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- TidBITS#39/28-Jan-91
- ====================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
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- For more information send electronic mail to info@tidbits.uucp or
- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- VDT Law in San Francisco
- CE Tiles
- Death of the MarketPlace!
- DeskWriter & HyperCard
- Reviews/28-Jan-91
- VDT Law in San Francisco
- ------------------------
- By now most people are aware of the controversy surrounding
- extended use of video display terminals. Some people, most notably
- author Paul Brodeur, claim that VDTs emit harmful levels of
- extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation. Others,
- led by the companies that have much to lose, claim that no health
- risks are associated with VDT usage (Yeah, right. I wonder how
- many of them have used a computer for six or seven hours and not
- felt tired and dry-eyed). The truth, as usual, probably lies
- somewhere in the middle. Sigma Designs has reacted to the
- controversy by offering shielded versions of its monitors, and
- Fairfield Engineering has come up with a device that fits over the
- neck of the cathode ray tube of 9" Macintosh monitors ($80) or 13"
- color monitors ($90), thus limiting the ELF radiation. Nanao also
- just released 16" and 20" Flexscan monitors that are supposedly
- low radiation displays.
- That's all fine and nice on the technological front, but recently
- a battle was won on the far more bloody political front. Mayor Art
- Agnos of San Francisco recently signed a law requiring employers
- with more than 15 employees to provide those who perform
- repetitive keyboard work for more than four hours at time with
- adjustable workstations and seating, anti-glare lighting, 15-
- minute breaks every two hours, and other safety products such as
- screen guards, wrist rests, and copy holders. I gather that the
- legislation was fought tooth and nail the entire way because of
- the expense involved, if nothing else.
- The law calls for the creation of a seven-member committee to keep
- track of the controversy and inform the government of developments
- and issues in the field, including not just the health problems
- mentioned by Brodeur, such as an increased rate of miscarriages,
- but also problems such as muscular and skeletal damage (including
- the dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome) and vision impairment.
- In my opinion, it's about time that such legislation became
- widespread. Many people would happily pay another $80 for a
- shielded Macintosh screen, and in the volume that Apple would sell
- them, that price would rapidly drop.** **The EPA (Environmental
- Protection Agency) has finally entered the fray with a study
- suggesting that the 60-Hz magnetic fields from electrical devices
- and power lines might cause cancer (ever notice how laboratory
- studies cause wishy-washyness in scientists?). The EPA will even
- send you a copy of a draft of the study - check the phone number
- below. Of course, the EPA could be more effective, but ex-
- President Reagan cut all its funding for electromagnetic radiation
- in 1986. (His opinion was that he had watched television for a
- long time and even been on it, and he hadn't been affected by no
- electro-whatever-it's-called radiation :-)).
- Fairfield Engineering -- 515/472-5551
- EPA ORD Publications Office -- 513/569-7562
- 513/569-7566 (fax)
- Nanao USA -- 213/325-5202
- Related articles:
- PC WEEK -- 21-Jan-91, Vol. 8, #3, pg. 19
- MacWEEK -- 08-Jan-91, Vol. 5, #1, pg. 173
- PC WEEK -- 07-Jan-91, Vol. 8, #1, pg. 137
- InfoWorld -- 24-Dec-90, Vol. 12, #52, pg. 5
- CE Tiles
- --------
- Last week I wrote about ThoughtPattern, a free-form database that
- helps you organize files. CE has taken a different approach to the
- organization problem with its new utility ,Tiles, which can be
- thought of a graphical desktop organizer for documents, programs,
- and actions. In some ways, Tiles is similar to the aliases that
- will become popular in System 7.0 - that's mainly conjecture - I
- personally love the aliasing power of System 7.0 - in that it
- creates an icon for any file that opens that file no matter where
- it is stored. In other ways, Tiles mimics zeta soft's Super
- Boomerang by automatically keeping track of all the applications
- and documents that you use in an Open... Tile palette. But these
- two comparisons don't do justice to the elegance of Tiles. A
- System 7.0 alias is merely a pointer to another file - extremely
- handy, to be sure, but limited. A Project Tile can hold a number
- of other tiles, each representing a different document or
- application or even a QuicKey macro. So while you can have an
- alias to your favorite program sitting on your desktop, that's not
- nearly as powerful as a Tile that can open your favorite
- application and several documents and run a QuicKey macro that
- mounts an AppleShare volume all at once.
