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Text File | 1989-11-07 | 30.3 KB | 716 lines | [TEXT/EDIT] |
- September 11, 1989
- WINDOID #9 (Part 1)
- A Publication for the Informed HyperCard User and the Newsletter for the Apple
- HyperCard User Group
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- Part 1
- • Editor's Corner
- • HyperCard User Tips
- • Corrupted Stacks
- • ChangeFont
- • Stack Evaluation Guidelines
- Part 2
- • Command Synthesis Exotica
- • HyperEducation
- • Message History
- • Internationalizable StackWare
- • HyperCard Novice Corner
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- By David Leffler
- Well, here we are again. This issue of WINDOID is very much overdue, and I
- apologize for the delay. We have gone through many changes in the AHUG
- organization, and I have been extremely busy with the next revisions of
- HyperCard. However, I think you will find that the time this issue has taken
- to prepare has been time well spent. Additionally, we are taking steps to
- ensure that subsequent versions of WINDOID are delivered regularly.
- When I started AHUG and WINDOID I had no idea that it would grow so fast. Our
- first AHUG meeting at Apple was in a little conference room on the second floor
- of DeAnza III before HyperCard even shipped. About ten people showed up and
- were really excited about showing off their first stacks. Since then AHUG has
- grown at a phenomenal rate, and we have been caught unprepared to handle the
- group's meteoric growth.
- Due to this unexpected growth, we have not been able to give the many AHUG
- members all the support and services they expected.
- Therefore, the AHUG Board of Directors met recently and decided that all AHUG
- memberships will be extended through the next year for no additional charge.
- We are commited to providing you with an outstanding HyperCard User Group
- experience.
- To further ensure that we will not be caught unprepared again, we have a new
- AHUG President to introduce to you.
- I'd like to introduce Jack Hodgson. Jack comes to us from the Boston Computer
- Society where he was one of the founding members of the Mac SIG. As Director
- of New Member Enrollment and Volunteer Services, Jack enrolled over 5,000
- Macintosh users and provided services we never dreamed of. He recently moved
- to the Cupertino area and comes to us with the necessary experience and zeal
- that typifies what we need in our AHUG President.
- Jack will take control of the WINDOID publication schedules. We have
- determined that WINDOID issues will go out on a REGULAR basis. We will have
- specified delivery dates and you will know when to trot out to your mailbox for
- the latest. I will continue to be Editor, and together we will provide you
- with up-to-date HyperCard articles from the team. Under Jack's leadership, we
- will provide you with information fast and professionally.
- Additionally, Jack is assisting in the creation of a BBS for members to call
- and download any of the 200 megabytes of stacks we have available. He is
- dedicated to providing services to you that will spark your interest and
- continue to fan it to flame.
- Starting next issue, Jack will begin a regular column in WINDOID and let you
- know how we are doing and where we are going as a user group. I'll continue to
- let you know what the team is doing and where we are going with HyperCard. You
- will still be first to know about any new HyperCard versions and get the latest
- on new feature functionality. Together we will continue the journey, and, as
- always, AHUG will light the way to provide you with the best in HyperCard
- information from the HyperCard Team.
- In this issue, I bring you a wealth of information from the team and from our
- good HyperCard friends. I hope that you will find that the wait for this
- issue, although lengthy, was worth it.
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- by Phil Wyman
- 1. I was having trouble putting the contents of the "target" into a variable.
- I knew that the target was going to be a field, and I wanted to put the
- contents of that particular field into a variable. So I tried
- put the target into <variableName>
- However, when I looked at the variable, it was not the contents of the target
- at all. Rather the variable was the name of the target, something such as
- "background field ID 12". Gary Bond suggested that I say instead
- put the value of the target into <variableName>
- which works just fine, putting the contents of the field into the variable.
- To see how this works, create a field. Put a line of text in a field. Lock
- the field. In the card script put:
- on mouseup
- answer the value of the target
- end mouseup
- When you click on the field, you should get an answer box with your text in
- it.
