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- /*****************************************************************************
- * rad.c
- *
- * This program contains three functions that should be called in sequence to
- * perform radiosity rendering:
- * InitRad(): Initialize radiosity.
- * DoRad(): Perform the main radiosity iteration loop.
- * CleanUpRad(): Clean up.
- *
- * The following routines are assumed to be provided by the user:
- * BeginDraw()
- * DrawPolygon()
- * EndDraw()
- * Refer to rad.h for details
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1990-1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * 12/1990 S. Eric Chen
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "rad.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define kMaxPolyPoints 255
- #define PI 3.1415926
- #define AddVector(c,a,b) (c).x=(a).x+(b).x, (c).y=(a).y+(b).y, (c).z=(a).z+(b).z
- #define SubVector(c,a,b) (c).x=(a).x-(b).x, (c).y=(a).y-(b).y, (c).z=(a).z-(b).z
- #define CrossVector(c,a,b) (c).x = (a).y*(b).z - (a).z*(b).y, \
- (c).y = (a).z*(b).x - (a).x*(b).z, \
- (c).z = (a).x*(b).y - (a).y*(b).x
- #define DotVector(a,b) (a).x*(b).x + (a).y*(b).y + (a).z*(b).z
- #define ScaleVector(c,s) (c).x*=(s), (c).y*=(s), (c).z*=(s)
- #define NormalizeVector(n,a) ((n)=sqrt(DotVector(a,a)), \
- (n)?((a).x/=n, (a).y/=n, (a).z/=n):0)
- typedef struct {
- TView view; /* we only need to store one face of the hemi-cube */
- double* topFactors; /* delta form-factors(weight for each pixel) of the top face */
- double* sideFactors; /* delta form-factors of the side faces */
- } THemicube;
- static TRadParams *params; /* input parameters */
- static THemicube hemicube; /* one hemi-cube */
- static double *formfactors; /* a form-factor array which has the same length as the number of elements */
- static double totalEnergy; /* total emitted energy; used for convergence checking */
- static const TSpectra black = { 0, 0, 0 }; /* for initialization */
- static int FindShootPatch(unsigned long *shootPatch);
- static void SumFactors(double* formfactors, int xRes, int yRes,
- unsigned long* buf, double* deltaFactors);
- static void MakeTopFactors(int hres, double* deltaFactors);
- static void MakeSideFactors(int hres, double* deltaFactors);
- static void ComputeFormfactors(unsigned long shootPatch);
- static void DistributeRad(unsigned long shootPatch);
- static void DisplayResults(TView* view);
- static void DrawElement(TElement* ep, unsigned long color);
- static TColor32b SpectraToRGB(TSpectra* spectra);
- /* Initialize radiosity based on the input parameters p */
- void InitRad(TRadParams *p)
- {
- int n;
- int hRes;
- unsigned long i;
- int j;
- TPatch* pp;
- TElement* ep;
- params = p;
- /* initialize hemi-cube */
- hemicube.view.fovx = 90;
- hemicube.view.fovy = 90;
- /* make sure hemicube resolution is an even number */
- hRes = ((int)(params->hemicubeRes/2.0+0.5))*2;
- hemicube.view.xRes = hemicube.view.yRes = hRes;
- n = hRes*hRes;
- hemicube.view.buffer = calloc(n, sizeof(unsigned long));
- hemicube.view.wid=0;
- hemicube.view.near = params->worldSize*0.001;
- hemicube.view.far = params->worldSize;
- /* take advantage of the symmetry in the delta form-factors */
- hemicube.topFactors= calloc(n/4, sizeof(double));
- hemicube.sideFactors= calloc(n/4, sizeof(double));
- MakeTopFactors(hRes/2, hemicube.topFactors);
