(This version is limited by being a text file and by size).
Registration has great benefits:
1. User's Guide
2. Latest version of Business Plan Master
3. Bonus diskette
4. Additional Features
Business Plan Master
David A. Works
Grand Universal
P. O. Box 4118
Whitefish, MT 59937
Association of Shareware Professionals
There are several different ways to register BUSINESS PLAN MASTER.
Please use whichever method is most convenient for you. In all
cases you will receive the latest version available at the time
your order is received. Read the sections that follow and the
registration forms below for other benefits of registration.
• Latest Version Of Business Plan Master
• Technical support (minimum 3 months) by way of regular mail,
e-mail (through the online services listed below), or phone.
• Update notices will be sent to you.
Shareware Magazine
Registered Users of BUSINESS PLAN MASTER are entitled to receive a
discount on a subscription to Shareware Magazine. The regular
yearly subscription rate of $14.95 is reduced to just $9.97. A
toll-free number and special Order Number will be provided upon
Full details about a special offer for CompuServe will also be
provided. The offer provides for FREE sign up, a $15.00 usage
credit and a complimentary subscription to CompuServe Magazine.
In addition to all the features listed above, we will also
include the following:
• Personal Net Worth Statement
For many loans, a Personal Net Worth statement
is part of the mandatory application package. This
spreadsheet creates one for you!
• Promissory Note
Borrowing money from family or friends? Keep
it on a business level with a promissory note which
details all the terms and conditions of the loan.
• Nondisclosure Agreement
This Nondisclosure Agreement protects your
rights and ideas. Mandatory when sharing your
business plan with investors.
• Non-Compete Agreement
You have spent many years sharing your ideas with
your employees or partners, now one of them runs
off to your competitor! Not if they have signed one
of these!
• Graphs
- A load of graphs to aid in your presentation.
• Market Research Package
Many people ask me where to get the numbers that need to be plugged into the sales area of the "Proforma". Foghorn Leghorn says,"It's Math-a-matics, boy! You can argue with me, but you can't argue with figures!" Unfotunately, people who want to lend you their life savings aren't likely to be impressed by Foghorn's philosophy. Hard numbers can only come from thorough market research. This complete package of template files will do for your marketing research what the files you already have do for a complete business plan. That way you will have solid numbers to base your "Math-a-matics: on and hard data to write your "Marketing Strategy" section.
• Loan Repayment Schedule and Amortization Schedule
One is for short loans and the other is for very long ones. Lets you know when you get to feed your friendly banker.
A complete PRINTED User's Guide will be included with
all registrations. The User's Guide will also include screen shots
of all templates and spreadsheets. This will make filling out
these spreadsheets MUCH easier!
Also included with the registered version diskette will be
another diskette with exceptional business and productivity
Please mail the completed Author Registration Form with
payment to Grand Universal at the address below. Please include
any comments about BUSINESS PLAN MASTER with your order. This is how I get my stockpile of smart aleck quotes to use with my marketing literature. Hope the P. O. Box doesn't offend you, but going to the Post Office is one of the highlights of our small town's social scene.
If you need Business Plan Master in a big hurry, CALL us and we'll ship UPS Second Day Air. The total charge for this is $12 which covers the freight and the COD charge. (I must reserve the right to discontinue this service if I get a bunch of bogus checks.) This is only available in the Lower 48 states. If you need it even faster than this, call anyway and I'll see what I can do (for a price). Because I live in a relatively remote corner of the world (we had a moose living in our backyard last winter), I can't really guarantee Next Day shipments.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute of problem with an ASP member, but does
not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or
send a CompuServe message via CompuServe mail to ASP Ombudsman
Author Registration Form
Use this form to register your copy of BUSINESS PLAN MASTER and
order the latest version directly from the author.
Freight %: What percentage of inventory cost will your
inbound freight be? If you have a service
business, there will be none as this amount is
figured as a percentage of inventory and you will
have no inventory (due to the above entry).
If you have a manufacturing company, inbound
freight on raw materials will not be included, so
the percentage is 0.
Commission: How much commission (%) will you pay on sales?
You might have this in a service business as
finder's fees.
Beg Cash: How much are you starting out with?
Having completed this section, let's go to the "Sales" section
(A20). If you have more than two products, you may insert them
BEFORE the 2nd Product. This will keep the Total Sales
calculation ok. I suggest that you wait before entering actual
sales forecasts numbers.
If you do an insertion, Edit Insert Row, keep in mind that
several of the worksheets next to this Cash Flow Worksheet will
have some holes in it. This will not effect the calculations,
just the appearance. You can correct the appearance by 1. saving
the worksheet and 2. Use the "Move" command on the section to be
moved (highlight, Edit Cut, the Paste in the area you want).
"Cash Receipts"(A27)
I have used percentages which are typical if you are a cash business and do not grant terms. If your terms are different you may adjust accordingly by changing the percentages next to the month.
If you are on a cash basis, put all cash receipts in the "Month of
Shipment" row. Do NOT delete any rows. If you do, the rest of
the worksheets will not work!
Remember that the cells are protected so you will need to
unprotect them to change data.
Now you can fill in the remainder of your costs. Try to make
things fit in the closest category. If you have any questions as
to where anything belongs (and I haven't explained it well
enough!) contact me and I will help. If your financials are
complex enough, we may need to do a customized spreadsheet. (This
is not a blatant advertisement; I like tinkering with spreadsheets
and financial info.)
Business Plan Master Page 8 User's Guide Business Plan Master - User's Guide