Follow this general procedure:
[1] Format a floppy disk to use as a backup for your old setup. You should never need this backup, but it is safer to take a little time and make it.
[2] Drag copies of your current "Remember's Settings" and all of your Occasion files to the backup floppy. V2.3 converts these files to new formats which are incompatible with previous versions.
IF YOU SHARE OCCASION FILES ON A NETWORK, ALL USERS OF THE FILES MUST UPGRADE TO V2.3. Anyone using the old version will not be able to access the converted files.
[3] Make sure you have access to the original Remember? Extension and DA files. If you can't find the original disk, then drag copies of the Extension and DA to the backup floppy. System 6 users may require Font/DA Mover to copy the DA from the System file to a DA suitcase file.
[4] Remove the old Remember? Extension file from your System Folder (or Extensions folder under System 7,) and throw it away. Restart the Mac to make sure the old extension code is not active.
[5] Install the new Remember? DA. Make sure you remove the old version as well.
[6] Open the DA. It prompt whether to convert your old files to the new format. Click "Yes" if you have make a backup. Your old settings and Occasion files will now be ready to go.
[7] Copy the new Remember? Extension to your System FOlder (or Extensions folder under System 7) and Restart the Mac.
[8] Go back to the DA and play. You may want to adjust some of the new preferences to suit your taste.
The converted Occasion files should appear with the same icon and the old. If they do not, you will have to rebuild the Finder desktop files to get them. You do this by Restarting the Mac holding down the Option and Command keysuntil the Finder appears. You will be asked whether to rebuild the desktop file for each volume. NOTE THAT THIS WILL REMOVE ANY Comments you may have entered the Finder's Get Info box!