmd-shift-} decrease 1/20 em = cmd-shift-{
increase 1/200 em = cmd-opt-shift-} decrease 1/200 em = cmd-opt-shift-{
- Photoshop 3.0.4 & 3.0.5 do not allow third party plug-ins to preview the background image when working in a layer. If you are working in a layer or on a floating selection with PhotoText, or any of the PhotoTools effects components, you will not see the background image in the previews. To see the background image in the preview, you can: defloat the selection (cmd-J) in Photoshop 3.0, or cmd-mouse click on layer & cmd-e in Photoshop 4.0 to select layer contents and merge into background.
- PhotoTips contain important shortcuts and tips for both Photoshop 3.0 and 4.0; check it out after you've upgraded to Photoshop 4.0!
- PhotoBevel, PhotoGlow, PhotoShadow and PhotoEmboss work with Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, Duotone and LAB images.
- PhotoText works with Grayscale, RGB, CMYK and Duotone images.
- For optimal use of PhotoText, make sure your Photoshop QuickMask Mode preferences are set to "Masked Area", instead of "Selected Area". To check this preference, double-click on the Quickmask Mode button on the main Photoshop tool palette.
- When working in 640x480 screen resolution, we recommend that you do not have any embedded bars on your screen (double-click on the bar to unembed it). PhotoBars will try and move open dialogs to prevent bars from being covered. However, there are some dialogs that may be large enough to cause PhotoBars to move visible controls off screen.
- In PhotoText, applying italics to justified text may cause some letters on the right hand margin to disappear partially. If you need to use justified, italic text, we suggest using a font family that includes its own italics style.
Functional changes in PhotoBars & PhotoText 1.1.1
- PhotoBars no longer pushes the document windows off the bottom of the screen when the zoom box is used.
- PhotoBars no longer displays in Mask Pro when switching out and back into Mask Pro.
- PhotoText no longer creates test files in the plug-ins folder.
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PhotoTools software program copyright by Extensis Corporation. Intellihance Lite copyright by DPA Software; user interface and other design expressions copyright by Extensis Corporation. Product contains trade secrets of DPA Software.