- I also said that Tiles works like Super Boomerang. You can set
- Tiles up to replace the Open... dialog box with a Tile palette
- that holds a user-specified number of Tiles. Double-clicking on a
- Tile opens a document, exactly as double-clicking on a file name
- in the standard file dialog box does. Tiles could be set up by a
- system administrator for less knowledgeable users to perform some
- basic repetitive actions. The administrator can customize the look
- of the Tiles extensively, because there are large and small tiles,
- and large tile can show a name and a picture, while small tiles
- can show a name or a picture. The pictures can come from icons or
- PICTs and can be either color or black and white.
- I haven't had a chance to test Tiles yet, but it strikes me as an
- excellent idea. In keeping with CE's other products, it is simple
- and elegant and doesn't strive to be the ultimate in file
- organization utilities. Tiles is an "immediate" utility, in that
- it works in the present, unlike other utilities, which require
- setting up in the present so that they will work in the future.
- While there is room for both varieties, I can only think of a few
- other programs, most notably Super Boomerang, that provide the
- same level of immediate benefit without forethought. Kudos to CE,
- and I hope that we will get a chance to test Tiles and report back
- on it and more potential applications for it at a later date.
- CE Software -- 515/224-1953
- Information from:
- CE propaganda
- Related articles:
- InfoWorld -- 01-Jan-91, Vol. 13, #1, pg. 35
- Death of the MarketPlace!
- -------------------------
- It's nowhere nearly as tragic as "Death of a Salesman," but Lotus
- announced on the 23rd of January that it has canceled Lotus
- MarketPlace:Households. From what we've heard, Lotus has received
- a tremendous number of complaining calls and letters. Lotus
- chairman Jim Manzi said, "At last count we had received more than
- 30,000 calls to our name removal service, including calls from
- customers, vendors and others in the industry." In addition, Manzi
- canceled MarketPlace:Business because the two products were
- complementary and he didn't feel that MarketPlace:Business could
- succeed without MarketPlace:Households.
- In its press release, Lotus said the cost of addressing consumer
- privacy issues would be prohibitive, as we suggested last week.
- Manzi said "the product is not part of our core business, and
- Lotus would be ill-served by a prolonged battle over consumer
- privacy." It's nice to see that some of the issues we and others
- on the networks raised also occurred to the people in charge of
- this project. In this case, it goes to show that the people in the
- computer industry can influence issues rooted in technology, but
- having far reaching implications. Congratulations to everyone who
- voiced an opinion to Lotus and Equifax.
- We applaud Lotus's courage in leaving a bad situation before its
- reputation hit an all-time low. Of course, Manzi said in the press
- release and letter to the Lotus employees that Lotus still felt
- that its safeguards would have prevented any abuse of the product.
- Interestingly enough, Lotus claimed these safeguards were more
- stringent than any currently existing in the direct marketing
- industry. Unfortunately, while this may indeed be true, it does
- not imply (a) that the safeguards currently in use in the industry
- are anywhere near stringent enough - which they're not, as
- evidenced by the ease with which a writer for McGraw-Hill managed
- to get Vice-President Dan Quayle's credit rating from TRW - or (b)
- that Lotus's safeguards were stringent enough to offset the
- increased potential for abuse brought about by MarketPlace's large
- audience (i.e. anybody with a Mac and CD-ROM player). We and
- 30,000 others disagreed with Lotus about the stringency of the
- safeguards, and we're the ones who would have been affected. And
- unlike Lotus, none of us would have been making money on the whole
- deal. :-)
- Information from:
- Lotus propaganda
- Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@memory.uucp
- Scott McGuire -- smcguire@eagle.mit.edu
- Peter G. Neumann -- neumann@csl.sri.com
- Rick Russell -- WRR@ricevm1.rice.edu
- DeskWriter & HyperCard
- ----------------------
- Among the mini-debates currently raging (if that is the word ;-))
- in the comp.sys.mac.hypercard group on Usenet is one concerning
- the Hewlett- Packard DeskWriter printer's inability to print half-
- and quarter-size HyperCard cards. For those unfamiliar with the
- DeskWriter, it is an ink-jet, QuickDraw printer that HP converted
- for the Macintosh (it looks suspiciously like a DeskJet), which
- works at a lower resolution with normal Macintosh screen fonts, or
- at the same 300 dpi as most laser printers with graphics as well
- as with its own scalable fonts and with ATM-ized ones.
- The debate started when someone complained on the net that
- HyperCard wouldn't let him print anything but full-size cards on a
- DeskWriter. Martin Gannholm of the HyperCard development team soon
- replied, explaining that the printer was at fault. Another user
- called Hewlett-Packard's tech support and was told by a
- spokesperson, Vicki, who, "reading from a comments sheet," said
- that HyperCard's reduced card-size printing options only work with
- PostScript devices, in effect laying the blame completely on
- HyperCard. Soon someone else called the problem "a bug," one still
- present in the latest version 2.1 of the DeskWriter driver, also
- suggesting that DeskWriter owners start pressuring HP to do
- something about it.
- Alas, much as I hate to dispel anybody's doubts, the DeskWriter
- driver's inability to print at other than full scale resolution
- (because that's what it amounts to) is not merely a software bug,
- but a direct result of HP basing it on a specific internal
- imagining model. Indeed, from the "DeskWriter Printer Information
- Update," a pink sheet that came with version 1.00 of the software,
- we learn that "the printer resource was developed by Hewlett-
- Packard Company and is based on the imagining kernel from Palomar
- Software, Inc."
- Joel West of Palomar Software and Earle R. Horthon each
- contributed to a series of articles in MacTutor describing
- development of a general QuickDraw printer driver with variable-
- resolution and few other facilities. The code wasn't geared
- towards any specific hardware but was meant to be adaptable to
- different printers' requirements. Therefore it never particularly
- touched upon sophisticated features like multiple scales, output
- rotation, and smoothing. Nor did it concern itself with the more
- mundane (but no less important!) questions of memory management
- that HP faced when bringing its 300 dpi printer to the Mac -
- chiefly of what to do when there's not enough memory to print a
- full 300 dpi page.
- I may be wrong but it wouldn't surprise me a bit if this was the
- kernel that HP bought and then wrapped in an RDEV shell of its
- own. After all, it seems to me that HP is not primarily in the
- printer driver business, and few people make Macintosh drivers
- anyway. HP's chief objective was not to produce a printer driver
- that would satisfy everybody's needs and offer 100% compatibility
- with all major features of all major Mac programs, but an
- acceptable product that would perform 90% of all operations well
- and make a profit. In that HP has certainly succeeded.
- The DeskWriter driver clearly suffers from the generality of its
- original design and from the consequences of the decision to
- permit it to function with 1 MB RAM machines (and the choice of
- method for dealing with it). In such unfavourable memory
- conditions the driver uses a technique called "banding" to image
- (draw in memory) a part of the page, print that out, and then
- proceed with the next band and so on. That turns printing at any
- scale other than the full 1:1 representation of a QuickDraw page
- into a nightmare. Therefore one shouldn't expect it to be patched
- or adapted for printing HyperCard's downscaled overview cards
- anytime soon, if ever.
- In fact, short of HP suddenly switching to a new imaging model for
- the driver, in effect redoing the development effort all over
- again, I don't see any solution to this problem. A late-comer to
- the Mac printer scene already, Hewlett-Packard may not have
- understood the importance of HyperCard (including its printout
- requirements) for many Mac users - after all, until recently there
- has been nothing like it for the MS-DOS line, therefore it
- couldn't be worth paying attention to (irony!).
- From a Mac user's point of view, it is insulting to hear that an
- inquiry about this printing "disability" was met by HP's
- spokesperson with a corporate passing of the buck. What is worse,
- the problem (problem, what problem?) isn't mentioned in the
- DeskWriter User's Manual either, which is beginning to resemble
- yet another instance of a "let the users find out the limitations
- the hard way and then forever hope for an upgrade" model of
- business decision making. Unfortunately for the individual
- DeskWriter owners that bought it right away and hoped to use it
- with HyperCard, neither the Macintosh user community nor the trade
- press sounded warnings in regard to this major (at least to
- HyperCard users) absence of a feature.
- Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned in all of this, or at
- least a reminder that we live in a world where little approaches
- perfection. Our best bet, strange as it may sound, would be to
- appeal to knowledgeable independent "grassroots" programmers, like
- Ari Mujunen and Olli Arnberg, two Finns who wrote the freeware
- HPDJ driver for the DeskJet, to write a HyperCard-optimized
- version for the DeskWriter.
- Opinion by Ian Feldman, ianf@random.se
- c.s.m.h submissions by:
- Bob Soron, bobsoron@world.std.com
- Martin Gannholm, gandalf@apple.com
- Ralph Lombreglia, ralph@world.std.com
- ['Vicki' at Hewlett-Packard, 208/323-2551]
- Russel S. Finn, rsfinn@athena.mit.edu
- Ari Mujunen
- Olli Arnberg
- authors of the HPDJ driver for the DeskJet printer, published
- April of 1989, available from sumex, reachable via "hpdj-
- bugs@hut.fi", also (perhaps still) individually at
- s29851c@taltta.hut.fi (Ari) and s29749s@saha.hut.fi (Olli).
