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- /*
- VideoToolbox.h
- This file contains the necessary prototypes for use of all the VideoToolbox
- files except Luminance.c, which has its own header file, Luminance.h.
- Any C file that might be used as a MATLAB file should #include <VideoToolbox.h>
- as it's first C statement.
- Copyright 1989-1993 © Denis G. Pelli
- HISTORY: (omitting changes documented in *.c files)
- 2/20/93 dhb Added various commonly used headers.
- Restructured so that only VideoToolbox.h has to be included,
- whether one is creating stand-alone THINK C or code resources
- to be called by MatLab. Everything that cares is properly conditioned
- by symbol MATLAB or UCSB.
- */
- #pragma once // suppress multiple inclusions of this file
- #ifndef _VIDEOTOOLBOX_ // suppress multiple inclusions of this file
- #define _VIDEOTOOLBOX_
- /*
- Header files that are required for succesful compilation of this file are marked
- "required".
- Header files whose precompilation depends on the mc68881 or mc68020 THINK C
- compiler options (e.g. math.h and mc68881.h) were omitted from VideoToolbox.h so
- that the resulting precompiled header file can be used in projects regardless of
- those options. (You'll want them enabled in your experiments to make full use of
- your hardware, but you'll usually want them disabled in demo programs for
- maximum compatibility with other peoples computers.) However, changing other
- options (e.g. size of double or size of int) will still make it necessary to
- rebuild the precompiled header file, to reflect the new settings.
- The VideoToolbox sources can be linked to create a stand-alone C application, or
- a MatLab external code resource (a "MEX" or "MATLAB" file), to be invoked by
- typing the function name from within MatLab. The symbol MATLAB, if defined,
- enables the creation of a MATLAB file. We suggest that if you want to create a
- MATLAB file, then you should type "#define MATLAB", without the quotes, into the
- Prefix window of your THINK C project (try menu Edit:Options:Prefix). This will
- have the same effect as typing it at the top of every C file in your project,
- but without modifying the source files. dhb & dgp.
- */
- #include <stdio.h> // required
- #include <stdlib.h>
- // This includes the MATLAB header if appropriate. Otherwise it
- // defines some data types that are provided by the MATLAB header
- // so that code that uses these types may be compiled for use in
- // applications.
- #ifdef MATLAB
- // Must come after stdlib.h and stdio.h, and before everything else.
- #include <cmex.h>
- #else
- typedef long int INT;
- typedef short double DOUBLE;
- typedef struct {
- char *name;
- INT type;
- INT m;
- INT n;
- DOUBLE *pr;
- DOUBLE *pi;
- } Matrix;
- #endif
- // ANSI headers
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- // Macintosh headers
- #if THINK_C
- #include <console.h>
- #endif
- #include <Devices.h>
- #include <Events.h>
- #include <FixMath.h> // Must come before mc68881.h
- #include <Fonts.h>
- #include <GestaltEqu.h>
- #include <Memory.h>
- #include <OSEvents.h>
- #include <OSUtils.h> // required
- #include <Palettes.h> // formerly Palette.h
- #if THINK_C
- #include <pascal.h> // c2pstr(),CtoPStr()
- #endif
- #include <QDOffscreen.h>// formerly QuickDraw32Bit.h
- #include <QuickDraw.h> // required
- #include <Resources.h>
- #include <Retrace.h> // required
- #include <Slots.h>
- #include <Sound.h>
- #ifndef THINK_C // e.g. MPW C
- #include <Strings.h>// c2pstr(),CtoPStr()
- #endif
- #include <Timer.h> // required
- #include <ToolUtils.h>
- #include <Video.h>
- #include <Windows.h> // required
- /*
- This next bit is only for MATLAB files, to deal with QuickDraw globals. In THINK
- C we have to explicitly allocate space for QuickDraw globals and InitGraf them
- when our code resource is first invoked. VideoToolbox.h will be included in all
- the C files that make up your MATLAB project. The symbol "MAIN" determines
- whether the global structure mex_qd is allocated or just declared as extern.
- THINK C complains if space is allocated more than once or never allocated. So
- you need to "#define MAIN 1" at the start of one file in every MATLAB project. I
- always do it in the file that contains the entry point (e.g. main or
- user_fcn).-- dhb.
