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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rend24 - A Batch Image Conversion System
- Written by Thomas Krehbiel
- Copyright © 1991,1992 Thomas Krehbiel
- All Rights Reserved
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rend24 is being distributed as Shareware. If you find this program
- useful, please consider sending a donation of $25 or so to the
- author (address given at the end of this document). In return,
- I will send you a disk with the latest registered version of the
- program. The registered version does not contain any "guilt"
- messages.
- If you are a registered user of Rend24, send me a disk (and a SASE
- if you really want to make it easy for me) and I'll send you the
- registered version of Rend24 1.04x.
- Rend24 may be freely distributed to any bulletin board, network, or
- through any public domain library collection, so long as no fees
- (beyond reasonable media costs) are charged for such distribution.
- This product is being distributed "as is", with no warranties
- expressed or implied as to the use or misuse of the program.
- Rend24 was originally written as an excercise in converting
- 24-Bit IFF files into displayable resolutions. At that time,
- I was working with the Toaster's Lightwave 3D often, and without
- the benefit of a single-frame controller, it was somewhat awkward
- getting a displayable animation out of Lightwave. Lightwave is
- capable of saving each frame it generates as a 24-Bit IFF file;
- hence, an idea was born.
- What I needed was a program that would wait around in the
- background while Lightwave generated a frame. Then, when the
- frame was saved to disk, the program would jump in and convert
- the 24-bit file down to an Amiga-displayable format and pack
- it into an IFF Animation file and return to waiting for the
- next frame.
- So I set out to write my own program to do the job. Along the
- way it has acquired a number of useful features which don't relate
- at all to the original plan. You can use it to convert GIF
- files to Amiga format. You can use it to view JPEG files directly.
- You can use it interactively convert VistaPro generated files into
- DCTV animations. This program does a lot for the money...
- Rend24's purpose is to convert one or more input images into
- individual viewable ILBM images or a single viewable ANIM animation.
- The input images may be 24-bit ILBMs, GIF format images, or even
- JPEG compressed images. You control the format of the output
- images and/or animations, including the color depth, dithering,
- and size.
- Rend24's strength lies in its ability to convert batches of images
- at a time. You tell Rend24 where to find the input images, how many
- there are, and then sit back and watch it go.
- o Runs under Workbench 1.3 and 2.04.
- o Generally fast conversion times.
- o Supports most standard IFF-ILBM image formats, from 2-color through
- HAM all the way up to 8- and 24-bit.
- o Supports reading Compuserve GIF format images directly.
- o Supports reading JPEG/JFIF compressed images directly (if somewhat
- slowly...).
- o Can generate individual pictures or a standard IFF-ANIM Op 5 animation,
- with or without palette locking.
- o Supports HAM-E and DCTV format rendering.
- o Supports Floyd-Steinberg dithering to increase the number of apparent
- colors.
- o Now includes a handy-dandy front-end for CLI-phobes.
- o Supports arbitrary scaling of input images.
- Rend24 should run on any Amiga with any amount of chip and fast
- memory. However, due to the nature of 24-bit image manipulation,
- Rend24 can use up quite a bit of memory loading and converting an
- image. Working with 320x200x24 images I would say you would need
- 1Meg minimum. Working with 768x480x24 images you will probably
- need at least 3Meg of free memory. Rend24 always uses fast memory
- except for the memory to open the display screen, so chip memory
- should not be a problem.
- Rend24 is fully Workbench 2.0 compatible (as of the time of this
- writing, at least). In fact, it takes advantage of a couple of
- features in 2.0 which make Amiga mode conversion times a tad
- faster.
- Rend24 is fairly easy to install. Simply drag the program icon
- to wherever you would like it to reside. It doesn't have to be
- in your C: directory (although if you plan to use the program
- from CLI you might want to put it in your command path somewhere).
- Certain features of Rend24 require some libraries to be installed
- in your LIBS: directory. There should be an installation program
- accompanying the main program, which will guide you through
- installing the libraries. The libraries are:
- hame.library Required for generating HAM-E images.
- dctv.library Required for generating DCTV images.