- 2. When I am developing Stacks, I often need to lock and unlock fields. Since
- I have an extended keyboard with function keys, I made a function key which
- locks and unlocks fields. This makes my job a lot easier. I modified Sioux
- Lacy’s "HitTest" function which I borrowed from her Groupies Stack. What the
- following functionKey handler and "MyHitTest" function do is to allow me to
- point to the field with my mouse, hit the number 7 Function Key, and lock or
- unlock the field. If the field is locked, it becomes unlocked. If the field
- is unlocked it becomes locked.
- If you don’t have functionkeys on your keyboard, you could create a handler
- called "L" instead of the "on functionkey" handler. You will have to remove
- the "if var = 7" loop. Then, with blindtyping on, you would just have to point
- at a field with the mouse and type the letter "L" and "return". (Be sure
- you’re not editing text in a field at the time or else blindtyping won’t work.)
- on functionkey var --or on L
- if var = 7 then --Delete for standard KB
- put myHitTest (the mouseloc) into what
- if what is not empty then
- set the locktext of what to (not the locktext of what)
- end if
- end if --Delete for standard KB
- end functionkey--or end L
- -- When typing in the myHitTest function,
- -- be sure to leave a space after the
- -- quoted literals "card field id " and
- -- "bkgnd field id ".
- function myHitTest where
- repeat with i = the number of card fields down to 1
- if where is within rect of card field i then if visible of card field i
- then return "card field id " & the id of card field i
- end if
- end repeat
- repeat with i = the number of bkgnd fields down to 1
- if where is within rect of bkgnd field i then
- if visible of bkgnd field i
- then return " bkgnd field id "& the id of bkgnd field i
- end if
- end repeat
- return empty
- end myHitTest
- Along the same lines, you could make a functionKey which will give you the info
- dialog of the field or button that you are pointing at. Or how about a
- Hide/Show feature for buttons or fields that you are pointing at? HyperCard is
- alive with possibilities.
- 3. A tip from Paul Foraker of HyperPro... If you don’t like keeping track of
- your "pushes and pops" there may be a way out of it in certain situations. Try
- popping the card into a variable.
- push card
- pop card into <variableName>
- Now, whenever you want to go back to that card you can just say
- go <variableName>
- Don’t make the mistake however of saying
- go card <variableName>
- which will not work because the word "card " is included in <variableName>
- 4. Another Paul Foraker tip. With James Redfern’s help, Paul discovered this
- mistake in his HyperTalking that looks like a bug but isn’t:
- --example A (to produce a list of the
- --backgrounds in a stack)
- repeat with i = 1 to the number of backgrounds
- put the short name of background i & return & return after temp --wrong!
- end repeat
- You’ll get the short names of the backgrounds, but you won’t get any returns.
- Here’s the correct way of writing it:
- --example B
- repeat with i = 1 to the number of backgrounds
- put (the short name of background i) & return & return after temp --right!
- end repeat
- Get it? HyperCard evaluates Example A as:
- put the short name of background (i & return) after temp
- Since return characters do not evaluate as numbers, HyperCard strips them off,
- evaluates the "i" and returns the correct background name, without the returns.
- I had a similar problem. I started an "if then" loop with:
- If the cantmodify of stack "data stack" is false then
- When I tried to run it, HyperCard asks "where is false?" with the Standard File
- dialog. I hit "Cancel" and HyperCard says it can’t get that property. I
- believe HyperCard was looking for a stack named "data stack" is false
- which it couldn’t find. I had to put parentheses in to force HyperTalk to
- evaluate each side of the "is" condition:
- If (the cantmodify of stack "data stack") is false then
- That works fine.
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- by Sioux Lacy Atkinson
- Occasionally, users and developers have reported that HyperCard suddenly cannot
- open a particular stack or cannot access certain cards in the stack. When this
- occurs, the user will see a message that says "Can’t read card or bkgnd id <an
- ID number> at location <another number>" or simply "Can’t open stack", and then
- HyperCard will quit.
- It’s regrettable that this occurs, and certainly frustrating for the user, but
- we want to make all of you aware of certain measures that you can take to
- prevent stack corruption, and a project that is currently underway at Apple to
- recover broken stacks.