- */
- #ifdef MATLAB
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #ifdef MAIN
- THINK_C_QD mex_qd; // Allocate storage for QD globals.
- #else
- extern THINK_C_QD mex_qd;
- #endif
- #define qd mex_qd
- #else
- #define mex_qd qd
- #endif
- #endif
- /*
- */
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #endif
- /*
- If you're using NAN and INF you'll be interested in the IsNan(), IsInf(), and
- IsFinite() definitions & prototypes below. Note that the THINK C compiler is
- timid, worried about possible exception events, so the INF and NAN expressions
- below are evaluated at runtime. (Drat!) If you use these expressions in a tight
- loop, you'd be better off putting the value in a variable (preferably a
- register) and using that instead.
- */
- #if !defined(INF)
- #define INF (1.0/0.0) /* Infinity */
- #endif
- #if !defined(NAN)
- #define NAN (0.0/0.0) /* Not a Number */
- #endif
- /*
- It's sad to say, but THINK C 5.02 loses two bits of precision converting between
- doubles and ascii text, in either direction. Thus you will obtain more accurate
- results by computing the numerical constants below at runtime rather than using
- these predefined constants. The ANSI Numerical C Extensions group is moving to
- require C compilers to preserve precision, so there is hope for the future. Of
- course most applications would never notice a loss of two bits precision out of
- the total double precision given by the 64 bits in the mantissa.
- */
- #if !defined(PI)
- #define PI 3.1415926535897932385 /* computed in Mathematica */
- #endif
- #if !defined(LOGPI)
- #define LOGPI 1.14472988584940017414 /* computed in Mathematica */
- #endif
- #if !defined(LOG2)
- #define LOG2 0.69314718055994530942 /* computed in Mathematica */
- #endif
- #if !defined(LOG10)
- #define LOG10 2.30258509299404568402 /* computed in Mathematica */
- #endif
- /*
- The number of colors that a video device can display, in its current mode.
- */
- #define GDCOLORS(device) ((**(**(**device).gdPMap).pmTable).ctSize+1)
- /*
- Apple defines a handy data type called Fixed that is stored in a long, but is
- assumed to have a decimal point in the middle. Many operations, e.g. adding two
- Fixed numbers or multiplying or dividing a Fixed by an integer, can be performed
- directly. To multiply or divide two Fixed numbers use Apple's FixMul() and
- FixDiv(). FixRatio(n,m) returns the Fixed ratio of two integers. Macintosh C
- compilers define double in various ways, depending on whether a floating point
- unit is to be used. The Apple-provided routines for doing type conversion to and
- from Fixed are only appropriate if you are NOT using the floating point unit.
- The ones defined below are faster and work with or without the FPU.
- */
- #define LongToFix(x) ((long)(x)<<16)
- #define FixToLong(x) ((x)>>16)
- #define DoubleToFix(x) ((Fixed)((x)*65536.+0.5))
- #define FixToDouble(x) ((double)(x)*(1./65536.))
- /*
- StackGrow(n) increases the stack allocation by n bytes. You'll also want to use
- Apple's StackSpace(), declared in Memory.h, that returns the number of bytes
- allocated for the stack.