- arp.library Required under version 1.3 of the
- operating system to have a file
- requester available in the front end.
- That's it! That wasn't so hard, was it? :)
- Couldn't be easier... simply double click the Rend24 icon and
- in a few seconds a window will appear on your Workbench with
- a whole bunch of gadgets in it. This is what I call the "Front End"
- window, and is where you tell Rend24 what you want to do in a
- (hopefully) convienient manner.
- Source Image Pattern
- This is where you enter input file(s). Click in the string gadget
- and just type the full pathname of image you want to convert.
- Or, you can click on the Choose gadget to the right to open a
- file requester where you can choose the input image.
- You can specify a standard wildcard pattern for the source image,
- to convert more than one at a time. The pattern is the same
- used by standard AmigaDOS commands (#?)... you may also use
- the Unix-style '*' character as a wildcard. So if you specify
- "DollFace*.pic" as the source image pattern, then all files
- matching that pattern will be converted.
- If you are using the Frame Count gadget (see below), then enter
- only the filename "base" without any numbers.
- Source Frame Count
- This is used when you are converting a series of frames output
- by, for example, Lightwave or VistaPro. It expects the source
- image filenames to be in the format "Picture001", "Picture002",
- "Picture003", etc. You enter the base name of the files (eg.
- what you entered in Lightwave or VistaPro for the file prefixes;
- do NOT include the numbers afterward!) into the Source Image
- Pattern gadget, and then enter the number of frames you want to
- convert in the Source Frame Count gadget.
- Dest Picture Pattern:
- If you want to generate individual IFF-ILBM pictures, you
- enter the full pathname of the output file here. You can also
- click on the Choose gadget to the right to bring up a file
- requester to make you selection easier.
- If you are converting more than one input file, you will probably
- want to specify a pattern for the output pictures. The pattern
- is just like a standard pathname, except there should be a single
- '*' character in the path somewhere. For each file converted,
- the '*' character will be replaced with the name of the input
- image currently being converted, minus any extensions. So if
- the current input image is "DollFace.pic" and your output pattern
- is "mydrive:*.ham" then the output filename for "Dollface.pic"
- will by "mydrive:Dollface.ham".
- Dest Animation:
- If you want to create an animation file, then enter the full
- pathname of the destination animation file here. Once again,
- you can click on the Choose gadget to bring up a file requester.
- All files converted will be packed into this animation file.
- Note that you cannot append to an existing animation file; you
- can only create an animation from the conversions done in a
- single Rend24 session. So to create an animation you need to
- either use an input pattern or specify a frame count. Otherwise
- the animation will only have one frame in it.
- Output Image Format:
- This cycling gadget controls the output image type. "Lumascale
- B&W Image" will create an NTSC greyscale image, created
- by taking the luminence value of the red, green, and blue components
- of each pixel. "Greyscale Image" will also create a greyscale
- image, but it simply averages the red, green, and blue components
- of each pixel to get the grey value. "Color Image" will create
- a register-mapped color image. "HAM Image" will create a HAM
- (Hold and Modify) image.
- Note that if you have selected DCTV rendering, this gadget is
- ignored. DCTV rendering always uses full NTSC color.
- Following is a table of the amount of colors used for each
- image format:
- Format Amiga HAM-E DCTV
- ---------------- --------- --------- --------
- Lumascale 16 256 n/a
- Greyscale 16 256 n/a
- Color 16 or 32* 256 n/a
- HAM 4096 262,144 n/a
- * = depends on image width; for images bigger than 384 pixels
- wide (ie. hires images) Rend24 will use 16 colors; otherwise
- it will use 32 colors.
- Use DCTV:
- When checked, all images and animations generated will be
- in DCTV format. Note that you must have dctv.library in your
- LIBS: directory for this to work.
- Use HAM-E:
- When checked, all images and animations generated will be
- in HAM-E format. You must have hame.library in your LIBS:
- directory for this to work.
