Dialing with the speaker (only works if your phone lines are standard tone type):
If you are dialing with the computers speaker, you must hold your phone as close to the speaker as possible before dialing. Hold the phone there until the dialing window disappears.
Dialing with the modem:
If you are dialing with the modem, you must first make sure that the port you are dialing through (usually the modem port) is not in use by another program. After selecting Dial (from the popup menu or by clicking the dial icon from the PopAddress edit window), a window will come up telling you what is happening. First, the number is dialed, if the modem detects that the line dialed is busy, it will wait the specified amount of seconds (unless you have unchecked the “Redial if busy” check box) and it will dial again. Once the phone rings, you can pick up your phone and click the cancel button to let the phone take over the line.