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<script>on openStackGlobal operationMode,dateforUpdateglobal UpdateField,span1,span2,span3global upArrow,downArrowglobal maxDataPoints,minBaseValueglobal firstChart,saveLevelhide message boxhide menubarput the userLevel into saveLevelset userLevel to 3put 16692 into upArrowput 3584 into downArrowput 5 into span1put 15 into span2put 40 into span3put 52 into maxDataPointsput 10000 into minBaseValueput 7 into firstChart -- number of first chart cardend openStackon closeStackglobal saveLevelset userLevel to saveLevelend closeStackon clearScreenchoose select tooldoMenu select alldoMenu clear pictureend clearScreenfunction maxLine what,itemNrput item itemNr of line 1 of what into resultrepeat with i = 2 to the number of lines in whatput max(result,item itemNr of line i of what) into resultend repeatreturn resultend maxLinefunction minLine what,itemNrput item itemNr of line 1 of what into resultrepeat with i = 2 to the number of lines in whatput min(result,item itemNr of line i of what) into resultend repeatreturn resultend minLinefunction rounders sum,spanput round(100*(sum/span))/100 into resultreturn resultend rounderson ScrolltoLastLineglobal operationMode,dateforUpdate,lineCountif operationMode="Update" thenif dateforUpdate≠item 1 of line lineCount of field "data" thenget line lineCount of field "data"put it&return&dateforUpdate into line lineCount of field "data"add 1 to lineCountget line lineCount of field "data"put it&"," into line lineCount of field "data"put lineCount-4 into scrolledLinesif scrolledLines>0 thenmultiply scrolledLines by the textheight of field "Data"set the scroll of field "Data" to scrolledLinesend ifend ifend ifend ScrolltoLastLineon arrowDirection arrowNrput "bkgnd button ""e&"Direction "&arrowNr"e into directionget line arrowNr of field "Directions"if it>0 thenset the icon of direction to itshow directionelsehide directionend ifend arrowDirectionon MovingAverage Avg,avgNr,span,itemNrglobal lineCountglobal upArrow,downArrowput 0 into avgaput 0 into avgbput lineCount into itemCountput "Average "&avgNr into avgFieldif lineCount>=span thenput rounders(Avg,span) into field avgFieldelseput empty into field avgFieldend ifif lineCount>=span+2 thenif itemNr>0 thenput item itemNr of line itemCount of field "data" into endValue1subtract 1 from itemCountput item itemNr of line itemCount of field "data" into endValue2subtract span-1 from itemCountput item itemNr of line itemCount of field "data" into pastValue1subtract 1 from itemCountput item itemNr of line itemCount of field "data" into pastValue2elseput -itemNr into lowItemput lowItem-1 into highItemput item highItem of line itemCount of field "data"¬into endValue1subtract item lowItem of line itemCount of field "data"¬from endValue1subtract 1 from itemCountput item highItem of line itemCount of field "data"¬into endValue2subtract item lowItem of line itemCount of field "data"¬from endValue2subtract span-1 from itemCountput item highItem of line itemCount of field "data"¬into pastValue1subtract item lowItem of line itemCount of field "data"¬from pastValue1subtract 1 from itemCountput item highItem of line itemCount of field "data"¬into pastValue2subtract item lowItem of line itemCount of field "data"¬from pastValue2end ifput Avg into Avgasubtract endValue1 from Avgaadd pastValue1 to Avgaput Avga into Avgbsubtract endValue2 from Avgbadd pastValue2 to Avgbput 0 into iconNrif Avg > Avga thenif Avga>Avgb thenput upArrow into iconNrend ifelseif Avg < Avga thenif Avga