Got a new Quadra? You've probably noticed that a lot of your favorite programs don't run correctly on the new machine. That's because they are incompatible with the Motorola 68040 processor (specifically, they are incompatible with its memory cache feature.)
Apple has included a control panel device called "Cache Switch" which can toggle the cache — “off”, for better compatibility or “on”, for speed. Unfortunately, Cache Switch requires that you reboot your machine every time you need to use it. What a hassle!
SpeedSwitch '040 will make your life a whole lot easier. Use this control panel device to toggle the cache WITHOUT REBOOTING. SpeedSwitch '040 works exactly the same way as Cache Switch, with one important difference:
• SpeedSwitch '040 settings are TEMPORARY. It does not save your preferred setting between reboots.
This means that you should use Cache Switch to set up your preferred setting (usually cache “on”) and use SpeedSwitch '040 for the exceptional cases.
If you are running your system with Extensions or System software which is not cache compatible, and you normally have the cache “off,” turning the cache “on” with SpeedSwitch '040 could cause your system to crash!
SpeedSwitch '040 is best used in the situation where you are running a system that is cache-compatible, and where you need to use cache-incompatible applications from time to time.
Despite the name, SpeedSwitch '040 will also work on Macintoshes which use the Motorola 68020 and 68030 processors. You can toggle the cache on these machines, but you won't gain much in terms of compatibility. Most programs are already designed to work with the '020 and '030 caches.
Several SpeedSwitch 1.0 users noticed that switching the cache caused AppleTalk to disconnect or behave strangely. Luckily, Apple has provided a way to fix this problem with their latest release of AppleTalk software (release 57 and later, available on the Network Products Installer 1.1 disk and the AppleTalk Remote Access disk.)
If you have installed AppleTalk v.57 or later, SpeedSwitch 1.1 will work correctly with AppleTalk!
SpeedSwitch '040 is “JerryWare” — if you like this program, send a tape of your favorite Grateful Dead show to Daniel Schwarz, c/o Articulate Systems Inc. 600 West Cummings Park Suite 4500, Woburn MA 01801. Miracle tickets for East Coast shows are also gladly accepted! Your contributions will help to keep the author in a state of mind conducive to improving this program…
If you don't happen to have any Dead tapes lying around, why not make a small contribution to your favorite charity? $5, $10… whatever.