- High Quality:
- This gadget only has meaning for DCTV and HAM-E rendering
- formats. For DCTV images, if High Quality is checked then
- Rend24 will use 4 bitplanes instead of 3. For HAM-E images,
- if High Quality is checked then Rend24 will generate a
- palette with a higher degree of accuracy, which can take
- significantly longer.
- Run "Convert":
- If checked, then Rend24 will attempt to run Black Belt Systems'
- "Convert" program on each input file. This can be used to
- convert foreign file types to standard IFF24 for use with
- Rend24. You will probably not need to use this very often, if
- ever.
- Lock Palette:
- When checked, this will keep the palette the same across multiple
- conversions. That is, it will generate a palette for the first
- frame only, and then use that same palette for all subsequent
- frames. This is most useful for HAM-E animations and for creating
- animations for, say, DPaint (which doesn't support different
- palettes for different frames).
- F/S Dither:
- This enables the Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm, which can
- increase the number of apparent colors in an image. It generally
- does not work too well for HAM images, though, and in all cases
- increases the amount of time it takes to convert each image.
- For animations, this can also significantly increase the number
- of changes between frames, causing the animation to play slower
- and consume huge amounts of memory.
- Double Width:
- When selected, Rend24 will double the width of any images that
- are smaller than 384 pixels wide. This was added for rendering
- HAM-size images into DCTV format without squishing the image
- horizontally. When rendering to DCTV, you probably want to
- leave this checked.
- Halve Width:
- When this is checked, Rend24 will halve the width of any images that
- are larger than 384 pixels wide. This is handy when converting
- hires 768x480 images into HAM images.
- Halve Height:
- When checked, Rend24 will halve the height of any images that are
- larger than 240 pixels tall. Handy for converting what would
- normally be an interlace image into non-interlace.
- Rotate 90 Degrees:
- This will rotate each input image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
- Handy for reading images saved by ASDG's ScanLab, which for some
- reason only saves images in portrait mode.
- NTSC Limit:
- When checked, this will reduce the brightness of each input image
- to fit into NTSC limits. Note that my implementation is a VERY
- simple algorithm, and may not be what you want.
- Delete Source's:
- When checked, Rend24 will delete each input 24-bit image after
- it has been converted. This is most handy when converting frames
- from, for example, Lightwave or VistaPro as they generate the
- images. It will reduce the amount of hard drive space you need
- free while converting. However, it also eliminates the possibility
- of redoing the conversion since the source images will be gone.
- So be careful with this one. I recommend leaving this off (unless
- you are really pressed for hard drive space) and delete the source
- images only after you are satisfied with the results of Rend24.
- Hide Conversion:
- When checked, Rend24 will not show you images as they are being
- converted. For 16-color Hires images, this can significantly
- speed up the conversion process. It's also handy if you don't
- want to be annoyed by a bunch of screens popping to the front
- all the time.
- Don't Pause:
- Normally, Rend24 will pause after each image is converted and
- wait for a mouse click. When this option is enabled, it will
- go into "batch" mode and perform all of its conversions without
- user involvement. For converting animations, you will probably
- want to check this item.
- Wait for Source's:
- When checked, Rend24 will sit in a loop waiting for each input
- file to appear. This is especially useful for converting frames
- produced by Lightwave as the frames are generated.
- Ping-Pong Anim:
- When generating an animation from a numbered series of frames
- (ie. when you have a number other than zero in the Frame Count
- gadget), this will cause Rend24 to create the animation such
- that it will ping-pong when played back. It does this by
- duplicating all the frames in descending order after processing
- all the frames normally. Thus, it takes about twice as long
- to do this and the animation will be about twice as big.
- No Loop Frames:
- Normally, Rend24 will append two "looping" frames to the end
- of any animation it creates. Turning this option on will
- keep Rend24 from doing this.
- X: Y:
- These two gadgets let you perform arbitrary scaling on source
- images. Enter the width and height of the resulting images you
- want in the X and Y gadget respectively, and Rend24 will scale
- the source images to this size, regardless of the original
- image size. Thus if you enter 160 and 100 into these gadgets
- then all resulting files will be 160x100 images/animations.
- Enter 0 and 0 to turn off the arbitrary scaling.