- MakeSideFactors(hRes/2, hemicube.sideFactors);
- formfactors = calloc(params->nElements, sizeof(double));
- /* initialize radiosity */
- pp = params->patches;
- for (i=params->nPatches; i--; pp++)
- pp->unshotRad = *(pp->emission);
- ep = params->elements;
- for (i=params->nElements; i--; ep++)
- ep->rad = *(ep->patch->emission);
- /* compute total energy */
- totalEnergy = 0;
- pp = params->patches;
- for (i=params->nPatches; i--; pp++)
- for (j=0; j<kNumberOfRadSamples; j++)
- totalEnergy += pp->emission->samples[j] * pp->area;
- DisplayResults(¶ms->displayView);
- }
- /* Main iterative loop */
- void DoRad()
- {
- unsigned long shootPatch;
- while (FindShootPatch(&shootPatch))
- {
- ComputeFormfactors(shootPatch);
- DistributeRad(shootPatch);
- DisplayResults(¶ms->displayView);
- }
- }
- /* Clean up */
- void CleanUpRad()
- {
- free(hemicube.topFactors);
- free(hemicube.sideFactors);
- free(hemicube.view.buffer);
- free(formfactors);
- }
- /* Find the next shooting patch based on the unshot energy of each patch */
- /* Return 0 if convergence is reached; otherwise, return 1 */
- static int FindShootPatch(unsigned long *shootPatch)
- {
- int i, j;
- double energySum, error, maxEnergySum=0;
- TPatch* ep;
- ep = params->patches;
- for (i=0; i< params->nPatches; i++, ep++)
- {
- energySum =0;
- for (j=0; j<kNumberOfRadSamples; j++)
- energySum += ep->unshotRad.samples[j] * ep->area;
- if (energySum > maxEnergySum)
- {
- *shootPatch = i;
- maxEnergySum = energySum;
- }
- }
- error = maxEnergySum / totalEnergy;
- /* check convergence */
- if (error < params->threshold)
- return (0); /* converged */
- else
- return (1);
- }
- /* Find out the index to the delta form-factors arrary */
- #define Index(i) ((i)<hres? i: (hres-1- ((i)%hres)))
- /* Use the largest 32bit unsigned long for background */
- #define kBackgroundItem 0xffffffff
- /* Convert a hemi-cube face to form-factors */
- static void SumFactors(
- double* formfactors, /* output */
- int xRes, int yRes, /* resolution of the hemi-cube face */
- unsigned long* buf, /* we only need the storage of the top hemi-cube face */
- double* deltaFactors /* delta form-factors for each hemi-cube pixel */
- )
- {
- int i, j;
- int ii, jj;
- unsigned long *ip=buf;
- int hres = xRes/2;
- for (i=0; i<yRes; i++)
- {
- ii= Index(i)*hres;
- for (j=0; j<xRes; j++, ip++)
- if ((*ip) != kBackgroundItem)
- {
- jj = Index(j);
- formfactors[*ip] += deltaFactors[ii+jj];
- }
- }
- }
- /* Create the delta form-factors for the top face of hemi-cube */
- /* Only need to compute 1/4 of the form-factors because of the 4-way symmetry */
- static void MakeTopFactors(
- int hres, /* half resolution of the face */
- double* deltaFactors /* output */
- )
- {
- int j,k;
- double xSq , ySq, xy1Sq;
- double n= hres;
- double* wp;
- double dj, dk;
- wp = deltaFactors;
- for (j=0; j<hres; j++)
- {
- dj = (double)j;
- ySq = (n - (j+0.5)) / n;
- ySq *= ySq;
- for ( k=0 ; k<hres ; k++ )
- {
- dk = (double)k;
- xSq = ( n - (k + 0.5) ) / n;
- xSq *= xSq;
- xy1Sq = xSq + ySq + 1.0 ;
- xy1Sq *= xy1Sq;
- *wp++ = 1.0 / (xy1Sq * PI * n * n);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Create the delta form-factors for the side face of hemi-cube */
- /* Only need to compute 1/4 of the form-factors because of the 4-way symmetry */
- static void MakeSideFactors(
- int hres, /* half resolution of the face */
