We would like to extend a special "Thank you" to everyone who registered their copies of Cyclone before it was even released. We appreciate your support, and your patience!
Also, a special thank you to everyone who purchased Space Madness, either directly from us or through other channels, and received it in either a plain white box or just disks in a padded envelope. Without your support, Cyclone would never have been finished, and we would be working (hopefully) in dead-end jobs instead of running our own business.
And finally, thanks in advance to everyone who will register their copy of Cyclone! We put a lot of hard work into Cyclone (more than we ever planned), and every registration we get makes it seem a lot more worthwhile!
- Mike & Jon, High Risk Ventures
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Q - Will there be a black-and-white version of Cyclone?
A - There might be one someday, but none is specifically planned at this time. If we do make a B&W version, it will still require a 68020 cpu or better, which means it still won't run on a Plus, SE, or Classic. If we go to all the trouble of making a B&W version, we'll probably support four-color and sixteen-color monitors as well.
Q - Will there be a version of Cyclone that takes advantage of larger monitors?
A - No. If it did expand to fill the whole monitor, we would have to expand the sprites and game space appropriately, just as we shrink the sprites and space to fit on the smaller 512x384 screen. The game is designed for a specific play area - changing the play area would change the game.
Q - Are there any cheat keys for Cyclone?
A - Yes, there's one that makes you invincible, and one that causes a 'yummy shower.'
Q - Why are the default keys so useless?
A - Well, what's useful depends on what keyboard you have. We use extended keyboards, which have the command, option and control keys duplicated on the right side of the main key island. So we use the 'Z' key to rotate left with the left middle finger, the 'X' key to rotate right with the left forefinger, the right command key to thrust with the right forefinger, and the right option key to fire with the right middle finger. This setup is very similar to the layout of the buttons on the original Star Castle game.
See the Help screen for answers to other questions you might have. If you can't find the answer to your question on the info screens in the game, please don't hesitate to call or write us! We guarantee a fast response! (If we don't respond, we lost your message, so please try again.)