- Begin Conversion
- Click this when you have everything setup the way you want it
- to let Rend24 start working.
- Click this or the window close gadget to quit Rend24.
- The front-end also has a few menus. They are described below:
- Save Settings (Right Amiga-S)
- This will save all your current front-end settings to
- a file in your S: directory. After you have things setup
- the way you want them, you might want to save the settings
- so you don't have to re-setup each time you run Rend24.
- Default Source Directory...
- Lets you choose the directory where input images come from
- by default. This is the directory that first comes up
- when you click the Choose gadget next to Source Image
- Pattern.
- Default Destination Directory...
- Lets you choose the directory where images are saved to
- by default. This is the directory that first comes up
- when you click the Choose gadget next to Dest Image
- Pattern.
- Default Animation Directory...
- Lets you choose the directory where animations are saved
- by default. This is the directory that first comes up
- when you click the Choose gadget next to Dest Animation.
- Is a bit more complicated. Certain features of Rend24 are only
- available from CLI.
- Useage from CLI is as follows:
- 1> Rend24 [options] <input_file> [input_file] ...
- The input file(s) must follow the options. You may specify more
- than one input file on the command line, and each input file may
- contains wildcard characters (standard AmigaDos patterns).
- Options consist of a dash (-) followed by a single (case-sensitive!)
- letter. You may specify more than one option letter after a
- single dash, except options that require an argument; they must be
- separate. Following is a list of all options currently supported
- in Rend24:
- -D Generate DCTV format images (note that CAPITAL D).
- Requires dctv.library.
- -6 High Quality ("6-bit") HAM-E mode.
- -aFILE Pack output files into the given animation file "FILE".
- -c Call Black Belt's Convert for each input file. The
- Convert program must be in your current command
- path somewhere (ie. your C: directory).
- -d Enable Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
- -e Generate HAM-E format images. Requires hame.library.
- -fNUM Convert "NUM" input frames.
- -g Generate greyscale (average) images.
- -h Generate HAM images.
- -L Do not add looping frames to animations.
- -l Generate lumascale (luminence) images.
- -n Do not pause after converting each image.
- -o[PATTERN] Specify individual output image pattern. If PATTERN
- is not given (ie. -o by itself) then each file will
- be saved to the same directory as the source image
- with a representative extension.
- -P Generate a ping-pong animation.
- -p[FILE] Palette locking. If "FILE" exists, then a palette
- is read from it. If "FILE" does not exist, then
- the generated palette is saved to it.
- -r Delete (remove) input files after converting.
- -s Only generate palette, do not actually render an image.
- -t Enable NTSC limiting.
- -v Hide conversion process.
- -w Wait for input images to appear.
- -X Double the width of input images.
- -x[WIDTH] Scale width by half, or to the given pixel width.
- -y[HEIGHT] Scale height by half, or to the given pixel height.
- -z Rotate image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
- Note that you do not *have* to specify any outputs at all; if you
- don't then each input file will simply be rendered and viewed.
- The arbitrary scaling (-xN and -yN) does not anti-alias (or
- interpolate). It is meant to be fast.
- Rend24 writes standard ILBM palette files that can be read by
- DPaint. It will also read a standard ILBM palette file. Thus
- you can save your favorite palette from DPaint and have Rend24
- render all its images using that same palette.
- Rend24 will load most all types of IFF-ILBM images, including
- 8- and 24-bit images and standard Amiga resolutions. The only
- things I know of that it doesn't load are SHAM, Dynamic HAM, and
- Dynamic Hires images. It should handle images with mask planes.
- It will also load Compuserve GIF format images. It will handle
- interlaced and non-interlaced formats. For multiple-frame
- GIF's, it will just load the first frame.
- And it will also read JPEG images stored in the standard JFIF
- file format (the format used by all Amiga JPEG implementations that
- I know of).
- Rend24 reads and write standard IFF-ILBM palette files (ie. a
- BMHD and CMAP, no BODY).