- */
- #define StackGrow(extraBytes) SetApplLimit(GetApplLimit()-(extraBytes))
- /* Binomial.c */
- long BinomialSample(double p,long n);
- int BinomialSampleQuickly(int n);
- double BinomialLowerBound(double P,long k,long n);
- double BinomialUpperBound(double P,long k,long n);
- double BinomialPdf(double p,long k,long n);
- double Binomial(double p,long k,long n);
- double IncompleteBeta(double x,double a,double b);
- double InverseBinomial(double P,long k,long n);
- double InverseIncompleteBeta(double p,double a,double b);
- /* BreakLines.c */
- char *BreakLines(char *string,long lineLength);
- /* CardSlot.c */
- OSErr CardSlot(char *cardName);
- /* CenterRectInRect.c */
- void CenterRectInRect(Rect *moveableRectPtr,Rect *fixedRectPtr);
- void OffsetRectTile(Rect *r,int nx,int ny);
- Boolean RectInRect(Rect *r,Rect *R);
- /* ChiSquare.c */
- double PChiSquare (double chiSquare,int n);
- /* ConvolveX.c */
- void ConvolveX(double f[],int dim,BitMap *srcBits,BitMap *dstBits,
- Rect *srcRectPtr,Rect *dstRectPtr);
- /* ConvolveY.c */
- void ConvolveY(double f[],int dim,BitMap *srcBits,BitMap *dstBits,
- Rect *srcRectPtr,Rect *dstRectPtr);
- /* CopyBitsQuickly.c */
- enum{mulOver=128};
- int CopyBitsQuickly(BitMap *srcBits,BitMap *dstBits,
- Rect *srcRectPtr,Rect *dstRectPtr,int srcMode,RgnHandle maskRgn);
- /* CopyQuickDrawGlobals.c */
- void CopyQuickDrawGlobals(void);
- #define CopyQuickdrawGlobals CopyQuickDrawGlobals // old spelling
- /* CreateTrialSnds.c */
- void CreateTrialSnds(void);
- /* DateString.c */
- char *DateString(unsigned long seconds);
- /* DrawPrintf.c */
- void DrawPrintf(char *s, ...);
- /* ffprintf.c */
- int ffprintf(FILE *stream[2],char *format,...);
- /* FlushCacheRange.c */
- void FlushCacheRange (void *address, unsigned long count);
- /* GDOpenWindow.c */
- void AddExplicitPalette(WindowPtr window);
- WindowPtr GDOpenWindow1(GDHandle device);
- void GDDisposeWindow1(WindowPtr window);
- CWindowPtr GDOpenWindow(GDHandle device); // Old. Use GD...1 instead.
- void GDDisposeWindow(GDHandle device,CWindowPtr myWindow); // Old. Use GD...1 instead.
- /* GDPrintf.c */
- void GDPrintf(char *s, ...);
- /* GDFrameRate.c */
- double GDClutUpdateRate(GDHandle device,long clutEntries); // Use GDTimeClutUpdate instead.
- double GDFrameRate(GDHandle device);
- double GDFramesPerClutUpdate(GDHandle device,long clutEntries); // Use GDTimeClutUpdate instead.
- double GDMovieRate(GDHandle device,int quickly);
- double GDMovieSize(GDHandle device,int quickly);
- void GDTimeClutUpdate(GDHandle device,long clutEntries,double *framesPtr,double *sPtr);
- double GDVBLRate(GDHandle device);
- double TickRate(void);
- /* GDTimeClut.c */
- typedef OSErr (*SetEntriesFunction)(GDHandle device,short start,short count
- ,ColorSpec *aTable);
- OSErr GDTimeClut(GDHandle device,SetEntriesFunction function,short clutEntries
- ,double *sPtr,double *framesPtr,double *missingFramesPtr,double *frameRatePtr);
- /* GDVideo.c */
- #define MAX_SCREENS 8
- char *GDCardName(GDHandle device);
- short GDClutSize(GDHandle device);
- OSErr GDControl(int refNum,int csCode,Ptr csParamPtr);
- OSErr GDDirectSetEntries(GDHandle device,short start,short count,ColorSpec *aTable);
- OSErr GDGetDefaultGamma(GDHandle device,GammaTbl **gammaTbl);
- OSErr GDGetDefaultMode(GDHandle device,short *modePtr);
- OSErr GDGetEntries(GDHandle device,short start,short count,ColorSpec *aTable);
- OSErr GDGetGamma(GDHandle device,GammaTbl **myGammaTblHandle);
- OSErr GDGetGray(GDHandle device,Boolean *flagPtr);
- OSErr GDGetInterrupt(GDHandle device,Boolean *flagPtr);
- OSErr GDGetMode(GDHandle device,short *modePtr,short *pagePtr,Ptr *baseAddrPtr);
- OSErr GDGetPageBase(GDHandle device,short page,Ptr *baseAddrPtr);