- Preventative Measures:
- From the number of broken stacks that we’ve seen, it appears that the primary
- cause of corruption is HyperCard being interrupted partway through its
- execution. An interruption could be a system crash, an XCMD that crashes, a
- HyperCard Unexpected Error, the power being turned off, the Macintosh being
- rebooted from Macsbug or the machine being restarted with the programmer’s
- switch. HyperCard writes data back to disk whenever it has an opportunity, but
- if its execution is interrupted, there is a very good chance that some data is
- still in RAM, and that the disk file contains some internal inconsistencies.
- Of course, there is little a user can do about a system crash or an error
- caused by HyperCard itself. However, a number of users have said to me that
- they got impatient when a script was taking an extraordinary amount of time to
- run, or the file server was extra slow, and they simply rebooted their
- machines. Please don’t do this. The chances of the stack being damaged are
- very high. If a HyperTalk script is running, abort it with command-period, or
- simply be patient.
- If you are running a stack that calls XCMDs or XFCNs and you experience a crash
- when one of those externals is called, tread cautiously. Comment out the call
- to the external and see if the crash still occurs. Inquire of your XCMD
- distributor whether other users have had difficulties with that code. If
- you’re the author of the XCMD, back up your stack and continue testing to see
- if you can uncover the source of the bug.
- A couple of other safety measures that you can take:
- 1) When you’re working on a stack, periodically save off copies. Then if
- something goes wrong, you’ve only lost a small amount of work rather than an
- entire stack.
- 2) Compact your stacks frequently, especially if they constantly accumulate
- free space. Compaction will almost always detect stack corruption, and save
- you from putting further effort into a stack that has been damaged.
- 3) Be sure that you’re using the most current version of HyperCard (1.2.2). It
- contains some fixes for bugs that were causing corruption. If you don’t have
- 1.2.2, contact your Apple dealer.
- Scavenger Project:
- The reason I’m writing this article, and have such an interest in damaged
- stacks, is that I am working on a utility that the HyperCard team hopes to
- provide to our users and developers that can repair corrupted stacks. For this
- project to be successful, I need to collect and examine as many broken stacks
- as possible, so I’m asking for your help. If you have a stack that’s gone bad,
- please send it my way.
- I can’t guarantee that it can be fixed, but many of them can be, and I will
- return a good copy to you if it is. (Note that "fixing" sometimes involves
- removing a bad card or bad background, so sometimes the repaired stack is
- accessible, but lacking some of the original cards.) Please describe, if you
- can, what was happening at the time the stack was damaged, including what
- version of HyperCard, and system software you were running, and what special
- INITs you had installed.
- Stacks can be sent to:
- Sioux Lacy Atkinson
- Apple Computer, Inc.
- 20525 Mariani Ave.
- Mailstop 22-AE
- Cupertino, CA 95014, or
- AppleLinked to LACY1
- Please don’t expect immediate turnaround. I usually work on the stacks in the
- order that I receive them, and some take quite a lot of detailed
- cross-examination to completely determine the problem. (Let me know if you
- don’t want the stack back if it’s fixed. You can save me the time and postage
- cost. Thanks.) (And if you compress the stack, let me know what version of
- the compression utility you used.)
- The data that we compile from these stacks will also help us in making
- HyperCard more bullet-proof in the future. But remember, there isn’t much that
- HyperCard can do to recover if the Macintosh is turned off while it’s running.
- So unless you are very certain that your machine is hopelessly hung, or
- crashed, don’t reboot. Thanks.
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- by Robertson Reed Smith
- One thing I always wanted to see in HyperCard was an elegant solution to
- manipulating the text attributes of button titles. I tried several ways since
- the early days of Stack Starter B.201. Including building a working mock-up of
- a button text attributes window, and smart pop-up menus, but it wasn’t until I
- found a way to share the same text attributes window for graphic text, buttons,
- and fields that I was really satisfied. The result was ChangeFont, a script
- which when loaded into your Home Stack offers font options for any object under
- the cursor when the Tab and shift keys are depressed simultaneously.
- I’ve been using and refining it for awhile, so it works with not only buttons,
- but fields (locked and unlocked), cards, and background layers as well as any
- version of HyperCard. Also I find it faster, and more convienent than using the
- conventional means because the method doesn’t change for different objects.
