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ClarisWorks 5
Why does everyone just simply ignore ClarisWorks? I’m using 5.0 and it’s a superb word processing program, far cleaner than MS Word. (MS Word 5.1a is the only Microsoft product I keep on the computer as occasionally it’s required for an incoming PC file.) Additionally, the ClarisWorks database and spreadsheet programs are highly effective.
Eric Barnes
ClarisWorks is ATPM’s word processor of choice. An update that rebrands it as AppleWorks is available from <> —Ed
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Apple Cider
Just read your piece (Apple Cider)in the 4.09 edition of ATPM. I know it may be a sorry tale, but it does my heart good to know there are other poor unfortunates in the world suffering the same problems (lack of funding to public service, so ancient Mac, no software upgrades and ‘advice’ to get a PC!) as me.
Good luck to you and long live the Mac.
John Appleby
Bradford, England
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Oldies But Goodies
I am running System 8.5 on my G3 and still use MacWrite Pro as my word processor of choice.
I also use Dollars and Sense version 5.0, which was written in 1990 by Monogram. Everyone told me it wouldn’t work with System 8.0 but it does. I use it to handle all the accounts for my own one-person business, plus those for my three clients.
Before I converted to System 8, I contacted Casady & Greene and asked whether Quickdex II (1991) would work. They said “Heavens No!!!” But it does. The free-form database is great for storing all kinds of junk that I use daily.
I have been wondering what System X will do to me! Maybe I’ll ignore it!
Tim Gooderham
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[In reference to ATPM 5.01’s “Whither Competition?” which questioned whether ColorIt! was still available]
ColorIt! was upgraded just a couple of months ago with many net-friendly features added (animated GIF’s can be made within ColorIt! for one thing).
I haven’t forked over the money for the upgrade yet, but it looks interesting and I will soon I hope. It’s still a great alternative to Photoshop (for my needs anyway).
More information is available at <>. —Ed
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Software Nostalgia
I enjoyed your column in the January issue of ATPM, and fully agree that it’s more difficult to find software to serve your needs than years back, and in computer history, that’s not far back. Almost all of the programs you mentioned, I’ve gone through. It makes it difficult for us long term-users to select software when we don’t know if a particular program will be around in a few years, whether they abandon development, or just sell out and are dropped into oblivion.
I think TechTool Pro is the best repair utility we have, and that’s a shame. Symantec should be ashamed. But the most used on my computer is Disk First Aid 8.2.
I loved and used AutoDoubler and DiskDoubler for years (I think we can blame Symantec for this, too), but as you say, today’s StuffIt is almost worthless except for its use decoding and decompressing downloaded items, and that’s a shame.
For years I’ve looked for the ideal backup software, but it’s not there or it just comes and goes.
Since I got on the Internet a couple of years ago, I’ve searched for a good e-mail program not a part of Internet Explorer or Communicator, but it’s not there.
All I can say is that I’m thankful for FileMaker, which I’ve had and used since its inception, and I’m thankful that Microsoft screwed up Word with version 6 because that forced me to switch to Nisus Writer, and I’ve been happy with that one, although not as happy as I was with the very early versions of Word. But I’ll never go back.
I’m not much of a gamer, but here’s something that’ll blow many minds. I still have my copy of the 1988 Tetris (it has no version, so maybe it was so good it never needed revision) in black and white and it still runs on my G3 with OS 8.5. Is there another program out there that can beat that?
Gene Nail
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