Text File | 1992-01-27 | 888 b | 10 lines | [TEXT/ttxt]
Verb fortunecookie
Syntax fortunecookie ()
Parameters None required.
Action Tells a random fortune.
Returns True if successful.
Example fortunecookie ()
» true
Notes This verb uses an associated table of "fortunes", which will automatically be installed if the installation script for this verb is allowed to run normally. This verb also depends on the randomness of the random number generator - you will probably want to install the Randomize verb, that overcomes a bug in Frontier™ 1.0 related to the random number generator. The fortunes comes in two sizes (at present) - big and small; the big one requires more memory, and you may have to increase the memory size for the Frontier application in some environments. This verb and code is copyrighted 1992 by Terry Teague. The fortunes came from various sources for which there were no obvious copyright messages.