- Upon reading Jim Palmer’s article "Four Button Properties in Search of a
- Script" in Windoid issue #7, I discovered Jim and I had come up with a similar
- solution to text attributes manipulation although the features and error
- checking differ substantially, so I’m offering ChangeFont here as the next
- logical refinement on his. Hope you enjoy it, and find it useful.
- ---------- ChangeFont 1.2 by Robertson Smith ----------
- --------------- AppleLink: HyperZealot ------------
- --ChangeFont may be distributed freely, but is not for resale. Thanks.--
- --
- on mouseWithin --Gets name of button or field cursor is over.
- global TargetName
- put word 1 to 2 of name of target && "id" && id of target into targetName
- pass mouseWithin
- end mouseWithin
- --
- on mouseLeave --Forgets name of button or field cursor was just over.
- global TargetName
- put "" into targetName
- pass mouseLeave
- end mouseLeave
- --
- --Chose tab and shift keys because other key combinations taken
- on tabKey
- global TargetName, UserLevel
- if the optionKey is up and the shiftKey is down and the commandKey is up then
- put the UserLevel into saveLevel --Saves preset UserLevel.
- set lockScreen to true
- set the userLevel to 4
- set cursor to 4 --So user will know somethings happening.
- --Check to see if cursor is over a card or background.
- if targetName = "" then
- choose text tool
- doMenu "Text Style..."
- if saveLevel > 2 then set the UserLevel to saveLevel
- else set the userLevel to 3
- --Leaves user in graphic text mode
- exit tabKey
- --Check to see if if cursor is over a button
- else if word 2 of targetName = "Button" then
- --Check to see if button title is showing.
- if showName of targetName is false then
- --Gives user option to show button title.
- answer "The button title is turned off on this button." ¬
- with "Show Title" or "Cancel"
- if it is "Show Title" then set showName of targetName to true
- else
- set the UserLevel to saveLevel
- exit tabKey
- end if
- end if
- --Check for presence of a button icon.
- if icon of targetName <> 0 then
- --Gives user the option to remove button icon.
- answer "You can’t change fonts on a btn with an icon." ¬
- with "Remove Icon" or "Cancel"
- if it is "Remove Icon" then set icon of targetName to 0
- else
- set the UserLevel to saveLevel
- exit tabKey
- end if
- end if
- end if
- --Stores preset graphic text attributes.
- choose text tool
- put the textAlign into defaultTextAlign
- put the textFont into defaultTextFont
- put the textSize into defaultTextSize
- put the textHeight into defaultTextHeight
- do ("put the textStyle into defaultTextStyle")
- --Gets text attributes of object cursor is over.
- choose Browse tool
- set the textAlign to (the textAlign of targetName)
- set the textFont to (the textFont of targetName)
- set the textSize to (the textSize of targetName)
- set the textHeight to (the textHeight of targetName)
- do ("set the textStyle to" && (the textStyle of targetName))
- choose text tool
- --Displays text attributes of object cursor is over, and
- --offers options to change text attributes of that object.
- doMenu "Text Style..."
- --Makes text attributes changes to object cursor is over.
- choose browse tool
- set the textAlign of targetName to the textAlign
- set the textFont of targetName to the textFont
- set the textSize of targetName to the textSize
- set the textHeight of targetName to the textHeight
- do ("set the textStyle of" && targetName && "to" && the textStyle)
- --Resets preset graphic text attributes.
- choose text tool
- set the textAlign to defaultTextAlign
- set the textFont to defaultTextFont
- set the textSize to defaultTextSize
- set the textHeight to defaultTextHeight
- do ("set the textStyle to" && defaultTextStyle)
- choose browse tool
- set the UserLevel to saveLevel--Restores preset userlevel
- set lockScreen to false
- else pass tabKey
- end tabKey
- ---------- End of ChangeFont ----------
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- by Robin Shank
- Apple Computer, Inc.
- 20525 Mariani Ave. M/S 22-Q
- Cupertino, CA 95014
- 408-974-2370
- AppleLink: ROBIN
- The goal in creating a HyperCard stack is to give your user the power to do
- something that would otherwise be beyond their reach. But a stack is more than
- an implementation of an idea, a body of information, or a collection of
- functionalities. If you want your stack to be used by your audience, it must
- be well designed, convenient to use and appealing to look at. Poorly designed
- stacks frustrate the user and can ultimately end up in a never opened folder.