- Rend24 writes images in standard IFF-ILBM format suitable for
- viewing with any standard picture viewer, and writes
- animations in standard IFF-ANIM Op 5 format. It automatically
- creates "looping" frames on the end of any animation it generates,
- unless turned off with No Loop Frames option.
- Rend24 is not really designed to handle images larger than 768x480.
- Since Rend24 uses hame.library for opening and maintaining HAM-E
- screens (it does NOT use renderhame.library!), Rend24 is subject
- to that library's limitations. The version of hame.library that
- I have does not like to open screens of odd sizes, so you may
- have to scale your images to a "regular" size to get it to work
- right.
- Rend24 relies completely on dctv.library for generating DCTV format
- images, so if there are problems with DCTV renderings, it is more
- than likely the fault of dctv.library.
- What you've all been waiting for...
- These examples assume you are using the front-end. You'll have to
- interpret a bit if you are using the CLI interface.
- Example #1 - Lightwave
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (Note: This is based on memory as I don't happen to have a Toaster
- sitting in front of me. I haven't seen much of Toaster 2.0 either,
- so this could be completely obsolete.)
- Suppose you want to convert a 30 frame animation generated with
- Lightwave into a standard Amiga animation. You might want to do
- this if you A) want to see a color preview of your animation before
- single-framing to tape to save wear and tear on your recorder, or
- B) don't *have* a single-frame recorder.
- We will call the animation scene "DollFace".
- 1. Go into Lightwave and create a killer 30 frame animation,
- ready for rendering in 768x480 mode.
- 2. Go into the "Record" menu, and choose the "Save Images" gadget.
- Save Images will save each frame generated on disk as a standard
- IFF-ILBM file - perfect for Rend24. Do NOT choose "Save Frames",
- as this saves in FrameStore format which Rend24 cannot read.
- You will be presented with a file requester from which you choose
- the image prefix for the frames generated. For this example, we
- will choose a prefix of "DollFace" - pick a convenient directory
- (we'll use "Images" in this example) and enter "DollFace" into
- the file gadget. Each frame generated will now be called
- "DollFaceNNN", where the "NNN" will be replaced with the number
- of the frame. (Ie. DollFace001, DollFace002, etc.).
- 3. Now pop back to Workbench and run Rend24. When the front-end
- window appears, open the file requester to enter a source
- image pattern (by clicking the Choose gadget next to the
- Source Image Pattern gadget). Pick the same directory you
- entered in Lightwave ("Images" in our example), and also enter
- the exact same image prefix you entered in Lightwave ("DollFace"
- in our example, without any trailing numbers). So the result
- in the Source Image Pattern gadget should look something like
- "DH3:Toaster/3D/Images/DollFace".
- 4. Since the animation will be 30 frames, enter the number 30 into
- the Source Frame Count gadget. This tells Rend24 to append
- 001 - 030 to the source image pattern given above to get the
- name of each file to load, exactly like Lightwave does.
- 5. Now choose the filename of your destination animation. For
- our example, we will simply save it to RAM:. You will probably
- want to save the result to somewhere on your hard drive.
- Open the file requester (by clicking on Choose next to the
- Dest Animation gadget), and enter your output filename. For
- our example, we'll use "RAM:DollFace.anim".
- 6. Now decide on your animation image format. In this example,
- we'll keep things simple and just render to Amiga HAM mode.
- Click the Image Format cycler gagdet until it reads "HAM Image".
- 7. Decide on your conversion options. If you plan to be loading
- this animation into DPaint, you should choose the "Lock Palette"
- option to keep the palette the same for all frames. A HAM image
- needs to be lores (< 384 pixels wide) so we need to turn on the
- "Halve Width" option to reduce the width of Lightwave's hires
- images down to lores. If you don't want interlace images
- (desirable to make the animation run faster and reduce conversion
- times), click on the "Halve Height" button as well. If you want
- to delete the files that Lightwave generates from disk as Rend24
- finishes converting them, choose the "Delete Source's" checkbox.
