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- **************************************
- >> E X T R E M E V I O L E N C E <<
- **************************************
- version 6.92
- - an extremely violent combat game for two players
- Release 2, May 1993
- Written and Compiled using AMOS v1.36
- (C) Simon Green 1991/92/93
- This product is SHAREWARE
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Extreme Violence is a nice game about cute bunny rabbits.
- - I don't think so...
- Extreme Violence (EV) is a game for two players - you'll need a friend
- and at least one joystick. It has no plot. It's kill - or be killed.
- Anybody over the age of 4 should be able to figure out to play EV just
- by messing around with it for a while. In fact, if you're one of those
- bizarre people who actually read the documentation before trying a program,
- go and try it out now. Just plug in two joysticks, press J, and shoot to
- kill. Ten points to win. If you don't understand anything you can always
- come back later. See-ya !
- Control Summary
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- J - Select Joystick control for player 1
- K - Select Keyboard control for player 1
- (Player-2 is controlled by a joystick in port 2)
- Player-1 keyboard controls (if you don't like these - use a stick !) :
- Q - Up
- A - Down
- O - Left
- P - Right
- Space Bar - Fire
- ESC - Quit game/program
- HELP - Generate a new level (if a player is trapped)
- Amiga + A - Switch between Workbench and EV
- Secret Passwords - If I told you what they were, they wouldn't be secret.
- For convenience, the game defaults to keyboard control for player 1.
- This means that you don't need to mess about taking the mouse out unless
- you really want to play with two joysticks. To select joystick control for
- player 1, press J at the title screen. To return to keyboard control
- simply press K. Player 2 is always controlled by a joystick in port 2.
- Gameplay
- ~~~~~~~~
- The Arena
- ~~~~~~~~~
- The contest takes place in a large 640 by 512 pixel (4 screen) arena.
- The arena is made up of a grided floor and a number of randomly placed
- rectangular obstacles (walls).
- The Windows
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Each player has their own scrolling window, which shows the area
- immediately surrounding the player. As anybody who's ever played a two
- player game knows, the idea is to concentrate on your own window, only
- looking at the other player's occasionally to see what they're up to.
- The Violence
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The aim of the game, in case you haven't guessed yet, is to shoot the
- other player before they shoot you. Each "kill" adds one point to the
- victor's score, and the first player to reach 10 points wins the game. Not
- too complicated, really. Each time somebody wins, the game moves onto the
- next level. On each level, 2 more walls are added to the arena, up to a
- maximum of 50 walls.
- The Power-ups
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Both players start at a random position in the arena. On each level
- there are two weapons power-ups, which have various exciting effects
- described below. You'll soon discover that you lose all your power-ups
- when killed, which can be annoying to say the least. When the game starts
- a scrolling map of the whole arena is displayed. This shows the positions
- of the two power-ups and the walls, but not the starting positions of the
- players. Each player must hunt down their opponent, making use of the
- radar if possible. Player 1 (on the left) is shown on the radar as a red
- dot , whereas player 2 is shown as a blue dot (i.e. the radar dots are the
- same as the colour of the player's hats).
- Shooting
- ~~~~~~~~
- EV has a simple, but fast, weapons system. Each player effectively has
- only one bullet on the screen at a time. Pressing fire again before a
- bullet has hit an obstacle "recalls" the bullet to the gun. This means
- that if you hold down fire, the stream of bullets will only travel a short
- distance. In order to make long distance shots, you need to fire once
- only. It sounds weird, but you'll soon get used to it. The registered
- version of the game does not have this limitation, meaning you can pump
- lead to your heart's delight...
- Additional "Features"
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Occasionally, especially on the later levels, it is possible for one or
- both of the players to become surrounded by walls, making it impossible for
- anyone to win (unless one player has magic bullets). I prefer to think of
- this as a feature rather than a bug. Pressing the HELP key will produce a
- new, hopefully more feasible level.
- As with all Amos programs, pressing Amiga + A can be used to switch
- between Workbench and the program.
- Power Ups
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Funny Map - shows a map of the whole arena, in the same way as at the
- beginning of each level, but at a ridiculously fast speed.
- Not very funny, but it looked stupid just called "Map".
- Bonus point - err.. One extra point. No kiddin'.
- ECM - Electronic Counter Measures. Makes the player disappear
- from the radar. This allows you to creep up on the other
- player without them seeing you. It should only be used by
- experienced players, since it can be as much of a
- disadvantage to you as to your opponent.
- Speedy Boots - doubles player walking speed. Zoom...
- Speedy Bullets - doubles velocity of bullets. Can be used in combination
- with any of the three special weapons:
- (note that picking up multiple speedy power-ups has no further effect)
- Bouncy Bullets - Boing ! Special bullets that bounce off walls and the
- edge of the arena. Most effective when fired diagonally.
- Bullets stop after 10 bounces.
- Magic Bullets - enables bullets to magically travel through walls,
- although at a reduced speed. Fans of the film "Dune" might
- recognize the effect.
- Power Lazer - makes it very difficult to miss the other player.
