After returns True in an input layout procedure or script when a new or modified record has been accepted. If there is an included file or included subfile, an After phase is first generated for each record of the included file or subfile before the After phase for the Parent record.
An After phase is generated only when ADD RECORD, MODIFY RECORD, or MODIFY SELECTION is executed, and then only if a record is accepted. An After phase is also generated if a record is accepted in the User environment. It is not generated for  DIALOG or output layout procedures.
If an existing record is not modified and the user accepts the record, the record is not rewritten to disk and an  After phase is not generated. In such a situation, you can force an  After phase by reassigning a field to itself in the  Before or  During phases, therefore setting it as modified. If you want the  After phase of a script to be called make sure that the Script Only if Modified check box is unchecked.
The following example shows the  After phase being used to assign the date that the record is modified to a field:
Case of
: (Before)
: (During)
:(After) ` If the record is being saved
Last Modified := Current Date ` Save date of this modification