- This will save a lot of hard drive space, but make it impossible
- to redo the conversion process if something goes wrong. If you
- don't want Rend24 to show each frame as it's converting (probably
- desirable in this case), check the "Hide Conversion" gadget. You
- will definitely want to check the "Don't Pause" gadget to make
- Rend24 not wait for a mouse click after each frame is converted.
- And you DEFINITELY want to check the "Wait for Source's" gadget
- as this will make Rend24 sit around in the background waiting
- for Lightwave to generate each frame.
- 8. Now that everything is setup, click the "Begin Conversion" gadget
- in Rend24. It will open it's status window and say that it is
- waiting for "DollFace001".
- 9. Now pop back to Lightwave and tell it to begin rendering. As
- Lightwave finishes rendering each frame, Rend24 will kick in,
- convert the image to HAM, pack it into the destination
- animation, and then go back to sleep waiting for the next frame.
- When all the frames are finished, Rend24 will build looping
- frames on the end of the animation, and you can then show
- the animation ("RAM:DollFace.anim" in our example) with your
- favorite animation viewing program.
- I can be reached at the following U.S. Mail address:
- Thomas Krehbiel
- 10747 Surry Road
- Chester, VA 23831
- This is where you want to send your donations.
- If you have a modem and don't mind calling long-distance, I can
- also be reached on the Late Nite Amiga BBS (804-262-9944) as Tom
- Krehbiel (user #13). Note that in older versions of Rend24
- documentation I got the Late Nite phone number wrong (oops).
- And at long last I now have an account on BIX, so you can bixmail
- me as "tkrehbiel".
- BTW, I much prefer E-mail to regular mail... and I really don't
- have the time to give phone support (sorry!).
- Thanks to the following people for helping to make this program
- like you now see it:
- Kermit Woodall . . . . . Promotion/Research/Testing
- Mike Vunck . . . . . . . . . . . . Promotion/Testing
- Bob Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing
- Stuart Ragland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing
- (And everyone else in the Late Nite Developer sub.)
- Thanks to Mike Vunck for the spiffy icon!
- REVISION HISTORY (for the curious)
- 1.04f Added Double Width option for DCTV fanatics.
- Release Added option to make Ping-Pong animation from numbered frames.
- 3/14/92 Added option to not tack on looping frames to animations.
- Revised front-end to include new options.
- 1.04e Pads odd length DLTA chunks for !#$!@#$ buggy DPaint.
- Beta Fixed CMAP chunk lengths for (once again) DPaint.
- 3/8/92
- 1.04d Will now load GIF images directly.
- Beta Will now load JPEG images directly (if somewhat slowly).
- 2/28/92 Now returns to front end after Aborting an operation.
- New documentation! Better? Good question...
- No longer detaches from CLI for better script handling.
- 1.04c Clicking Close gadget while waiting no longer exits.
- Beta Refreshes screen properly under 2.0 after a Zoom.
- 11/15/91 Can scale images to any arbitrary width and height.
- Now reads and writes standard IFF ILBM palette files.
- Fixed an occasional massive crashing bug in ILBM saving.
- Fixed scaling settings being "forgotten" over multiple files.
- 1.04b Now detaches from the CLI; don't have to Run it anymore.
- Beta No longer opens a console when run from Workbench.
- 11/10/91 Closes front-end window while doing conversions.
- A nifty iconify feature added for Workbench 2.04.
- 1.04a Fixed a couple of bugs in animation creation.
- Beta
- 11/9/91
- 1.04 Now includes a built-in Front End, runnable from Workbench.
- Beta (Drumroll, please)... now generates DCTV images!
- 11/7/91
- 1.03 Compiled with the SAS/C Global Optimizer.
- Reg Only Now includes a version compiled for 68020/68030 machines.
- 10/22/91 Now loads standard IFF images and converts to 24-bit.
- Fixed some Enforcer hits and "free non-tracked" messages.
- Can now click on Rendered screen to continue.
- 1.02 Now handles odd width images correctly (I hope).
- Release Fixed numerous Enforcer hits during loading (oops).
- 7/11/91
- 1.01 Fixed a bug in IFF24 loader code.
- Release Fixed bug in the WaitFor routines.