- Especially dangerous when combined with speedy bullets.
- Good sound effect, too.
- The registered version of EV includes even more exciting power-ups,
- including seeking missiles, turning missiles, teleports and much more. See
- below for information on obtain the registered version for the ridiculously
- low price of £5...
- Well, that just about covers it for the instructions. Enjoy the game...
- Compatibility
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- NTSC users will be glad to hear that the game should run okay on their
- systems. The program will auto-detect an NTSC system and adjust the
- display to suit. It won't look quite as nice, but at least it's playable.
- The bad news is that due to the large virtual screens and sound effects
- used in the program you'll need at least a meg (that's one megabyte) of
- memory. (If there are still any 512k owners out there - wise up and
- upgrade!).
- If the program quits back to Workbench when you try to start the game,
- it means there wasn't enough free chip ram to allocate the playing area
- screen (it needs at least 400k). Close any windows or other programs that
- may be lying around the Workbench and try again.
- This release has been compiled using the latest version of Amos (v1.36)
- and should therefore work fine on A500+ / A600 / A1200 / A3000 / A4000 /
- Workbench 2 / ECS / AA machines (and whatever other crazy stuff Commodore
- have developed since last time I looked). If it doesn't it's probably a
- bug in Amos, so blame François Lionet, not me !
- Quotes
- ~~~~~~
- "My brother and I spent a great deal of time yesterday playing your game
- `EXTREME VIOLENCE'. We want you to know we enjoyed it very much and think
- you have come up with a winner. The graphics and sound effects are great."
- - Ian Kavanagh, Toronto, Canada.
- "... your game is a hit... This is really what computer games is (sic) all
- about... no stupid Psygnosis-style graphics but pure playability..."
- - Stefan Axelsson, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden.
- "... the most addictive game on my Amiga..."
- - Malcolm Purvis, UNSW, Sydney, Australia.
- "... the *wonderful* game 'Extreme Violence' ... my household and I have
- been playing this simple, but elegant game religiously over the past week
- or so..."
- - Martin Cowie, Queen Mary College, London.
- "Thanks for writing such a sexy game!!! The program is one of few games
- written in AMOS that does not jerk when scrolling... Well Done !!!"
- - Ben Jarrett, Strathclyde.
- "Here is $10 for your game... I love it !"
- - Jeremy Andrews, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
- "I got Extreme Violence and like it... I think it is a cool game... so
- does all my friends that I have been playing it with... its very addicting
- (sic) ..."
- - Bhroam Mann, Internet (?).
- "... your fine game Extreme Violence... Me and my friends really enjoy your
- game, even my wife likes it (and she's not much on games)."
- - Tim "turmoil" Crowley, Seattle, Washington.
- "Can you tell me what you used to compress the Extreme_Violence.lha ?"
- - James LaPlaine ("Static"), Internet (?).
- "Who *are* all these loonies ?"
- - Simon Green (Author: "Extreme Violence"), UK.
- "Get a life, Si !"
- - Anon.
- Acknowledgements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Special hellos and thanks to :
- Martyn "Team17" Brown, Simon Bird, Ian Kavanagh, Dennis "Bucket", Dave, Sue
- and Jane...
- Big thanks to the following people who exhaustively play-tested EV and for
- their usually stupid, but occasionally constructive suggestions :
- Dan Tulett, Mike "DOS" Barnes, Stu Nevill, Neil Robinson, Cas "Xap" Prince,
- and Paul "Paul" Lewis.
- Distribution
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I'm releasing EV as SHAREWARE. This version is freely distributable,
- under the conditions that no profit is gained from it's distribution, and
- that this doc file is always included with the executable. You are
- encouraged to give copies of it to your friends, upload it to your
- favourite BBS systems, Internet FTP sites etc.
- How to Register
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To register, just send me £5 (or more!), and I'll send you the latest
- version of Extreme Violence, which includes multiple bullets, a one-player
- option and devastating new power-ups, and is only available to registered
- users. You'll also receive details of new versions of EV and other
- products when they are released. This has to be the software bargain of
- the decade! Don't forget to include your address !
- Overseas users please note - don't send me cheques drawn on foreign
- banks, as these are usually difficult and expensive to cash. You are
- welcome to send equivalent cash (ie. notes) of any currency as these are
- much easier to convert, but this is at your own risk. Pounds sterling is
- the most convienient from my point of view.
- Even if you reckon you can't spare any money, feel free to drop me a
- note saying what you think of the game. I'm always pleased to hear any
- suggestions...
- Support shareware ! The future of Extreme Violence depends on your
- support.
- Contact Addresses
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Real: Simon Green
- Extreme Violence Dept.
- 'Selsfield'
- Oxenturn Road
- Wye
- Ashford
- Kent
- TN25 5AZ
- U.K.
- Virtual: ssusgree@uk.ac.rdg
- ssusgree@susssys1.rdg.ac.uk
- ssusgree@rdg.ac.uk
- Look out for the sequel to "Extreme Violence"
- - "Unmitigated Boisterousness" - coming soon... Not !
- See-ya !