This is the most comprehensive and informative release list for the Macintosh gaming community. Take the release dates with a grain of salt because they are VERY tentative! In fact, some of these titles may never see the light of day.
Summary of titles released in March
• Eight Ball Deluxe - Amtex Software (From the people who gave us Tristan)
• Super Mines - Callisto Corp. (Commercial minesweeper type game)
• Market Garden - Three-Sixty (Next battleset in the V for Victory series)
• Spectre Supreme - Velocity (Much improved over original with new enemies and more
Summary of titles released in April
• Lunicus (4/11/93) (CD-ROM) - Cyberflix (Interactive cruise through a 3D world to
save the future. Virtual reality environment, original soundtrack, and talking Cyber
Puppets. From Dark Castle creator Bill Appleton)
• King's Quest 6 (4/12/93) - Sierra (Next in the popular series. 25 megs in size with
improved Mac game engine and support for Quicktime)
• AD&D Unlimited Adventures (4/30/93) - Strategic Simulations (Create your own
• Dark Sun: Shattered Lands - Strategic Simulations (Completely new Mac engine that
takes full advantage of the Mac) (November)
• Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen - New World Computing (Late '93/Early '94)
• SimCity 2000 - Maxis
• Sim Farm - Maxis
• El-fish - Maxis (Breed your own fish)
• U-233 - Deadly Games (Type VII German U-boat in the North Atlantic) (Fall)
• Return of the Phantom - Microprose (Graphic adventure)
• DragonSphere - Microprose (Graphic adventure)
• Prince of Persia 2 - Broderbund (Will have better graphics and more enemies) (Late
'93/Early '94)
• King's Quest 6 (CD-ROM) - Sierra (The multimedia version with full voice support
done by real actors) (No date set)
• Pirates GOLD - Microprose (Under consideration for the Mac by Microprose)
• Star Trek: The Next Generation - Spectrum Holybyte (1994)
Keep in mind that if you're in the industry or "in-the-know" about certain upcoming releases, YOU can contribute GREATLY to this listing. Please e-mail me at the addresses below if you have additional information that you see may be useful to this list. I'm basically looking for HARD FACTS or GOOD rumor. (Corrections also appreciated)