This program allows interaction with a CD-ROM drive to select a range of sound to play, and generate the text for a CDPlay command to be used when the button is pressed.
From the dialog, input selection is by track or absolute time location on the audio CD. TIME values may be adjusted using the POSITION SELECT slider. Start and end of play are established by selecting SET START and SET END. Player control parameters are entered from the OPTIONS dialog. TRYIT will exercise selected time values. Use KEEP to retain values for your new button.
Command syntax: CDPlay parms
where parms can be:
+Tn,m +P +S +R +E +Z -T +X
+Ammssff,mmssff +P +S +R +E +Z -T +X
T play track n to track m (-T stops play)
A absolute track address min/sec/frames
P pause
S stop
R resume
E eject disc
Z reset drive
X repeat last play
Additional parameters include:
+Vnnn volume set(SC+ & newer models)
+Wmmssff wait until mm:ss:ff reached
For HyperLogo calls, the command string should begine with a blank (entered as '\ '), and the '+' character must be set using the HyperLogo construct '\+'.
On some Macintosh models, it may be necessary to manually set the sound input source to Internal CD, before using CDPlay. This is also true when CDPlay is used with a non-U.S. version of the Mac OS.