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Text File | 1991-07-10 | 4.5 KB | 167 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- {
- COPYRIGHT (C) 1984-1990 Apple Computer,Inc.
- All rights reserved
- }
- UNIT IconPick;
- { Icon Resource Picker }
- { This is the Icon resource picker example.
- The general scheme is that a List structure is created whose cells
- contain the ID's of this resource type. A drawproc is installed in the List
- record which is called to display the resource. }
- USES MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, PackIntf,
- ResEd;
- IconPickPtr = ^IconPickRec;
- IconPickHandle = ^IconPickPtr;
- IconPickRec = RECORD
- father: ParentHandle;{ Back ptr to dad }
- fName: STR255;
- wind: WindowPtr; { Picker window }
- rebuild: BOOLEAN;
- spare: BOOLEAN;
- windowType: PossibleWindowTypes;
- theResType: ResType; { Type of the resource being picked or edited. }
- theResFile: INTEGER; { The home resfile of the window. }
- codeResID: INTEGER; { Resource ID of the RSSC resource containing the picker or editor. }
- spare1: Handle; { Not used here}
- rType: ResType; { Type for picker - could be different from theResType }
- rSize: LONGINT; { Size of a null resource }
- minWindowWidth: INTEGER; { Used when the window is grown. }
- minWindowHeight:INTEGER;
- instances: ListHandle; { List of instances }
- nInsts: INTEGER; { Number of instances }
- viewBy: ViewTypes; { Current view type }
- showAttributes: BOOLEAN; { Show attrs in window? }
- ldefType: ResType; { Which LDEF to use }
- theViewMenu: MenuHandle; { The picker view menu }
- viewMenuMask: LONGINT; { Which items are enabled? }
- cellSize: Cell; { Cell size for special view. }
- iconMenu: Menuhandle; { our menu }
- END;
- PROCEDURE EditBirth(thing: Handle; dad: ParentHandle);
- PROCEDURE PickBirth(t: ResType; dad: ParentHandle);
- PROCEDURE DoEvent(VAR evt: EventRecord; pick: IconPickHandle);
- PROCEDURE DoInfoUpdate(oldID, newID: INTEGER; pick: PickHandle);
- FUNCTION IsThisYours (thing: Handle; pick: PickHandle): BOOLEAN;
- PROCEDURE DoMenu(menu, item: INTEGER; pick: IconPickHandle);
- iconMenuID = 10; { This just uses one of ResEdit's menus. }
- listCellSizeH = $38;
- listCellSizeV = $42;
- { Needs to be 2 wide so that I can always tell a 2d list from a normal text list. }
- minIconsPerRow = 2;
- ICONMinWindowWidth = (minIconsPerRow * listCellSizeH) + theScrollBar;
- ICONMinWindowHeight = listCellSizeV;
- {$R-}
- PROCEDURE EditBirth(thing: Handle; dad: ParentHandle);
- END;
- { *********************************************************************************** }
- PROCEDURE PickBirth(t: ResType; dad: ParentHandle);
- pick: IconPickHandle;
- theIconMenu: Menuhandle; { our menu }
- pick := IconPickHandle(NewHandle(SIZEOF(IconPickRec)));
- WITH pick^^ DO
- father := dad; { Back ptr to dad }
- rType := t; { Resource type }
- viewBy := viewBySpecial;
- ldefType := t;
- cellSize.h := listCellSizeH;
- cellSize.v := listCellSizeV;
- minWindowWidth := ICONMinWindowWidth;
- minWindowHeight := ICONMinWindowHeight;
- END;
- IF NOT DoPickBirth(noColor, TRUE, graphical2DPicker, ResEdId, PickHandle(pick)) THEN
- DisposHandle (Handle(pick))
- BEGIN { Setup the snd menu }
- theIconMenu := GetMenu (iconMenuId);
- DetachResource (Handle(theIconMenu)); { Get our own copy. }
- pick^^.iconMenu := theIconMenu;
- END;
- END;
- { *********************************************************************************** }
- { Everything is taken care of for us by PickEvent.}
- PROCEDURE DoEvent(VAR evt: EventRecord; pick: IconPickHandle);
- PickEvent(evt, PickHandle(pick));
- IF evt.what = activateEvt THEN
- IF ODD(evt.modifiers) THEN
- InsertMenu(pick^^.iconMenu, 0)
- DeleteMenu(iconMenuId);
- DrawMBarLater (FALSE);
- END;
- END;
- { *********************************************************************************** }
- { Everything is taken care of for us by PickInfoUp }
- PROCEDURE DoInfoUpdate(oldID, newID: INTEGER; pick: PickHandle);
- PickInfoUp(oldID, newID, pick);
- END;
- { *********************************************************************************** }
- FUNCTION IsThisYours (thing: Handle; pick: PickHandle): BOOLEAN;
- IsThisYours := FALSE;
- END;
- { *********************************************************************************** }
- PROCEDURE DoMenu(menu, item: INTEGER; pick: IconPickHandle);
- IF menu = iconMenuId THEN
- { Do something with the menu}
- IF (menu = fileMenu) & (item = closeItem) THEN
- DeleteMenu(iconMenuId);
- DrawMBarLater (FALSE);
- DisposHandle (Handle(pick^^.iconMenu));
- END;
- PickMenu(menu, item, PickHandle(pick));
- END;
- END;
- END.