This is a 'Drag and Drop' Application that reads the text, using Macintalk, of any file dropped onto it.
Why ?
It may be useful.
• For System 7.0+ (can be used with other system versions, see below.).
• File_Reader reads the text of the target file and shows it in a window. This application was written using the standard Units that come with Turbo Pascal. If it crashes, please let me know.
How to use it, step by step.
To use File_Reader:
• Drag your file onto the File_Reader icon. Your file will be
read and the text listed.
• The application will not allow to much to go on
in the background.
• hold the mouse button down to quit…
To use File_Reader on system 6:
• Shift-Select both File_Reader and the target file.
• Double- click on either Icon.
• Your file will be read and it's text listed.
•• or you can double click on the File_Reader Icon and use the
standard file dialog box.
Blind Freddie works in the same manner as File_Reader,
BUT it does not display any window.
Blind Freddie Init is a background application that sings a silly song at start-up, if Macintalk is present, ( Macintalk Vers. 2 seems to work with System 7 +)