The “Victoire! GEMs 1.0.4” file contains the latest versions of those GEMs (Game Enhancement Modules) which have been released in the history of Victoire! They are the same as ship with the commercial version of Victoire! (see below). To use these GEMs, first click “Install…” in the Victoire! control panel. Then, select the “Victoire! GEMs 1.0.4” file on your disk and click “Open”. Finally, click “Replace” when Victoire! asks you whether you wish to replace each existing GEM.
The “Victoire! GEMs 1.0.4” file fixes problems with many of the currently supported games. Included in the list of fixed games are Arashi, Armor Alley, Falcon MC, Leyte Gulf, and Spectre/Spectre Supreme. Also, support has been added for Falcon 2.2.
This is the last shareware support which Victoire! will receive. Victoire! has become a commercial product and is now being distributed as Axis - The GameCheater by Baseline Publishing, Memphis, Tennessee. The commercial version of Victoire!, i.e. Axis - The GameCheater, supports 50 Macintosh games and includes features to assign sets of cheats to one hot-key and to print out the list of cheats for a game. The “Victoire! Upgrade” file contains information about how registered users of Victoire! can upgrade to Axis - The GameCheater at a special reduced price.
Support for registered users of Victoire! will continue to be available at:
Samat Software AOL: MRCAUGHRON
9600 East 150 Hwy CIS: 76354,3302
Kansas City, MO 64149 GEnie: S.CAUGHRON
Thank you for making Victoire! a successful product.