- What makes a good quality stack?
- The process of creating a stack can be a difficult and multifaceted task. There
- are many different things a stack designer should take into consideration as
- the stack evolves. Evaluation of the stack should be an integral part of the
- development cycle. First, review and document your objectives. If you don’t
- know what it’s supposed to do, it is difficult to tell when it’s not working.
- Feedback from users is an important part of shaping the interface. Finally,
- take the time to make sure everything works.
- The following outline is an exploration of all the considerations involved in
- creating stacks. It incorporates issues discussed in The Stack Design
- Guidelines and Human Interface Guidelines, as well as my own experiences with
- stack design and testing. Comments and feedback are welcome.
- A. Documentation
- Document, outline, or at least think about the following considerations.
- Addressing these issues early will save you resources and headaches later in
- the development cycle.
- 1. What is the general scope of the project, including...
- Description of the objectives of the project
- Integration with other products
- such as: books, stacks, software, hardware etc.
- Size limitations of the stack
- Distribution method of the stack
- Such as: floppy, CD, fileserver
- Are you distributing anything else with the stack?
- Outline the people and their expertise or responsibilities.
- Who will be doing the writing, editing, graphic design,
- illustration, scripting, programing, and, of course, testing.
- 2. What is the content of the stack?
- Is there an existing model for the stack?
- such as: an existing book, document
- Where are the sources of the information in the stack?
- What does the content cover?
- What does the content not cover?
- 3. What are your assumptions about the users of the stack(s)?
- Familiarity with HyperCard
- Familiarity with HyperTalk
- Familiarity with the Macintosh
- Familiarity with the Computers
- Familiarity with the subject matter or context of the stack
- International, cultural or social issues
- Is there anything special about the users of the stack?
- 4. What kinds of environments is the stack expected to run in?
- Do you need to restrict them to a version of HC?
- Will the stack run in all userLevels?
- Which CPU’s is this stack designed for?
- Do you need more than 1 or 2 Mb Ram?
- Do you require a harddisk?
- Does the stack depend on any special hardware?
- such as: input devices, printers, scanners, other peripherals.
- Does the stack depend on any special software?
- Such as: applications, system inits, Multi/Singlefinder
- Does the stack integrate with or rely on other stacks?
- such as: the phone stack
- Are special resources attached or needed?
- such as: fonts, icons, sounds, XCMD, XFCN, cursors, picts
- Are there special user considerations?
- such as: disability, age, cultural or educational background
- Are there International considerations?
- Will the stack be running on international Systems?
- Will the stack be internationalized?
- 5. How is the stack organized and designed?
- Does the stack use a metaphor?
- Outline the different parts or sections.
- What they do
- What they look like
- Navigation methods
- - within section
- - between sections
- - feedback
- User orientation
- What graphic elements is the stack going to use?
- such as: fonts, icons, pictures, animation
- What are the sources of the art?
- Will the stack need to be enhanced or maintained?
- How, and by whom?
- B. Evaluating the stack(s)
- Use the documentation outlined in the first section as the basis for knowing
- how things should work, look and feel.
- 1. Functionality and performance:
- Insure functional integrity (ie: TEST IT!)
- Take the time to make sure everything works.
- No script errors
- No "dead-end" scripts
- Feedback, forgiveness, flexibility, and limit checking
- Is there feedback for long operations?
- Is the user allowed to exit and abort at any time?
- Test the limits
- Navigation
- Can the user move through the stack effectively and easily?
- From any card...
- - is it clear where the user is in the stack?
- - is it clear how the user got there?
- - is it clear where to go next?
- - is it clear how to go back?
- - is it clear how to leave the stack?
- What is the stack’s performance under...
- - different versions of HyperCard
- - different userLevels
- - different system versions
- - different CPU’s
- - alternative environments
- User Testing
- Get feedback from real users
- 2. Written Content
- Style
- Is the textual information well written?
- Is the style appropriate for your projected user?
- Does the content or writing style portray any cultural, or gender
- biases?
- Is there editorial integrity?