- OSErr GDGetPageCnt(GDHandle device,short mode,short *pagesPtr);
- OSErr GDGrayPage(GDHandle device,short page);
- #define GDLinearGamma GDUncorrectedGamma /* old name, before 12/16/92 */
- char *GDModeName(short mode);
- unsigned char *GDName(GDHandle device);
- OSErr GDReset(GDHandle device,short *modePtr,short *pagePtr,Ptr *baseAddrPtr);
- OSErr GDRestoreDeviceClut(GDHandle device);
- OSErr GDRestoreGamma(GDHandle device);
- OSErr GDSaveGamma(GDHandle device);
- OSErr GDSetDefaultMode(GDHandle device,short mode);
- OSErr GDSetEntries(GDHandle device,short start,short count,ColorSpec *aTable);
- OSErr GDSetEntriesByType(GDHandle device,short start,short count,ColorSpec *table);
- OSErr GDSetEntriesByTypeHighPriority(GDHandle device,short start,short count
- ,ColorSpec *table);
- OSErr GDSetGamma(GDHandle device,GammaTbl *myGammaTblPtr);
- OSErr GDSetGray(GDHandle device,Boolean flag);
- OSErr GDSetInterrupt(GDHandle device,Boolean flag);
- OSErr GDSetMode(GDHandle device,short mode,short page,Ptr *baseAddrPtr);
- OSErr GDSetPageDrawn(GDHandle device,short page);
- OSErr GDSetPageShown(GDHandle device,short page);
- OSErr GDStatus(int refNum,int csCode,Ptr csParamPtr);
- OSErr GDUncorrectedGamma(GDHandle device);
- int GDVersion(GDHandle device);
- #define ModeName GDModeName /* old name, before 1/18/93 */
- int PatchMacIIciVideoDriver(void);
- /* GetClicks.c */
- short GetClicks(void);
- /* GetScreenDevice.c */
- GDHandle GetScreenDevice(int n);
- int GetScreenIndex(GDHandle device);
- GDHandle GetWindowDevice(WindowPtr theWindow);
- GDHandle AddressToScreenDevice(Ptr address);
- GDHandle SlotToScreenDevice(int n);
- short int GetDeviceSlot(GDHandle device);
- short int AddressToSlot(Ptr address);
- void LocalToGlobalRect(Rect *r);
- void GlobalToLocalRect(Rect *r);
- /* GetVoltage.c */
- double VoltsDuringFrame(double frames);
- double GetVoltage(short channel,double *gainPtr,double *frequencyPtr,long n
- ,double *sdPtr);
- short GetVoltages(short channel,double *gainPtr,double *frequencyPtr,long *nPtr
- ,unsigned short readings[],double *voltDeltaPtr,double *voltZeroPtr);
- short InitiateVoltageSampling(short channel,double *gainPtr,double *frequencyPtr
- ,double *voltDeltaPtr,double *voltZeroPtr);
- short RetrieveVoltages(long *nPtr,unsigned short readings[]);
- int ForeRunnerSlot(void);
- enum{voltageBufferOverflow=1<<0,voltageOverflow=1<<1,voltageUnderflow=1<<2};
- /* HideMenuBar.c */
- void HideMenuBar(void);
- void ShowMenuBar(void);
- void SquareCorners(GDHandle device);
- void RestoreCorners(GDHandle device);
- void UnclipScreen(GDHandle device);
- void RestoreScreenClipping(GDHandle device);
- /* Identify.c */
- char *IdentifyCompiler(void);
- char *IdentifyMachine(void);
- char *IdentifyModel(void);
- char *IdentifyVideo(GDHandle device);
- /* IsNan.c */
- int IsNan(double x);
- int IsInf(double x);
- #ifndef IsFinite
- #define IsFinite(x) ((*(short *)&(x) & 32767)!=32767) /* neither NAN nor ±INF */
- #endif
- /* kbhit.c */
- int kbhit(void);
- int getcharUnbuffered(void);
- Boolean YesOrNo(Boolean defaultAnswer);
- /* Log2L.c */
- long Log2L(unsigned long j);
- /* MakeNoise.c */
- Boolean MakeNoise1(double dx,double dy,Boolean randomPhase,PixMap *frame);
- void MakeNoise(double dx,double dy,PixMap frame[],short *maxFramesPtr);
- /* MaximizeConsoleHeight.c */
- void MaximizeConsoleHeight(void);
- /* Mean.c */
- double Mean(double x[],long n,double *sdPtr);
- /* MyFgets.c */
- char *MyFgets(char *s, int length, FILE *stream);
- /* Normal.c */
- double NormalPdf(double x);
- double Normal(double x);
- double InverseNormal(double p);
- double NormalSample(void);
- double Normal2DPdf(double r);
- double Normal2D(double r);
- double InverseNormal2D(double p);
