ocr: Do WhonsegeoAaheal Dummoned fromthe PEAD MHE ntals,Jerry needs to calch a buzz, big-timellse your mouse for Moovit-and -a- - Groovin. JERAYS SUTAHSIHES gotta have em! I Jenyi hugs a quitar, disappears and 1s transported to Bock n Boll leaven Cleanng allthe Guitars quicklywill reencamate LRMEROMES GU JERARY, YEAR THE PiGsiThese guys are herejustto make Jeny's short life on this planet mis - erable.fJery - gets BUSTED,the PIG runs dountountod dothe HENLEAHE hangloose until his Bail goesthrough. Tis just pisses ot, man BORUS MREHYAAE him CAPTAIN TRIPS for nothin! Grab: a Hooltal, Sutar Cube or ac ...