A tiny keyboard which can type the date, a tab, a carriage return, or the delete key. Unlike the large built-in keyboard, you can leave this one open all the time, since it doesn’t disable double-tapping on a word to display the Newton’s other guesses for that word. Pressing the “?” key gives a little bit of help, pressing the “x” key closes the keyboard.
There is a report of a conflict with Sea Hunt.
Note to users of 1.0b5: You probably should remove the old package manually before installing the new one, though you don’t have to: the two keyboards are different and you can use both at once. But I’ve adopted Apple’s new convention on application naming, so the new version won’t automatically replace the old one.
Freeware. Thanks to Maurice Sharp of Apple and Don Bresee, Neil Ticktin, and Tony Espinoza of MacTech for the sample code.
Flash Sheridan
3 Valley View Road #15
Norwalk Connecticut
USA 06851-1035
72540.1731 on CompuServe
FlaSheridn on AppleLink (and NewtonMail, though maybe only during beta testing)