- double Normal2DSample(void);
- double InverseNormal2DPdf(double p);
- /* nrand.c */
- int nrand(short n);
- unsigned short nrandU(unsigned short n);
- unsigned long nrandUL(unsigned long n);
- /* OpenDataFiles.c */
- unsigned long OpenDataFiles(FILE **inPtr,FILE **outPtr
- ,char *inName,char *outName);
- /* PixMapToPostScript */
- void PixMapToPostScript(char *filename,PixMap *pm,Rect *rectPtr
- ,Rect *pageRectPtr,double cellsPerInch,int grayLevels);
- void AppendToFile(char *filename,char *string);
- /* PlotXY.c */
- typedef struct{
- Boolean continuing; /* zero to start a new curve */
- long color; /* e.g. blackColor, blueColor */
- short lineWidth; /* in pixels, zero for none */
- short symbolWidth; /* in pixels, zero for none */
- short dashOffset; /* in pixels */
- short dash[5]; /* in pixels. The array is terminated by a zero element */
- short h,v; /* reserved for internal use */
- Fixed pathLengthF; /* reserved for internal use */
- } PlotXYStyle;
- void PlotXY(WindowPtr window,double x,double y,PlotXYStyle *style);
- /* PrintfExit.c */
- int PrintfExit(char *format,...);
- void Require(long quickDrawVersion);
- /* QD32Exists.c */
- Boolean QD8Exists(void);
- Boolean QD32Exists(void);
- Boolean NewPaletteManager(void);
- /* randU.c */
- unsigned short randU(void);
- unsigned long randUL(void);
- void srandU(unsigned n);
- void RandFill(void *address,long bytes);
- /* ReadAssignments.c */
- enum{echoAssignments=1,echoComments=2,echoFile=4};
- enum{charType=1,shortType,longType,unsignedCharType,unsignedShortType,unsignedLongType
- ,doubleType,stringType};
- typedef struct {
- short type;
- char *name;
- void *ptr;
- } Variable;
- void PrintAssignment(FILE *file,Variable *v);
- Boolean AssignmentLineWasBlank(void);
- int ReadAssignmentLine(FILE *file,Variable variable[],int echo);
- int ReadAssignmentBlock(FILE *file,Variable variable[],int echo);
- int ReadAssignmentFile(char *filename,Variable variable[],int echo);
- int InitializeVariables(Variable variable[]);
- void InitializeAVariable(Variable *variable);
- Variable SetVariable(int type,void *ptr,char *name);
- /* ReadMatLabFile.c */
- int LoadMatDoubles(FILE *f,char *name,long *rows,long *cols
- ,double **real,double **imag);
- int LoadMatShorts(FILE *f,char *name,long *rows,long *cols
- ,short **real,short **imag);
- int SaveMatDoubles(FILE *f,char *name,long rows,long cols,double *real,double *imag);
- int SaveMatShorts(FILE *f,char *name,long rows,long cols,short *real,short *imag);
- /* RectToAddress.c */
- unsigned char *RectToAddress(PixMap *myPixMapPtr,Rect *myRectPtr
- ,short *myRowBytesPtr,short *myPixelSizePtr,short *bitsOffsetPtr);
- /* RestoreCluts.c */
- void RestoreCluts(void);
- /* SetEntriesQuickly.c */
- OSErr SetEntriesQuickly(GDHandle device,short start,short count,ColorSpec *table);
- short macltset(GDHandle device,register short start
- ,short *red,short *green,short *blue,short count1);
- short GetCardType(GDHandle device);
- char *GetCardBase(GDHandle device);
- OSErr WaitForNextBlanking(GDHandle device);
- /* SetFileInfo.c */
- void SetFileInfo(char *fileName,OSType fileType,OSType fileCreator);
- /* SetMouse.c */
- void SetMouse(Point mouseLoc);
- /* SetOnePixel.c */
- void SetPixmapPixel(PixMap *pmHandle,int x,int y,unsigned long value);
- unsigned long GetPixmapPixel(PixMap *pmHandle,int x,int y);
- unsigned char *GetPixmapPixelAddress(PixMap *pmHandle,int x,int y);
- void SetDevicePixel(GDHandle device,int x,int y,unsigned long value);
- unsigned long GetDevicePixel(GDHandle device,int x,int y);
- void SetOnePixel(int x,int y,unsigned long value);
- unsigned long GetOnePixel(int x,int y);
- #define SetIPixel SetDevicePixel // So that old programs won't break.