- MacTutor printer-driver-related articles:
- Printer Sleuthing
- by Joel West, Western Software Technology, March 1987
- How to write a printer driver
- by Earle R. Horton, Dartmouth College, Nov 1987
- [describes development of the 'Daisy' printer driver, the
- basis for Ari Mujunen's and Olli Arnberg's later work]
- 20 Steps to Printing Incompatibility
- by Joel West, Palomar Software, Inc, June 1989
- [also known for Colorizer DA and PICT Detective]
- A Look at the PREC Resource
- By Dave Kelly, August 1989
- Dot Matrix Printer Driver
- by Earle Horton, [now at Microsoft], Oct 1989
- Reviews/28-Jan-91
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- Lotus MarketPlace:Business, pg. 31 (but see below)
- SiliconDisk Pro 1, pg. 31
- Audiomedia, pg. 36
- Security Software, pg. 45
- (too many to list)
- Add-on Fax Boxes, pg. 87
- FaxConnection
- JetFax II
- Fax-O-Matic
- * InfoWorld
- ScanMan, pg. 84
- Org Plus 1.0, pg. 84
- Adobe Illustrator 3.0, pg. 67
- * MacUser
- Illustrator 3.0, pg. 50
- Studio/32, pg. 52
- MacProteus & Deck, pg. 54
- Full Impact 2.0, pg. 58
- Spyglass Dicer, pg. 60
- Alarm Programs, pg. 74
- Smart Alarms
- Alarming Events
- Inside Information, pg. 78
- Timeslips III, pg. 80
- if:X Forms Designer, pg. 82
- Utilities for Microsoft Word, pg. 86
- DocuComp
- Stylist
- TechWords
- Microsoft Foreign Language Dictionaries
- Freedom of Press, pg. 93
- Freedom of Press Light, pg. 93
- UltraScript for the Macintosh, pg. 93
- Cheshire, pg. 93
- Trax, pg. 94
- EZ Vision, pg. 94
- HandOff II, pg. 95
- VideoPaint, pg. 96
- Armor Alley, pg. 97
- interFACE, pg. 98
- VideoQuill, pg. 99
- LifeGuard, pg. 100
- Beyond, pg. 100
- Full Page Displays, pg. 176
- (too many to list)
- Removable Cartridge Drives, pg. 206
- (too many to list)
- * Macworld
- Page Layout Programs, pg. 142
- PageMaker 4.0
- Quark XPress 3.0
- Network Management Programs, pg. 152
- (too many to list)
- Digital Audio Boards, pg. 160
- (too many to list)
- Color Printers, pg. 168
- (too many to list)
- Mac Video Products, pg. 178
- (too many to list)
- Adobe Illustrator 3.0, pg. 196
- Switchboard, pg. 198
- BLP IIS, pg. 200
- QMS-PS 410, pg. 200
- Timbuktu/Remote Access Pack, pg. 204
- Anti-virus Programs, pg. 211
- Rival 1.1.4
- SAM 2.0
- Norton Utilities for Macintosh 1.0, pg. 213
- Nisus 3.01, pg. 215
- Go Junior, pg. 218
- Playmaker Football 1.0, pg. 220
- Customizing Utilities, pg. 222
- ClickChange 1.01
- Personality 1.0.1
- WPduet, pg. 224
- FileMaker Pro, pg. 226
- Typist, pg. 231
- Removable Cartridge Drives, pg. 234
- Bernoulli Transportable
- Microtech R50
- PLOTTERgeist 1.0, pg. 236
- Macintosh Bible Software Disks, pg. 239
- KiwiFinder Extender 1.02, pg. 239
- Astrix 1.0, pg. 239
- MacSleuth 1.0, pg. 239
- Word Count DA 1.2, pg. 240
- Cataloger 1.01, pg. 240
- TrackMate 1.0, pg. 240
- Quality Artware, pg. 240
- Keyboard Shelf, pg. 240
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 22-Jan-91, Vol. 5, #3
- PC WEEK -- 21-Jan-91, Vol. 8, #3
- InfoWorld -- 21-Jan-91, Vol. 13, #3
- MacUser -- Feb-91
- Macworld -- Feb-91
- ..
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