A PowerPC-only version of File Buddy. If you wish to install 68K or fat binary versions of File Buddy, you need to use a different installer.
File Buddy CP - A control panel for using File Buddy as the default find file application.
If your system software supports contextual menus:
Open in File Buddy and File Buddy CM - Contextual menu plug-ins for users of MacOS 8.0 or later, installed in the Contextual Menu Items folder.
Change Creator CM - Another contextual menu plug-in, installed in a Contextual Menu Plug-Ins folder in the File Buddy folder.
Important Things to Read - A folder containing a Read Me file (including version history); the 'Purchasing/Upgrading FB' file; the 'Read These FAQs' file; the 'FileBuddy5ReadMe.html' file for viewing in your web browser; and the 'MacOS 8.6 and Online Help' file.
File Buddy Support folder - The HTML help files, folder icon templates, and plug-ins.
File Buddy‚Ñ¢ 5 Read Me - An expanded version of what you are reading now, with contact information, and the usual Read Me stuff, and an HTML file containing the same information.
Purchasing/Upgrading FB - Complete purchasing and upgrade information.
Read These FAQs - Frequently asked questions about File Buddy.
Viewing Help in Your Browser - Instructions for using the HTML-based online help with versions of the Mac OS prior to 8.5.
Bookmark Files - Bookmark files for Navigator and Internet Explorer that will take you to the Kagi payment page for File Buddy.
Custom Installs:
There is an installation option to install only the File Buddy application and documentation.
File Buddy was developed and tested using MacOS 8.6 and 9.0. It has also been tested to a more limited extent with MacOS 8.1 and System 7.6.1. There are currently no known compatibily issues with MacOS 8.5 and above.
Read the Known Problems section in the installed Read Me for a description of some minor issues in MacOS 8.1 and earlier releases of the system software.
The list of all available volumes that is displayed in the Find window by clicking the disclosure triangle now displays only one copy of each available volume. This was supposed to be fixed in v5.3.4, but somehow one line of code remained unchanged. Really fixed now.
The code for accessing the online help has been completely rewritten, and resolves all known issues with the help.
The list in the file list window was not being sorted initially by name. This seems to have been introduced in v5.3.4, but it is not known why. Fixed.
The PPC and 68K installers now offer custom installs for installing the File Buddy application, File Buddy CP control panel (PowerPC only), and contextual menu items seperately.
Fixes in 5.3.4 - February 29, 2000
Find Window
The list of all available volumes that is displayed in the Find window by clicking the disclosure triangle now displays only one copy of each available volume.
If the window was expanded to reveal more options while part of the window was outside the bounds of the monitor, part of the window might not be drawn after expanding. Fixed.
If the window is collapsed while a text field in the extra options area is active, the name field becomes the active field. The selection range stayed the same, the selected characters were not visibly selected, and there was no blinking insertion indicator. The entire name field is now selected.
If the name field was resized in response to choosing a new name option, the cursor would still change to and from the text cursor based on the old bounds. Fixed.
Selecting a set from the Find Sets pop-up menu would load the set correctly, but the pop-up would say "None". It now displays the name of the set.
Info Window
The contextual menu displayed in the Where part of the window for a volume no longer has a separator at the end.
A problem when setting dates if the creation date was set to the modified date has been fixed.
When setting the creation date of an item in the file list window with the contextual menu for the Created column, the modified date was initially displayed in the Set Date window. Fixed.
When a list contains the path to a file or folder (Unattached Aliases and Orphaned Files windows each contain such a list), Control-clicking an item in the list produces a contextual menu which contains a File Path submenu. Selecting an item from this submenu now shows that item in the Finder.
Every effort has been made to insure File Buddy is as reliable and stable as possible. Nevertheless, as with all software, you use File Buddy entirely at your own risk.
Please send any information concerning bugs, unexpected behaviors, or suggestions to one of the e-mail addresses below.
For emergency support: 919-933-9595. Please do not call to verify our address or ask how to pay for File Buddy. The addresses above are valid for at least a year from the date of this release, and complete payment information is contained in the file 'Purchasing/Upgrading FB'.
File Buddy Home Page: <http://www.skytag.com/FileBuddy.stuff/FB_home_page.shtml>