- #define GetIPixel GetDevicePixel // So that old programs won't break.
- /* SetPixelsQuickly.c */
- int SetPixelsQuickly(int x,int y,unsigned long value[],short n);
- int GetPixelsQuickly(int x,int y,unsigned long value[],short n);
- int SetWindowPixelsQuickly(WindowPtr window,int x,int y,unsigned long value[],short n);
- int GetWindowPixelsQuickly(WindowPtr window,int x,int y,unsigned long value[],short n);
- int SetDevicePixelsQuickly(GDHandle device,int x,int y,unsigned long value[],short n);
- int GetDevicePixelsQuickly(GDHandle device,int x,int y,unsigned long value[],short n);
- int SetPixmapPixelsQuickly(PixMapPtr pmPtr,int x,int y,unsigned long value[],short n);
- int GetPixmapPixelsQuickly(PixMapPtr pmPtr,int x,int y,unsigned long value[],short n);
- /* SetPriority.c */
- void SwapPriority(char *priority);
- void SetPriority(int i);
- int GetPriority(void);
- /* Shuffle.c */
- void Shuffle(short array[],long size);
- /* SndPlay1.c */
- OSErr SndPlay1(Handle snd);
- void SndStop1(void);
- short SndDone1(void);
- /* StringToDate.c */
- double StringToDate(char *string,DateTimeRec *date);
- /* Timer.c */
- struct Timer{
- TMTask time;
- long ourA5;
- long interval,elapsed,elapsedIntervals;
- long timeToStartTimer; // minimum time in µs
- long stopDelay; // µs from call to stop, re from call to start
- long timeManagerVersion;
- struct Timer *next,*previous; // doubly linked list of Timers
- };
- typedef struct Timer Timer;
- Timer *NewTimer(void);
- void DisposeTimer(Timer *t);
- void StartTimer(Timer *t);
- long StopTimer(Timer *t); // µs
- double StopTimerSecs(Timer *t); // s
- /* TitleBarHeight.c */
- int TitleBarHeight(WindowPtr window);
- /* TrapAvailable.c */
- Boolean TrapAvailable(short theTrap);
- /* Uniform.c */
- double UniformSample(void);
- /* VBLInterruptServiceRoutine */
- struct VBLTaskAndA5 {
- volatile VBLTask vbl;
- long ourA5;
- void (*subroutine)(struct VBLTaskAndA5 *vblData);
- GDHandle device;
- long slot;
- volatile long newFrame; // Boolean
- volatile long framesLeft; // count down to zero
- long framesDesired;
- Timer *frameTimer; // time ms since last VBL interrupt, see Timer.c
- void *ptr; // use this for whatever you want
- };
- typedef struct VBLTaskAndA5 VBLTaskAndA5;
- OSErr VBLInstall(VBLTaskAndA5 *vblData,GDHandle device,int frames);
- OSErr VBLRemove(VBLTaskAndA5 *vblData);
- void VBLInterruptServiceRoutine(void);
- void SimpleVBLSubroutine(VBLTaskAndA5 *vblData);
- /* VideoTFB.c */
- Boolean TFBInSlot(int slot);
- void SetUpTFB(int slot);
- void RampClutTFB(int slot);
- void GrayClutTFB(int slot);
- void LoadClutTFB(int slot,unsigned char rgb[256][3]);
- void NewBlankingTFB(int slot);
- void NewFieldTFB(int slot);
- int BlankingTFB(int slot);
- void SetDepthTFB(int slot,short int bits);
- void SynchSetDepthTFB(int masterSlot,int slot,short int bits);
- void SynchToMainDeviceTFB(GDHandle device);
- void HaltTFB(int slot);
- void RestartTFB(int slot,short int bits);
- void HaltDeviceTFB(GDHandle device);
- void RestartDeviceTFB(GDHandle device);
- void ScrollTFB(int slot,short int bits,long x,long y);
- void PanTFB(int slot,long int x);
- /* VLambda.c */
- double VLambda(double nm);
- double VLambdaPrime(double nm);
- /* Zoom.c */
- void Zoom(WindowPtr theWindow,int zoomDir);