Text File | 1995-01-14 | 1011 b | 18 lines | [ttro/ttxt]
The Learning Factory
Colonie Center, Suite 286
Albany, NY 12205 USA
The following sample animations were done by a computer animation class composed of children ages 8-13. The animations were done as part of a software review for MUG News Service (MNS), a computer news service in Albany, New York, and took place at The Learning Factory, a unique education center in Colonie Center Mall, in Albany, New York (USA), during the week of August 11, 1997.
MNS wanted to see how easy it was to create animations from children who have had absolutely no experience on computers or animation software. The following samples were created in one day during a three hour class. The kids worked in teams of two. The resulting animations will be placed on The Learning Factory's Web page at www.themesh.com/learnfact.html.
The samples shown here were created by Gabrielle Immediato and Sarah Hopkins, and Michelle and Brian Tomasik, and are copyrighted by them.