- 6/3/91 Now loads ADPro 8-bit greyscale images.
- 1.00 First public release.
- Release Now includes `RendFE.rexx' front-end program.
- 5/18/91 Fixed trying to add loop frames to non-existant ANIMs.
- 0.18 No longer clobbers numeric filename extensions.
- Beta Recognizes ^C again to abort for compatibility.
- 5/16/91 Added dither "threshold" control for Color renders.
- 0.17 Fixed scaling "forgetfulness" over multiple files.
- Beta HAM rendering significantly faster.
- 5/14/91 Better overscan display (I hope).
- Nice little output window with status bar.
- Loop frames now tacked onto end of animations created.
- Added 90 degree counter-clockwise rotation option `-z'.
- 0.16 Recompiled with SAS/C 5.10.
- Alpha Now requires `hame.library' for HAM-E rendering.
- 5/8/91 Much faster IFF24 loading; as fast as ADPro now.
- Wildcarding rewritten; requires Arp under 1.3.
- Added `-t' for NTSC Limiting.
- Beginnings of better documentation.
- Generally faster rendering times, especially greyscale.
- Can now scale image height in half with `-y' option.
- Scaling now a seperate operation from the rendering.
- Significantly faster rendering under 2.0.
- Loader will handle anywhere from 9- to 24-bit images.
- 0.15 Palette save/load now functional.
- Alpha Fixed memory leak in ANIM compression.
- 4/9/91
- 0.14 Fixed Hame reg mode color wrongness.
- Alpha Now overscans picture under 1.3, too.
- 4/5/91 Now alphabetizes wildcarded input files.
- 0.13 Color palette selection rewritten. Less redundancy.
- Alpha Now takes scaling into account when building histogram.
- 4/5/91 Histogram (unfortunately) noticeably slower.
- But palette selection is faster and uses less memory.
- Fixed left-edge-HAM-fringe-in-non-dithered problem.
- Definitely a speed decrease here.
- 0.12 Fixed phantom palette load/save problem.
- Alpha I think I fixed the death on out of memory during load.
- 4/2/91 Fixed small memory leak problem.
- Pads width of input images to a byte boundary.
- Slight speed increase in non-HAM, especially dithered.
- 0.11 Fixed bug in -hx mode.
- Alpha New `-a' animation packer option.
- 3/30/91 New `-f' for specifying Lightwave frames.
- New palette locking method with `-p' option.
- 0.10 Added `@' input script file option.
- Alpha Now overscans Hame cookie and palette lines if it can.
- 3/27/91 Added `-w' to wait for input files to appear.
- Added `-r' option to remove input files when done.
- Hides screen while saving for those of us with 2090's.
- 0.09 Grey24, Color24, and Ham24 consolidated into Render24.
- Alpha Command line options changed somewhat.
- 3/26/91 Better output file pattern parsing (eg: -oPics/*.reg).
- 0.08 Fixed occasional after-save guru.
- Alpha Supports uncompressed IFF24's now (I think).
- 3/26/91 ^C will break a rendering in progress (hurray!).
- Clean Hame ham mode support!
- 0.07 Does not use Hame color register 0 at all.
- Alpha Hame ham support added, but looks terrible.
- 3/26/91
- 0.06 Makes FORM length even for DPaint's mangled-IFF bug.
- Alpha Only deletes Convert temp file AFTER image is rendered.
- 3/24/91 Initial HAM rendering -- slow, no Hame.
- 0.05 Fixed all-black-horizontal-line-turning-off-Hame problem.
- Alpha Allows Unix-style wildcard input pattern.
- 3/23/91 Added Kermit's kludge to call BB's Convert on input files.
- Color rendering 1x-3x faster non-dithered.
- 0.04 Color rendering about 4x faster non-dithered.
- Alpha
- 3/22/91
- 0.03 Initial color rendering -- VERY slow.
- Alpha
- 3/21/91
- 0.02 Initial REAL greyscale rendering.
- Alpha Added option to save resulting image.
- 3/20/91
- 0.01 Experimental greyscale rendering.
- Alpha
- 3/19/91