- double* deltaFactors /* output */
- )
- {
- int j,k;
- double x, xSq , y, ySq, xy1, xy1Sq;
- double n= hres;
- double* wp;
- double dj, dk;
- wp = deltaFactors;
- for (j=0; j<hres; j++)
- {
- dj = (double)j;
- y = (n - (dj+0.5)) / n;
- ySq = y*y;
- for ( k=0 ; k<hres ; k++ )
- {
- dk = (double)k;
- x = ( n - (dk + 0.5) ) / n;
- xSq = x*x;
- xy1 = xSq + ySq + 1.0 ;
- xy1Sq = xy1*xy1;
- *wp++ = y / (xy1Sq * PI * n * n);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Use drand48 instead if it is supported */
- #define RandomFloat ((float)(rand())/(float)RAND_MAX)
- /* Compute form-factors from the shooting patch to every elements */
- static void ComputeFormfactors(unsigned long shootPatch)
- {
- unsigned long i;
- TVector3f up[5];
- TPoint3f lookat[5];
- TPoint3f center;
- TVector3f normal, tangentU, tangentV, vec;
- int face;
- double norm;
- TPatch* sp;
- double* fp;
- TElement* ep;
- /* get the center of shootPatch */
- sp = &(params->patches[shootPatch]);
- center = sp->center;
- normal = sp->normal;
- /* rotate the hemi-cube along the normal axis of the patch randomly */
- /* this will reduce the hemi-cube aliasing artifacts */
- do {
- vec.x = RandomFloat;
- vec.y = RandomFloat;
- vec.z = RandomFloat;
- /* get a tangent vector */
- CrossVector(tangentU, normal, vec);
- NormalizeVector(norm, tangentU);
- } while (norm==0); /* bad choice of the radom vector */
- /* compute tangentV */
- CrossVector(tangentV, normal, tangentU);
- /* assign the lookats and ups for each hemicube face */
- AddVector(lookat[0], center, normal);
- up[0] = tangentU;
- AddVector(lookat[1], center, tangentU);
- up[1] = normal;
- AddVector(lookat[2], center, tangentV);
- up[2] = normal;
- SubVector(lookat[3], center, tangentU);
- up[3] = normal;
- SubVector(lookat[4], center, tangentV);
- up[4] = normal;
- /* position the hemicube slightly above the center of the shooting patch */
- ScaleVector(normal, params->worldSize*0.0001);
- AddVector(hemicube.view.camera, center, normal);
- /* clear the formfactors */
- fp = formfactors;
- for (i=params->nElements; i--; fp++)
- *fp = 0.0;
- for (face=0; face < 5; face++)
- {
- hemicube.view.lookat = lookat[face];
- hemicube.view.up = up[face];
- /* draw elements */
- BeginDraw(&(hemicube.view), kBackgroundItem);
- for (i=0; i< params->nElements; i++)
- DrawElement(¶ms->elements[i], i);
- /* color element i with its index */
- EndDraw();
- /* get formfactors */
- if (face==0)
- SumFactors(formfactors, hemicube.view.xRes, hemicube.view.yRes,
- hemicube.view.buffer, hemicube.topFactors);
- else
- SumFactors(formfactors, hemicube.view.xRes, hemicube.view.yRes/2,
- hemicube.view.buffer, hemicube.sideFactors);
- }
- /* compute reciprocal form-factors */
- ep = params->elements;
- fp = formfactors;
- for (i=params->nElements; i--; ep++, fp++)
- {
- *fp *= sp->area / ep->area;
- /* This is a potential source of hemi-cube aliasing */
- /* To do this right, we need to subdivide the shooting patch
- and reshoot. For now we just clip it to unity */
- if ((*fp) > 1.0) *fp ==1.0;
- }
- }
- /* Distribute radiosity form shootPatch to every element */
- /* Reset the shooter's unshot radiosity to 0 */
- static void DistributeRad(unsigned long shootPatch)
- {
- unsigned long i;
- int j;
- TPatch* sp;
- TElement* ep;
- double* fp;
- TSpectra deltaRad;
- double w;
- sp = &(params->patches[shootPatch]);
- /* distribute unshotRad to every element */
- ep = params->elements;
- fp = formfactors;
- for (i=params->nElements; i--; ep++, fp++)
- {
- if ((*fp) != 0.0)
- {
- for (j=0; j<kNumberOfRadSamples; j++)
- deltaRad.samples[j] = sp->unshotRad.samples[j] * (*fp) *
- ep->patch->reflectance->samples[j];
- /* incremental element's radiosity and patch's unshot radiosity */
- w = ep->area/ep->patch->area;
- for (j=0; j<kNumberOfRadSamples; j++)
- {
- ep->rad.samples[j] += deltaRad.samples[j];
- ep->patch->unshotRad.samples[j] += deltaRad.samples[j] * w;
- }
- }
- }
- /* reset shooting patch's unshot radiosity */
- sp->unshotRad = black;
- }
- /* Convert a TSpectra (radiosity) to a TColor32b (rgb color) */
- /* Assume the first three samples of the spectra are the r, g, b colors */
- /* More elaborated color space transformation could be performed here */
- static TColor32b
- SpectraToRGB(TSpectra* spectra)
- {
- TColor32b c;
- TSpectra r;
- double max=1.0;
- int k;
- for (k=kNumberOfRadSamples; k--;) {
- if (spectra->samples[k] > max)
- max = spectra->samples[k];
- }
- /* Clip the intensity*/
- r = *spectra;
- if (max>1.0) {
- for (k=kNumberOfRadSamples; k--; )
- r.samples[k] /= max;
- }
- /* Convert to a 32-bit color; Assume the first 3 samples in TSpectra
- are the r, g, b colors we want. Otherwise, do color conversion here */
- c.a= 0;
- c.r= (unsigned char) (r.samples[0] * 255.0 + 0.5);
- c.g= (unsigned char) (r.samples[1] * 255.0 + 0.5);
- c.b= (unsigned char) (r.samples[2] * 255.0 + 0.5);
- return c;
- }
- static void
- GetAmbient(TSpectra* ambient)
- {
- TPatch* p;
- unsigned long i;
- int k;
- static int first = 1;
- static TSpectra baseSum;
- TSpectra uSum;
- uSum=black;
- if (first) {
- double areaSum;
- TSpectra rSum;
- areaSum=0;
- rSum=black;
- /* sum area and (area*reflectivity) */
- p= params->patches;
- for (i=params->nPatches; i--; p++) {
- areaSum += p->area;
- for (k=kNumberOfRadSamples; k--; )
- rSum.samples[k] += p->reflectance->samples[k]* p->area;
- }
- for (k=kNumberOfRadSamples; k--; )
- baseSum.samples[k] = areaSum - rSum.samples[k];
- first = 0;
- }
- /* sum (unshot radiosity * area) */
- p= params->patches;
- for (i=params->nPatches; i--; p++) {
- for (k=kNumberOfRadSamples; k--; )
- uSum.samples[k] += p->unshotRad.samples[k] * p->area;
- }
- /* compute ambient */
- for (k=kNumberOfRadSamples; k--; )
- ambient->samples[k] = uSum.samples[k] / baseSum.samples[k];
- }
- static void
- DisplayResults(TView* view)
- {
- unsigned long i;
- register TElement* ep;
- TSpectra ambient;
- GetAmbient(&ambient);
- BeginDraw(view, 0);
- ep = params->elements;
- for (i=0; i< params->nElements; i++, ep++) {
- TColor32b c;
- TSpectra s;
- int k;
- /* add ambient approximation */
- if (params->addAmbient) {
- for (k=kNumberOfRadSamples; k--;)
- s.samples[k] = (ep->rad.samples[k] + (ambient.samples[k]*
- ep->patch->reflectance->samples[k]))*params->intensityScale;
- } else {
- for (k=kNumberOfRadSamples; k--; )
- s.samples[k] = ep->rad.samples[k]*params->intensityScale;
- }
- /* quantize color */
- c = SpectraToRGB(&s);
- DrawElement(ep, *(unsigned long*)&c);
- }
- EndDraw();
- }
- static void
- DrawElement(TElement* ep, unsigned long color)
- {
- static TPoint3f pts[kMaxPolyPoints];
- int nPts = ep->nVerts;
- int j;
- for (j=0; j<nPts; j++)
- pts[j] = params->points[ep->verts[j]];
- DrawPolygon(nPts, pts, &ep->normal, color);
- }