Text File | 1989-11-13 | 667 b | 7 lines | [TEXT/EDIT]
This DA gives you a scrollable list of nets in Zone 1 so you can tell quickly where a node is, how expensively far away it is, and what name it goes by. The date last updated is part of it's title bar.
There are three versions. The largest one gives zones, net numbers, net names, city and state, and eats about 20k. The mid-sized version is for Zone 1 only. These two eat up half a 9" screen. The one named "...narrow" includes only the net number, city, and state, and is about 10k. Any of the three can be cut down a further 5k by seriously trimming the "Data" resource.
This is from TAC, the Tucson Apple Core, Tucson AZ (1:300/15) 602-577-6393