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- /*****************************************************************************
- * rad.h
- *
- * This is the headerfile which defines the data structures used in rad.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1990-1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * 12/1990 S. Eric Chen
- ******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __RAD__
- #define __RAD__
- #define kNumberOfRadSamples 3
- typedef struct { float x, y, z; } TPoint3f;
- typedef TPoint3f TVector3f;
- typedef struct { unsigned char a, r, g, b;} TColor32b;
- typedef struct {
- double samples[kNumberOfRadSamples];
- } TSpectra;
- typedef struct {
- TSpectra* reflectance; /* diffuse reflectance of the patch */
- TSpectra* emission; /* emission of the patch */
- TPoint3f center; /* center of the patch where hemi-cubes will be placed */
- TVector3f normal; /* normal of the patch; for orienting the hemi-cube */
- TSpectra unshotRad; /* unshot radiosity of the patch */
- double area; /* area of the patch */
- } TPatch;
- typedef struct {
- unsigned short nVerts; /* number of vertices of the element */
- unsigned long* verts; /* vertices */
- TVector3f normal; /* normal of the element; for backface removal */
- TSpectra rad; /* total radiosity of the element */
- double area; /* area of the patch */
- TPatch* patch; /* pointer to the parent patch */
- } TElement;
- typedef struct {
- TPoint3f camera; /* camera location */
- TPoint3f lookat; /* point of interest */
- TVector3f up; /* view up vector */
- float fovx, fovy; /* field of view in x, y (in degree) */
- float near, far; /* distance from the camera to the near and far planes */
- unsigned short xRes, yRes; /* resolution of the frame buffer */
- unsigned long* buffer; /* pointer to the frame buffer */
- long wid; /* id or pointer to the window associated with the view */
- } TView;
- /* Radiosity input parameters */
- typedef struct {
- double threshold; /* convergence threshold (fraction of the total emitted energy) */
- unsigned long nPatches; /* number of patches */
- TPatch *patches; /* patches */
- unsigned long nElements; /* number of elements */
- TElement *elements; /* elements */
- unsigned long nPoints; /* nubmer of element vertices */
- TPoint3f *points; /* element vertices */
- TView displayView; /* view to display the results */
- unsigned short hemicubeRes; /* hemi-cube resolution */
- float worldSize; /* approximate diameter of the bounding sphere of the world. used for placing near and far planes in the hemi-cube computation*/
- float intensityScale; /* used to scale intensity for display */
- int addAmbient; /* whether or not to add the ambient approximation in display */
- } TRadParams;
- /* make it C++ friendly */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif __cplusplus
- /* initialization */
- void InitRad(TRadParams *p);
- /* main iterative loop */
- void DoRad();
- /* final clean up */
- void CleanUpRad();
- /* The following routines should be provided by the user */
- /* Clear buffer. Set up view transformation.*/
- /* Open a window if necessary (check if view->wid is zero) */
- void BeginDraw(
- TView *view, /* the viewing parameters and frame buffer to draw to*/
- unsigned long color /* color used to clear the buffer */
- );
- /* Draw a 3-d polygon with a constant color */
- void DrawPolygon(
- int nPts, /* number of points in the polygon */
- TPoint3f *pts, /* points of the polygon */
- TVector3f* normal, /* normal of the polygon */
- unsigned long color /* color to be drawn with */
- );
- /* Finish the drawing of polygons to the frame buffer*/
- /* Display the buffer content in the window if necessary */
- void EndDraw();
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- };
- #endif __cplusplus
- #endif __RAD__