- check for: spelling, grammatical errors
- Trademark and copyright notices
- Consistency
- 3. Visual Content and Interface Considerations
- Fields
- Is there consistency in location of similar fields between cards,
- sections?
- Are the typefaces used appropriately and consistently?
- Are the properties of the fields in appropriate states?
- Such as: locked or unlocked, visible or hidden.
- Buttons
- Is there consistency in location of similar buttons between cards,
- sections?
- Are the buttons arranged in logical groups or areas?
- Do buttons give feedback where ever possible or appropriate?
- Is the button implementation consistent within the stack?
- Is the button implementation consistent with the Macintosh
- interface?
- Are the typefaces used appropriately and consistently?
- Are icons used appropriately and consistently?
- Are the icon symbols understandable?
- Pictures, images, illustrations
- Do the pictures and illustrations promote the metaphor of the
- stack?
- Is there consistency in the placement of the images?
- Are the pictures of good quality? Are they appealing and
- understandable?
- Are the images appropriate?
- Are there areas where words, titles or captions would be
- clearer?
- Do any of the images have cultural or gender biases?
- Is there excess opacity on any of the cards?
- Hold down Option-O while in a paint tool to see the mask.
- Cleaning up excess opacity can shrink the stack.
- Are there copyright considerations for the images?
- Visual effects
- Do the visual effects relate appropriately to the navigation in the
- stack?
- Are the visual effects used consistency with the stated metaphor?
- Are there any areas that might need more visual effects?
- Are there any areas that might need less visual effects?
- Overall aesthetic appeal of the stack
- Do the background and/or card pictures blend with their elements?
- Does the stack consistently adhere to its stated metaphor?
- Does the stack follow the Stack Design Guidelines?
- Does the stack follow the Human Interface Guidelines?
- 4. Scripts
- Are the scripts well written and implemented?
- Are the scripts well organized within the structure of the stack?
- Does everything work?
- Is there feedback and forgiveness for user errors and aborts?
- Scripting style:
- Does the scripting style adhere to any established conventions?
- Are the scripts well documented or commented?
- How long would it take another HyperTalker to read the scripts
- and understand the stack’s implementation and structure?
- Are there any special authoring tools built into the stack?
- What do they do?
- Are they commented?
- 5. Sound
- Are the sounds used appropriately and consistently in this stack?
- Are the sounds used consistently with the stated metaphor?
- Does the user have the ability to control the sound? (on/off, volume?)
- What are the sources of the sounds?
- Are there any copyright considerations?
- 6. Misc.
- Does or should the stack have:
- - An area that explains the purpose of the stack?
- - A Help section? Does it need one?
- - Credits for authorship, who to contact with praise or bugs?
- - Colophon; information on how the stack was made, what’s special
- about it?
- - Trademark and copyright notices in all the right places?
- - Listings of relevant references for your context?
- - Version and Date stamp?
- C. User testing
- "Can users understand what to do and can they accomplish the task at
- hand easily and efficiently? The best way to answer these questions
- is to put them to the user."
- – Human Interface Guidelines
- Guidelines:
- Define your typical users, find some to test with.
- Design the stack to the least experienced user.
- Types of users:
- Naive users
- the value of being naive
- Experienced users
- have HC experience, preconceptions and/or, have experience
- within your context
- Techniques of User testing
- Strive to be objective and to avoid prompting.
- Tasks
- Freeform use, you figure it out
- Questions - How would you use this?
- Give the user specific tasks to accomplish
- Getting the feedback
- Observation
- Videotaping
- Audiotaping
- Timbuktu, a remote screen viewing program from Farralon.
- D. References for this document
- HyperCard Stack Design Guidelines
- Author: Rachael Rutherford, Apple Computer
- Copyright 1988 by Addison Wesley
- Apple Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop Interface
- Author: Human Interface Group, Apple Computer
- Copyright 1988 by Addison Wesley
- Using HyperCard, from Home to HyperTalk
- Author: Tay Vaughan
- Copyright 1988 by Que Corporation
- Promotional Product Test Group's HyperCard Stack Evaluation Guidelines
- Author: Susan McLaughlin, P, Q & S, Apple Computer
- Writing Internationalizable StackWare (Appendix B)
- Author: Susan Razura, International Engineering, Apple Computer
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --