If you simply want to find out what’s new, skip to the end of this document.
This application helps you create a list of items you wish to purchase. These lists can consist of anything you wish. You also get automatic total calculation for each list. Some people even use the list as a To Do list. So feel free to put in whatever you like!
When you open Shopper, the first thing you see is an empty list. This is where you’ll see the names of the list you’ll create (ex.: Grocery, Car, whatever). The list has two columns: the first one holds the list’s name and the second one the list’s creation date. To see a particular list, tap on that lists’s line. If you’re starting from scratch, just tap on the NEW button.
This is where you actually enter your list. The first field you see is the Title field. This is where you’ll enter the name that you’ll see when you first open Shopper, or when you tap on the bellybutton.
The other fields are part of the list itself. The first one is a check box to let you check the items you’ve purchased. The next field (“Item”) holds the name of whatever you want to buy. The two last fields are the Quantity and Price fields. When both are filled, they are multiplied and the result is added to the total at the bottom of the screen.
If your list is longer than the 10 lines we see on the screen, just click on one of the arrows to either scroll up or down.
There’s a new button! Yeah! It’s the one that looks like a scale. When you click on it, it opens a window that helps you compare the price of two items. How do you use it? Simple. Let’s say there are two sales: 100 grams of flour for $2 and 150 grams of flour for $2.50. You want to know which one will save you the more money. Just fill in the fields (put 100 and 150 in the two quantity fields, and 2 and 2.50 in the price fields). Then, put in a quantity you want to compare your prices to, say 100g. So enter 100 in the last field. The calculated results will appear at the far right of the window. You’ll then know which one will cost you less for 100g.
But that’s not all! If you tap on the “Add to the List” button, the cheapest item will added at the end of your current list.
Yes, you can also duplicate and delete a list (when you’re in the list’s editor). The practical side of the duplicate command is that you can set up a basic list you use every so often but with some modifications. Instead of retyping it every time, you can make a copy of a “master list” and play with that without affecting the original.
So what’s new in this version you ask? Well here’s a list of bug fixes and new features...
- Much improver soup management (fixes PCMCIA card problem)
- When removing PCMCIA card, Newton no longer asks you to put it back in.
- Find All bug has been fixed.
- Display has been slightly changed (looks nicer).
- New button to help you compare prices (read the How it Works section for details).
Of course, I already have some ideas for future versions... But your ideas are also very much welcome. I love to hear from people that use my applications (whether the comments are positive or negative). So send in your ideas if you have any! They’ll be greatly appreciated.
This application is shareware. I’ve put a lot time designing this, and plan to put more time in it still. So if you plan on using it (either for personal use, or for business), then send 10$ to the following address: